DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installation methods that require manual configuration (Linux and UNIX) > Manually configuring DB2 servers after installation >

Configuring TCP/IP communications for a DB2 instance

This task describes how to configure TCP/IP communications on your DB2® server using the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP). Communication protocols on the DB2 server must be configured in order for your DB2 server to accept inbound requests from remote DB2 clients.

Before you configure TCP/IP communications for a DB2 instance:

Most protocols are automatically detected and configured when you set up DB2 using the DB2 Setup wizard. Perform the current task if:

To configure TCP/IP communications for a DB2 instance:

  1. Update the services file on the server.
  2. Update the database manager configuration file on the server.
  3. Set communication protocols for a DB2 instance
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