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Intro: A brief introduction to alternative expression analysis by massively parallel RNA sequencing

Methods: A brief overview of the methods employed in this analysis.

Results: Visualize alternative expression in one of 19 data sets with the ALEXA-Seq data viewer.

Downloads: Get ALEXA-Seq annotation databases for eight species, raw data, source code, etc.

ALEXA-Seq is a method for using massively parallel paired-end transcriptome sequencing for 'alternative expression analysis'.

Citation: Malachi Griffith, Griffith OL, Mwenifumbo J, Morin RD, Goya R, Tang MJ, Hou YC, Pugh TJ, Robertson G, Chittaranjan S, Ally A, Asano JK, Chan SY, Li I, McDonald H, Teague K, Zhao Y, Zeng T, Delaney AD, Hirst M, Morin GB, Jones SJM, Tai IT, Marco A. Marra. Alternative expression analysis by RNA sequencing. Nature Methods. 2010 Oct;7(10):843-847. Pubmed | Full text | PDF | Supplementary Information | GEO (GSE23776) | News and Views | Press Release

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Additional projects are being analyzed externally at the LBL Life Sciences Division: the Washington University School of Medicine - Genome Insitute: WASHU alexa-seq

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