library(shiny) shinyUI(pageWithSidebar( # Application title headerPanel("log10 chIP-seq coverage in 1kb bins across chr1"), # Sidebar with controls to select the variable to plot against mpg # and to specify whether outliers should be included sidebarPanel( selectInput("mark", "chIP-seq for:", list("H3K27ac" = "H3K27ac", "H3K4me1" = "H3K4me1", "H3K4me3" = "H3K4me3", "H3K9me3" = "H3K9me3", "H3K27me3" = "H3K27me3", "H3K36me3" = "H3K36me3")) # selectInput("exp_num", "RPKM from:", list("PolyA 1" = "1", # "PolyA 2" = "2", # "PolyA 3" = "3", # "RiboDep 4" = "4")) ), # Show the caption and plot of the requested variable against mpg mainPanel( h3(textOutput("caption")), plotOutput("mpgPlot") ) ))