Source code for

from ..breakpoint import BreakpointPair, Breakpoint
from ..bam import read as read_tools
from ..interval import Interval
from ..align import SplitAlignment
from .evidence import TranscriptomeEvidence
import itertools
import statistics
import math
import warnings

[docs]class EventCall(BreakpointPair): """ class for holding evidence and the related calls since we can't freeze the evidence object directly without a lot of copying. Instead we use call objects which are basically just a reference to the evidence object and decisions on class, exact breakpoints, etc """ @property def has_compatible(self): """bool: True if compatible flanking pairs are appropriate to collect""" try: self.compatible_type return True except AttributeError: return False def __init__( self, b1, b2, source_evidence, event_type, call_method, contig=None, contig_alignment=None, untemplated_seq=None ): """ Args: evidence (Evidence): the evidence object we are calling based on event_type (SVTYPE): the type of structural variant breakpoint_pair (BreakpointPair): the breakpoint pair representing the exact breakpoints call_method (CALL_METHOD): the way the breakpoints were called contig (Contig): the contig used to call the breakpoints (if applicable) """ if untemplated_seq is None: untemplated_seq = source_evidence.untemplated_seq BreakpointPair.__init__( self, b1, b2, stranded=source_evidence.stranded and source_evidence.bam_cache.stranded, opposing_strands=source_evidence.opposing_strands, untemplated_seq=untemplated_seq ) if not source_evidence.bam_cache.stranded: self.break1.strand = STRAND.NS self.break2.strand = STRAND.NS self.source_evidence = source_evidence self.spanning_reads = set() self.flanking_pairs = set() self.break1_split_reads = set() self.break2_split_reads = set() self.compatible_flanking_pairs = set() # check that the event type is compatible self.event_type = SVTYPE.enforce(event_type) if event_type == SVTYPE.DUP: self.compatible_type = SVTYPE.INS elif event_type == SVTYPE.INS: self.compatible_type = SVTYPE.DUP if event_type not in BreakpointPair.classify(self): raise ValueError( 'event_type is not compatible with the breakpoint call', event_type, BreakpointPair.classify(self)) self.contig = contig self.call_method = CALL_METHOD.enforce(call_method) if contig and self.call_method != CALL_METHOD.CONTIG: raise ValueError('if a contig is given the call method must be by contig') self.contig_alignment = contig_alignment
[docs] def get_bed_repesentation(self): bed = [] name =, None) + '-' + self.event_type if self.interchromosomal: bed.append((self.break1.chr, self.break1.start - 1, self.break1.end, name)) bed.append((self.break2.chr, self.break2.start - 1, self.break2.end, name)) else: bed.append((self.break1.chr, self.break1.start - 1, self.break2.end, name)) return bed
[docs] def support(self): support = set() support.update(self.spanning_reads) for read, mate in self.flanking_pairs | self.compatible_flanking_pairs: support.add(read) support.add(mate) support.update(self.break1_split_reads) support.update(self.break2_split_reads) if self.contig: support.update(self.contig.input_reads) return support
[docs] def add_flanking_support(self, flanking_pairs, is_compatible=False): """ counts the flanking read-pair support for the event called. The original source evidence may have contained evidence for multiple events and uses a larger range so flanking pairs here are checked specifically against the current breakpoint call Returns: tuple: * :class:`set` of :class:`str` - set of the read query_names * :class:`int` - the median insert size * :class:`int` - the standard deviation (from the median) of the insert size see :ref:`theory - determining flanking support <theory-determining-flanking-support>` """ support = set() fragment_sizes = [] min_frag = max([ self.source_evidence.min_expected_fragment_size + Interval.dist(self.break1, self.break2), self.source_evidence.max_expected_fragment_size]) max_frag = len(self.break1 | self.break2) + self.source_evidence.max_expected_fragment_size encompass = len(self.break1 | self.break2) for read, mate in flanking_pairs: # check that the fragment size is reasonable fragment_size = self.source_evidence.compute_fragment_size(read, mate) if self.event_type == SVTYPE.DEL: if fragment_size.end < min_frag or fragment_size.start > max_frag: continue elif self.event_type == SVTYPE.INS: if