Source code for mavis.bam.stats

import math
import statistics as stats
import warnings

import numpy as np

from .read import sequenced_strand
from ..constants import STRAND
from ..util import devnull

[docs]class BamStats: def __init__(self, median_fragment_size, stdev_fragment_size, read_length): self.median_fragment_size = median_fragment_size self.stdev_fragment_size = stdev_fragment_size self.read_length = read_length self.stranded = False self.strand_determining_read = 2 self.sdr_percent_support = None
[docs] def add_stranded_information(self, strand_hist): self.stranded = True if strand_hist[1] > strand_hist[2]: self.strand_determining_read = 1 self.sdr_percent_support = strand_hist[1] * 100 / (strand_hist[1] + strand_hist[2]) elif strand_hist[1] < strand_hist[2]: self.strand_determining_read = 2 self.sdr_percent_support = strand_hist[2] * 100 / (strand_hist[1] + strand_hist[2]) else: raise AssertionError( 'stranded values are equal. either this information was not collected or is not deterministic', strand_hist.items())
def __str__(self): result = 'BamStats(fragment_size={0.median_fragment_size}+/-' \ '{0.stdev_fragment_size:.4}, read_length={0.read_length}'.format(self) if self.stranded: result += ', strand_determining_read={0.strand_determining_read}[{0.sdr_percent_support:.4}]'.format(self) result += ')' return result
[docs]class Histogram(dict):
[docs] def add(self, item, freq=1): """ add a key to the histogram with a default frequency of 1 """ self[item] = self.get(item, 0) + freq
[docs] def median(self): """ flattens the histogram to compute the median value """ values = [] for val, freq in self.items(): for i in range(0, freq): values.append(val) values.sort() if len(values) % 2 == 0: low_center = len(values) // 2 high_center = len(values) // 2 + 1 return (values[low_center - 1] + values[high_center - 1]) / 2 else: center = len(values) // 2 + 1 return values[center - 1]
[docs] def distribution_stderr(self, median, fraction, error_function=lambda x, y: math.pow(x - y, 2)): values = [] for val, freq in self.items(): err = error_function(val, median) values.extend([err for i in range(0, freq)]) values.sort() end = int(len(values) * fraction) return sum(values[0:end]) / end
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ sum two histograms and return the result as a new histogram Example: >>> x, y = Histogram(), Histogram() >>> x.add('item') >>> y.add('item') >>> x + y {'item': 2} """ result = Histogram() result.update(self) for val, freq in other.items(): result.add(val, freq) return result
[docs]def compute_transcriptome_bam_stats( bam_cache, annotations, sample_size, min_mapping_quality=1, stranded=True, sample_cap=10000, distribution_fraction=0.97 ): """ computes various statistical measures relating the input bam file Args: bam_file_handle (BamCache): the input bam file handle annotations (object): see :func:`~mavis.annotate.load_reference_genes` sample_size (int): the number of genes to compute stats over log (callable): outputs logging information min_mapping_quality (int): the minimum mapping quality for a read to be used stranded (bool): if True then reads must match the gene strand sample_cap (int): maximum number of reads to collect for any given sample region distribution_fraction (float): the proportion of the distribution to use in computing stdev Returns: BamStats: the fragment size median, stdev and the read length in a object """ total_annotations = [] for chr, anns_list in annotations.items(): if bam_cache.valid_chr(chr): total_annotations.extend(anns_list) genes = total_annotations if len(total_annotations) > sample_size: randoms = [int(n * len(total_annotations)) for n in np.random.rand(sample_size)] genes = [total_annotations[r] for r in randoms] else: warnings.warn( 'insufficient annotations to match requested sample size. requested {}, but only {} annotations'.format( sample_size, len(total_annotations))) fragment_hist = Histogram() read_strand_verification = Histogram() read_strand_verification[1] = 0 read_strand_verification[2] = 0 read_lengths = [] for gene in genes: for read in bam_cache.fetch(gene.chr, gene.start, gene.end, cache_if=lambda x: False, limit=sample_cap): if any([ read.is_unmapped, read.mate_is_unmapped, read.mapping_quality < min_mapping_quality, read.next_reference_id != read.reference_id, read.is_secondary, not read.is_proper_pair ]): continue if stranded: try: strand = sequenced_strand(read, 1) if strand == gene.get_strand(): read_strand_verification.add(1) else: read_strand_verification.add(2) except ValueError: pass if stranded: if read.is_read1: if read.is_reverse: if gene.get_strand() == STRAND.POS: continue elif gene.get_strand() == STRAND.NEG: continue else: if read.is_reverse: if gene.get_strand() == STRAND.NEG: continue elif gene.get_strand() == STRAND.POS: continue read_lengths.append(len(read.query_sequence)) if read.reference_end > read.next_reference_start: continue current_frags = set() for spl_tx in gene.spliced_transcripts: try: cdna_pos1 = spl_tx.convert_genomic_to_cdna(read.reference_start) cdna_pos2 = spl_tx.convert_genomic_to_cdna(read.next_reference_start) current_frags.add(abs(cdna_pos1 - cdna_pos2) - 2) except IndexError: pass if current_frags: fragment_hist.add(sum(current_frags) / len(current_frags)) read_length = stats.median(read_lengths) result = Histogram() for val, freq in fragment_hist.items(): result.add(val + read_length, freq) median = result.median() err = result.distribution_stderr(median, distribution_fraction) bamstats = BamStats(median, math.sqrt(err), read_length) if stranded: bamstats.add_stranded_information(read_strand_verification) return bamstats
[docs]def compute_genome_bam_stats( bam_file_handle, sample_bin_size, sample_size, min_mapping_quality=1, sample_cap=10000, distribution_fraction=0.99 ): """ computes various statistical measures relating the input bam file Args: bam_file_handle (pysam.AlignmentFile): the input bam file handle sample_bin_size (int): how large to make the sample bin (in bp) sample_size (int): the number of genes to compute stats over log (callable): outputs logging information min_mapping_quality (int): the minimum mapping quality for a read to be used sample_cap (int): maximum number of reads to collect for any given sample region distribution_fraction (float): the proportion of the distribution to use in computing stdev Returns: BamStats: the fragment size median, stdev and the read length in a object """ total = sum([l - sample_bin_size for l in bam_file_handle.fh.lengths]) bins = [] randoms = [int(n * (total - 1) + 1) for n in np.random.rand(sample_size)] for pos in randoms: template_index = 0 for template_length in bam_file_handle.fh.lengths: if pos > template_length - sample_bin_size: pos -= (template_length - sample_bin_size) template_index += 1 else: break bins.append((bam_file_handle.fh.references[template_index], pos, pos + sample_bin_size)) hist = Histogram() read_lengths = [] for bin_chr, bin_start, bin_end in bins: for read in bam_file_handle.fetch(bin_chr, bin_start, bin_end, limit=sample_cap, cache_if=lambda x: False): if any([ read.is_unmapped, read.mate_is_unmapped, read.mapping_quality < min_mapping_quality, read.next_reference_id != read.reference_id, read.is_secondary, not read.is_proper_pair ]): continue hist[abs(read.template_length)] = hist.get(abs(read.template_length), 0) + 1 read_lengths.append(len(read.query_sequence)) median = hist.median() err = hist.distribution_stderr(median, distribution_fraction) return BamStats(median, math.sqrt(err), np.median(read_lengths))