DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installation methods that require manual configuration (Linux and UNIX) >

Manually configuring DB2 servers after installation

This task provides steps for manually setting up a DB2® server after installing the server using the db2_install command or payload file deployment method on supported Linux® and UNIX® operating systems.

This task does not apply to DB2 products that were installed using the DB2 Setup wizard or a response file.

Installation using the db2_install command or the payload file deployment method only installs DB2 components. Configuration and setup tasks such as the ones listed below must be performed manually.

Use the following steps to manually set up a DB2 server. Note that steps 1 to 4 do not apply to non-root installations.

  1. Create group and user IDs for a DB2 installation
  2. Create a DB2 Administration Server (DAS)
  3. Create an instance using db2icrt
  4. Configure TCP/IP communications for a DB2 instance
  5. Register the license key using the License Center

If you plan to use DB2 tools such as the Task Center or the DB2 Administration Server scheduler functionality, it is recommended that you set up the DB2 tools catalog. The DB2 tools catalog contains metadata required for DB2 tools and the scheduler to function.

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