fragment_size.start >= self.source_evidence.min_expected_fragment_size: continue if self.interchromosomal != (read.reference_id != mate.reference_id): continue # check that the flanking reads work with the current call if not read_tools.orientation_supports_type( read, self.event_type if not is_compatible else self.compatible_type): continue # check that the positions make sense LEFT = ORIENT.LEFT if not is_compatible else ORIENT.RIGHT if self.break1.orient == LEFT: if self.break2.orient == LEFT: # L L if not all([ read.reference_start + 1 <= self.break1.end, mate.reference_start + 1 <= self.break2.end, mate.reference_end > self.break1.start ]): continue else: # L R if not all([ read.reference_start + 1 <= self.break1.end, mate.reference_end >= self.break2.start ]): continue else: if self.break2.orient == LEFT: # R L if not all([ read.reference_end >= self.break1.start, mate.reference_start + 1 <= self.break2.end ]): continue else: # R R if not all([ read.reference_end >= self.break1.start, mate.reference_end >= self.break2.start, read.reference_end < self.break2.end ]): continue if is_compatible: self.compatible_flanking_pairs.add((read, mate)) else: self.flanking_pairs.add((read, mate))
[docs] def add_break1_split_read(self, read): """ Args: read (pysam.AlignedSegment): putative split read supporting the first breakpoint """ try: p = read_tools.breakpoint_pos(read, self.break1.orient) + 1 if Interval.overlaps((p, p), self.break1): self.break1_split_reads.add(read) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def add_break2_split_read(self, read): """ Args: read (pysam.AlignedSegment): putative split read supporting the second breakpoint """ try: p = read_tools.breakpoint_pos(read, self.break2.orient) + 1 if Interval.overlaps((p, p), self.break2): self.break2_split_reads.add(read) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def add_spanning_read(self, read): """ Args: read (pysam.AlignedSegment): putative spanning read """ bpp, event_types = _call_by_reads(self.source_evidence, read) if self.event_type in event_types: if bpp == self: self.spanning_reads.add(read)
def __hash__(self): raise NotImplementedError('this object type does not support hashing')
[docs] def flanking_metrics(self): """ computes the median and standard deviation of the flanking pairs. Note that standard deviation is calculated wrt the median and not the average. Also that the fragment size is calculated as a range so the start and end of the range are used in computing these metrics Returns: tuple: - ``float`` - the median fragment size - ``float`` - the fragment size standard deviation wrt the median """ fragment_sizes = [] for read, mate in self.flanking_pairs: # check that the fragment size is reasonable f = self.source_evidence.compute_fragment_size(read, mate) fragment_sizes.append(f.start) fragment_sizes.append(f.end) median = 0 stdev = 0 if len(fragment_sizes) > 0: median = statistics.median(fragment_sizes) err = 0 for insert in fragment_sizes: err += math.pow(insert - median, 2) err /= len(fragment_sizes) stdev = math.sqrt(err) return median, stdev
[docs] def break1_tgt_align_split_read_names(self): reads = set() for r in self.break1_split_reads: if r.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT) and r.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT): reads.add(r.query_name) return reads
[docs] def break2_tgt_align_split_read_names(self): reads = set() for r in self.break2_split_reads: if r.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT) and r.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT): reads.add(r.query_name) return reads
[docs] def linking_split_read_names(self): reads1 = set() for r in self.break1_split_reads: reads1.add(r.query_name) reads2 = set() for r in self.break2_split_reads: reads2.add(r.query_name) return reads1 & reads2
