DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Configuring > DB2 license files >

Setting the DB2® license policy using the db2licm command

For DB2® Connect™ Enterprise Edition the license policy controls and monitors the number of users that can connect simultaneously to a DB2 Connect server.

For InfoSphere™ Replication Server or InfoSphere Federation Server, the license policy controls and monitors the number of connectors to a non-DB2 data source.

  1. Before you set your license policy using the db2licm command, you need the product identifier. To list the product identifier information, enter the following command:
       db2licm -l
    The product identifier is listed in the Product Identifier field.
  2. To set your license policy, perform one of the following depending on the type of licenses that you purchased. For example:
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