DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
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DB2 license files

There are two types of license files associated with DB2® database products: base license keys and full license keys. These license keys are stored in plaintext files, which are generally referred to as license files or license entitlement certificates.

A "base" license does not confer any usage rights. It is included in the DB2 database product installation media and is applied automatically during the installation process. For example, db2ese.lic is a base license file for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition .

License keys are required for all DB2 database products (including DB2® Connect™) and for each optional database feature. The license key is found in the /db2/license directory of the Activation CD, which is supplied as a part of the product installation media. For example, db2ese_u.lic is a license key and can be found on the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows® - Authorized User Option Activation CD. By default, license keys are not applied during the DB2 database product installation. However, the following products do not have an Activation CD, therefore their license is automatically applied during the installation process: DB2 Express-C and DB2 Connect Personal Edition. In addition, DB2 Personal Edition is also a special case. Although DB2 Personal Edition has an Activation CD, its license is also automatically applied during installation.

For a list of license files, refer to Table 31 .

In general, licenses for DB2 database products can be purchased either per processor (priced by Processor Value Unit (PVU)) or by authorized user. DB2 Express Edition can be purchased per server. IBM® Database Enterprise Developer Edition is licensed per developer. The DB2 Storage Optimization feature feature is an exception. Since it can only be purchased by PVU (and only if the underlying database system is also licensed by PVU).

If you purchased a DB2 database product as well as separately priced features, you will need to apply more than one license key. Each DB2 database product and DB2 feature has its own license key. All of the features must be acquired under the same charge metric as the underlying DB2 database product. For example, if you purchase DB2 Enterprise Server Edition with a per processor license, you would need to purchase the DB2 Performance Optimization feature by processor as well.

If you downloaded a DB2 database product or feature from one of the following Web sites and you do not have an Activation CD, you can obtain license keys as follows:

Once you have obtained the appropriate license keys, you should apply them before you use the DB2 database product. This is also referred to as registering the license key or adding a license. As a mechanism for you to keep track of, and differentiate, the DB2 database products and features you have installed on your system, it is recommended that you register the license key for your DB2 database products. You can find the DB2 database product license terms at: http://www.ibm.com/software/sla.

The management of licenses for DB2 database products or features is done through either:

Table 31. DB2 license files
License file name DB2 database product or feature
db2aac.lic DB2 Advanced Access Control feature
db2conpe.lic DB2 Connect Personal Edition
db2consv.lic DB2 Connect Application Server Edition (Unlicensed base)
db2consv_as.lic DB2 Connect Application Server Edition
db2consv_ee.lic DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
db2consv_is.lic DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System i®
db2consv_zs.lic DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z®
db2dede.lic IBM Database Enterprise Developer Edition
db2dpf.lic DB2 Database Partitioning feature
db2ese.lic DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (Unlicensed base)
db2ese_c.lic DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (CPU option)
db2ese_u.lic DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (Authorized User option)
db2exp.lic DB2 Express Edition (Unlicensed base)
db2exp_c.lic DB2 Express Edition (CPU option)
db2exp_s.lic DB2 Express Edition (Server option)
db2exp_sftl.lic DB2 Express Edition (Server option Fixed Term License)
db2exp_u.lic DB2 Express Edition (Authorized User option)
db2exp_uftl.lic DB2 Express Edition (Authorized User Option Fixed Term License)
db2expc_uw.lic DB2 Express-C (Unwarranted)
db2geo.lic DB2 Geodetic Data Management Feature
db2hrese.lic Homogeneous Replication Feature for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition
db2haexp.lic DB2 High Availability feature for DB2 Express Edition
db2pe.lic DB2 Personal Edition
db2poese.lic DB2 Performance Optimization feature for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition
db2so.lic DB2 Storage Optimization feature
db2wse.lic DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (Unlicensed base)
db2wse_c.lic DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (CPU option)
db2wse_u.lic DB2 Workgroup Server Edition (Authorized User option)
bwdb2.lic Base Warehouse Feature for DB2
ewdb2.lic Enterprise Warehouse Feature for DB2
iwebe.lic InfoSphere™ Warehouse Enterprise Base Edition
iwde.lic InfoSphere Warehouse Developer Edition
iwdpb_c.lic InfoSphere Warehouse Departmental Base Edition - CPU Option
iwdpb_u.lic InfoSphere Warehouse Departmental Base Edition - Authorized User Option
iwdp_c.lic InfoSphere Warehouse Departmental Edition - CPU Option
iwdp_u.lic InfoSphere Warehouse Departmental Edition - Authorized User Option
iwee.lic InfoSphere Warehouse Enterprise Edition
sam31.lic IBM Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP)

If you have license files that end in _t.lic, they are trial licenses.

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