Apr 09, 2020

Scientists reveal key insights into drug resistance in patients with del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome

For myelodysplastic syndrome patients harbouring a particular genetic variant, lenalidomide is the drug of choice. But for about half of these patients, resistance will develop within two years, rendering the drug ineffective. By using DNA sequencing, scientists have now revealed key insights into drug resistance, uncovering a potential strategy for the early identification of patients who may not benefit from lenalidomide treatment.     
Mar 16, 2020

The GSC’s response to COVID-19

We all have a responsibility to take precautionary measures in order to help stop the global transmission of COVID-19. The GSC is helping our employees to find ways to attend work safely, including working remotely. We are also moving in-person gatherings to virtual interactions, and all tours of our facilities have been cancelled until further notice. For now, we will continue to accept and sequence samples and maintain all functionality including database and analytical capacities, prioritizing clinical and Personalized OncoGenomics pipelines.

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