Source code for mavis.submit

from datetime import timedelta

from .constants import MavisNamespace
from .util import log, WeakMavisNamespace

SCHEDULER = MavisNamespace(SGE='SGE', SLURM='SLURM', __name__='~mavis.submit.SCHEDULER')
""":class:`~mavis.constants.MavisNamespace`: scheduler types

- :term:`SGE`
- :term:`SLURM`

STD_OPTIONS = ['memory_limit', 'queue', 'time_limit', 'import_env']

OPTIONS = WeakMavisNamespace(__name__='~mavis.submit.options')
""":class:`~mavis.constants.MavisNamespace`: submission options

- :term:`queue`
- :term:`memory_limit`
- :term:`import_env`
- :term:`time_limit`
- :term:`validation_memory`
- :term:`trans_validation_memory`
- :term:`annotation_memory`
- :term:`scheduler`

OPTIONS.add('queue', '', cast_type=str, defn='the queue jobs are to be submitted to')
OPTIONS.add('memory_limit', 16000, defn='the maximum number of megabytes (MB) any given job is allowed')  # 16 GB
OPTIONS.add('import_env', True, defn='flag to import environment variables')
OPTIONS.add('time_limit', 10 * 60 * 60, defn='the time in seconds any given jobs is allowed')  # 10 hours
OPTIONS.add('validation_memory', 16000, defn='default memory limit (MB) for the validation stage')
OPTIONS.add('trans_validation_memory', 18000, defn='default memory limit (MB) for the validation stage (for transcriptomes)')
OPTIONS.add('annotation_memory', 12000, defn='default memory limit (MB) for the annotation stage')
OPTIONS.add('scheduler', SCHEDULER.SLURM, defn='The scheduler being used', cast_type=SCHEDULER)

[docs]def build_dependency_string(command, delim, jobs): if isinstance(jobs, str): return command.format(jobs) return command.format(delim.join([str(j) for j in jobs]))
SCHEDULER_CONFIG = MavisNamespace( SGE=MavisNamespace( shebang='#!/bin/bash', submit='qsub -terse', option_prefix='#$', jobname='-N {}'.format, dependency=lambda x: build_dependency_string('-hold_jid {}', ',', x), queue='-q {}'.format, memory_limit=lambda x: '-l mem_free={0}G,mem_token={0}G,h_vmem={0}G'.format(x // 1000), join_output=lambda x: '-j {}'.format('y' if x else 'n'), import_env=lambda x: '-V', stdout='-o {}/sge-$JOB_NAME-$JOB_ID.log'.format, time_limit=lambda x: '-l h_rt={}'.format(str(timedelta(seconds=x))) ), SLURM=MavisNamespace( shebang='#!/bin/bash -l', submit='sbatch', option_prefix='#SBATCH', jobname='-J {}'.format, memory_limit='--mem {}M'.format, time_limit=lambda x: '-t {}'.format(str(timedelta(seconds=x))), stdout='-o {}/slurm-%x-%j.log'.format, dependency=lambda x: build_dependency_string('--dependency=afterok:{}', ':', x), import_env=lambda x: '--export=ALL', queue='--partition={}'.format ) )
[docs]class SubmissionScript: """ holds scheduler options and build submissions scripts """ def __init__(self, content, scheduler, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.options = {k: kwargs.pop(k, OPTIONS.get(k, None)) for k in ['jobname', 'stdout'] + STD_OPTIONS} if kwargs: raise TypeError('unexpected argument(s):', list(kwargs.keys())) if self.scheduler not in SCHEDULER_CONFIG: raise ValueError('invalid scheduler', self.scheduler, 'expected', SCHEDULER_CONFIG.keys()) for option, value in self.options.items(): if value and option not in SCHEDULER_CONFIG[self.scheduler]: raise ValueError('scheduler', self.scheduler, 'does not support the option', option) self.content = content def __getattribute__(self, key): if key == 'options' or key not in self.options: return object.__getattribute__(self, key) return self.options[key]
[docs] def build_header(self): """returns the header line detailing the scheduler-specific submission options""" config = SCHEDULER_CONFIG[self.scheduler] header = [config.shebang] if self.scheduler == 'SGE': header.append(config.option_prefix + ' ' + config['join_output'](True)) for option, value in sorted(self.options.items()): if value is not None and value != '' and option in config: line = config.option_prefix + ' ' + config[option](value) header.append(line) return header
[docs] def write(self, filepath): """ write a submission script to the input path """ log('writing:', filepath) with open(filepath, 'w') as fh: for line in self.build_header(): fh.write(line + '\n') fh.write('\n' + self.content + '\n') return filepath