Dr. Spencer’s primary role is to facilitate proteomics research using mass spectrometry. She assists collaborators in all stages of experimental design, sample preparation and analysis, and also provides project associated training for students and staff at BC Cancer–Research. Dr. Spencer earned her PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill under the direction of Gary Glish. The focus of her doctoral research was on mass spectrometry instrumentation for real-time analysis of compounds from aerosol particles. She did her postdoctoral research in the field of clinical proteomics, working in the MacCoss Lab at the University of Washington in Seattle to develop targeted and discovery methods for quantitative analysis of proteins in biological fluids and fixed tissues. Dr. Spencer’s current research interests focus on improvement of quantitative proteomic techniques through decreased preparation time, sample handling and improved mass spectrometry methods.
Dr. Sandra Spencer Miko, PhD
Platform Manager, Proteomics