Jul 13, 2020

DNA sequencing reveals mechanisms of treatment resistance in patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma

When treatment with frontline therapeutics fails for patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), prognosis is very poor. By sequencing tumour DNA from patients with relapsed disease, researchers have now uncovered genetic mutations that contribute to treatment failure and resistance, paving the way to better treatment strategies.  

Jul 07, 2020

New study illustrates benefits of long-read sequencing technology for precision oncology

Whole genome sequencing has revolutionized cancer treatment planning, enabling the rapid detection of DNA mutations not routinely screened for in the clinic. Until recently, however, scientists were limited in their ability to detect large structural genetic variants using short-read sequencing technology. But with the recent release of long-read sequencing instruments, cancer researchers have been eager to see what such technology could mean for precision oncology.

Jul 02, 2020

New sequence simulator helps leverage power of long-read transcriptome sequencing

Long-read sequencing technologies are increasingly being employed by researchers to gain important insights into the transcriptomes of cells, revealing a need for computational tools designed for long-read RNA sequencing analysis. To facilitate software development, researchers have now created a sequence simulator designed to produce simulated long-read transcriptome data, providing a cost-effective means to help develop, refine and benchmark novel tools for data analysis.

Jun 24, 2020

Researchers at Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre at BC Cancer recognized with Team Science Award

Today the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) has awarded teams associated with The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)—including three researchers from Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) at BC Cancer—with a 2020 AACR team science award.

Jun 11, 2020

GSC scientists uncover the complex physical structure of the Sitka spruce mitochondrial genome

After billions of years of evolution, all animals, plants and fungi still share one important feature: the mitochondria; the so-called “powerhouse of the cell”. DNA sequencing technology has revealed that, when compared to their animal cell counterparts, some plant mitochondrial genomes are highly complex, forming intricate structures that remain to be understood by scientists.
May 22, 2020

How B.C. scientists are addressing the COVID-19 testing challenge

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, public health authorities around the world are facing a significant challenge: ensuring a large enough supply of reagents to scale-up diagnostic testing. Researchers at Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre at BC Cancer (GSC), the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) are working to develop new non-proprietary reagents to support current and future testing in British Columbia.
Apr 30, 2020

The long and the short of it: scientists develop a tool for rapid genome assembly

Rapid advancements in DNA sequencing have spurred the development of commercial technologies capable of enormous throughput, reducing both the amount of time and money required to sequence a genome and shifting the bottleneck from obtaining DNA sequences to assembling and analyzing them. But a new tool has now come into play, reducing both the time and computational power needed to combine the millions of pieces of a genome into one complete picture.
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