DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Installation methods that require manual configuration (Linux and UNIX)

It is recommended that you install DB2® products and features using the DB2 Setup wizard or by using a response file.

The DB2 Setup wizard provides an easy-to-use graphical interface with installation help, user and group creation, protocol configuration, and instance creation.

A response file installation provides the same advantages as the DB2 Setup wizard, but without the graphical interface. In addition, by using a response file you can take advantage of advanced configuration capabilities such as setting individual database manager configuration parameters or setting profile registry variables.

If you do not prefer these installation methods, you can install DB2 products, features, and components on supported Linux® and UNIX® operating systems using methods which require manual configuration:

With each of these two methods, manual configuration is required after the product files are deployed.


Refer to the installation documentation for the particular DB2 product you want to install. For example, if you want to install DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, then refer to the Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers documentation to review installation prerequisites and other important setup information.


You cannot install DB2 products or feature on Windows® operating systems using the db2_install command or the payload file method. On Windows operating systems, DB2 products and features can be only installed using the DB2 Setup wizard or a response file.

On supported Linux or UNIX operating systems, you cannot install a DB2 product or feature using the operating system's native installation utility (that is, rpm, SMIT, swinstall or pkgadd). Any existing scripts containing a native installation utility that you use to interface and query with DB2 installations must change.

Select an installation method:

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