DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Installing on Linux and UNIX > Installing as a non-root user >

Limitations of non-root installations

In addition to the differences between root installations and non-root installations, there are several limitations on non-root installations. This topic discusses the limitations to help you decide if you want to use a non-root installation.

Product limitations
Some DB2® products are not supported in non-root installations:
Features and tools limitations
The following features and tools are not available in non-root installations:
Health monitor limitations
The following health monitor features are not supported in non-root installations:
Partitioned database limitation
Only single-partition databases are supported in non-root installations. You cannot add additional database partitions.
Listing DB2 products
The output produced by the db2ls command, when run as a non-root user, is different than the output produced when run as a root user. For details, refer to the db2ls command topic.
DB2 copies
Each non-root user can have only one copy of a DB2 product installed.
DB2 instance limitation
In non-root installations, one DB2 instance is created during installation. Additional instances cannot be created.
DB2 instance actions can be performed only by the instance owner
Root installations and non-root installations can coexist on the same computer in different installation paths. However, a non-root instance can be updated, or dropped (using the db2_deinstall command), only by the non-root user who owns the non-root instance.

A DB2 instance created by a user with root privilege can be updated or dropped only by a user with root privilege.

DB2 instance commands
The following DB2 instance commands are unavailable in non-root installations:
When installing a DB2 product as a non-root user, a single instance is automatically created and configured. Further instances cannot be created in non-root installations. However, if the automatically created instance needs to be configured, you can use the non-root install configuration command, db2nrcfg.
The db2iupdt command cannot be used for non-root instances. Instead, use the non-root install configuration command (db2nrcfg) to update the non-root DB2 instance. However, updating the non-root instance is normally not required because it gets updated automatically when updating your DB2 product.
The instance that gets automatically created during non-root installations cannot be dropped. The DB2 product must be uninstalled to drop the DB2 instance.
Upgrading is not supported for non-root installations.
Upgrading limitation
Root instances cannot be upgraded to a non-root instance.
Post-installation actions can be performed only by the DB2 instance owner
Root installations and non-root installations can coexist on the same computer. However, only the original non-root user who installed the DB2 product can perform subsequent actions such as:
Adjusting ulimit values
The ulimit command on UNIX® and Linux® sets or reports user resource limits, such as data and stack limits. For root instances, the database server dynamically updates required ulimit settings without changing the permanent settings. However, for non-root instances, the ulimit settings can only be checked during installation. A warning message is displayed if the settings are inadequate. Root authority is required to change the ulimit settings.

Limitations that can be overcome by running db2rfe

There are further limitations on non-root installations which can be overcome by running the db2rfe command. The following features and abilities are initially unavailable in non-root installations:

Run the Enable root features for non-root install command (db2rfe) to enable these features and abilities. Running the db2rfe command is optional, and must be run by a user with root authority.

Authentication type in non-root installations

Operating system-based authentication is the default authentication type for DB2 products. Since non-root installations do not support operating system-based authentication, if you choose not to run the db2rfe command after installing your DB2 product as a non-root user, then you must manually set the authentication type. You can do so by updating the following parameters in the database manager configuration (dbm cfg) file:

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