DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Installing on Linux and UNIX > Installing as a non-root user >

Differences between root installations and non-root installations

In addition to a few limitations, the directory structure of a non-root installation is slightly different than the directory structure of a root installation.

During a root installation, subdirectories and files for the DB2® product are created in a directory of the root user's choosing.

Unlike root users, non-root users cannot choose where DB2 products are installed. Non-root installations are always placed in the $HOME/sqllib directory, where $HOME represents the non-root user's home directory. The layout of the subdirectories within the sqllib directory of a non-root is similar to that of a root installation.

For root installations, multiple instances can be created. Instance ownership is associated with the user ID under which the instance was created.

Non-root installations can have only one DB2 instance. The non-root installation directory contains all of the DB2 product files and instance files with no soft links.

The following table summarizes the differences between root installations and non-root installations.

Table 13. Differences between root installations and non-root installations
Criteria Root installations Non-root installations
User can select installation directory Yes No. DB2 products are installed under the user's home directory.
Number of DB2 instances allowed Multiple One
Files deployed during installation Program files only. Instances must be created after installation. Program files and instance files. The DB2 product is ready for use immediately after installation.
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