[docs] def flatten(self): row = self.source_evidence.flatten() row.update(BreakpointPair.flatten(self)) # this will overwrite the evidence breakpoint which is what we want row.update({ COLUMNS.call_method: self.call_method, COLUMNS.event_type: self.event_type, COLUMNS.contig_seq: None, COLUMNS.contig_remap_score: None, COLUMNS.contig_alignment_score: None, COLUMNS.contig_blat_rank: None, COLUMNS.contig_remapped_reads: None, COLUMNS.contig_remapped_read_names: None, COLUMNS.contig_strand_specific: None, COLUMNS.contig_alignment_query_consumption: None, COLUMNS.contig_build_score: None, COLUMNS.contig_alignment_query_name: None, COLUMNS.contig_remap_coverage: None, COLUMNS.contig_read_depth: None, COLUMNS.contig_break1_read_depth: None, COLUMNS.contig_break2_read_depth: None }) median, stdev = self.flanking_metrics() flank = set() for f, m in self.flanking_pairs: flank.update({f.query_name, m.query_name}) row.update({ COLUMNS.flanking_pairs: len(self.flanking_pairs), COLUMNS.flanking_median_fragment_size: median, COLUMNS.flanking_stdev_fragment_size: stdev, COLUMNS.flanking_pairs_read_names: ';'.join(sorted(list(flank))) }) b1 = set() b1_tgt = set() b2 = set() b2_tgt = set() for r in self.break1_split_reads: name = r.query_name b1.add(name) if r.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT) and r.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT): b1_tgt.add(name) for r in self.break2_split_reads: name = r.query_name b2.add(name) if r.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT) and r.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT): b2_tgt.add(name) linking = b1 & b2 row.update({ COLUMNS.break1_split_reads: len(b1), COLUMNS.break1_split_reads_forced: len(b1_tgt), COLUMNS.break1_split_read_names: ';'.join(sorted(b1)), COLUMNS.break2_split_reads: len(b2), COLUMNS.break2_split_reads_forced: len(b2_tgt), COLUMNS.break2_split_read_names: ';'.join(sorted(b2)), COLUMNS.linking_split_reads: len(linking), COLUMNS.linking_split_read_names: ';'.join(sorted(linking)), COLUMNS.spanning_reads: len(self.spanning_reads), COLUMNS.spanning_read_names: ';'.join(sorted([r.query_name for r in self.spanning_reads])) }) if self.has_compatible: row[COLUMNS.flanking_pairs_compatible] = len(self.compatible_flanking_pairs) c = {f[0].query_name for f in self.compatible_flanking_pairs} c.update({f[1].query_name for f in self.compatible_flanking_pairs}) row[COLUMNS.flanking_pairs_compatible_read_names] = ';'.join(sorted(c)) # add contig specific metrics and columns if self.contig: blat_score = None if self.contig_alignment.read1.has_tag('br'): blat_score = self.contig_alignment.read1.get_tag('br') if self.contig_alignment.read2: blat_score += self.contig_alignment.read2.get_tag('br') blat_score = round(blat_score / 2, 1) cseq = self.contig_alignment.query_sequence break1_read_depth = SplitAlignment.breakpoint_contig_remapped_depth( self.break1, self.contig, self.contig_alignment.read1 ) break2_read_depth = SplitAlignment.breakpoint_contig_remapped_depth( self.break2, self.contig, self.contig_alignment.read1 if self.contig_alignment.read2 is None else self.contig_alignment.read2 ) row.update({ COLUMNS.contig_seq: cseq, # don't output sequence directly from contig b/c must always be wrt to the positive strand COLUMNS.contig_remap_score: self.contig.remap_score(), COLUMNS.contig_alignment_score: self.contig_alignment.score(), COLUMNS.contig_blat_rank: blat_score, COLUMNS.contig_remapped_reads: len(self.contig.input_reads), COLUMNS.contig_remapped_read_names: ';'.join(sorted(set([r.query_name for r in self.contig.input_reads]))), COLUMNS.contig_strand_specific: self.contig.strand_specific, COLUMNS.contig_alignment_query_consumption: self.contig_alignment.query_consumption(), COLUMNS.contig_build_score: self.contig.score, COLUMNS.contig_alignment_query_name: self.contig_alignment[0].query_name, COLUMNS.contig_remap_coverage: self.contig.remap_coverage(), COLUMNS.contig_read_depth: self.contig.remap_depth(), COLUMNS.contig_break1_read_depth: break1_read_depth, COLUMNS.contig_break2_read_depth: break2_read_depth }) return row
def _call_by_reads(source_evidence, read1, read2=None): """ for any read or given set of reads calls a breakpoint pair also ensures that the call is compatible with the source_evidence object putative event types """ try: bpp = BreakpointPair.call_breakpoint_pair(read1, read2) if bpp.opposing_strands != source_evidence.opposing_strands: return None, [] putative_event_types = set(source_evidence.putative_event_types()) if set([SVTYPE.DUP, SVTYPE.INS]) & putative_event_types: putative_event_types.update([SVTYPE.DUP, SVTYPE.INS]) if len(set(BreakpointPair.classify(bpp)) & putative_event_types) == 0: return None, [] if source_evidence.stranded: # strand specific if any([ bpp.break1.strand != source_evidence.break1.strand, bpp.break2.strand != source_evidence.break2.strand ]): return None, [] else: bpp.stranded = False bpp.break1.strand = STRAND.NS bpp.break2.strand = STRAND.NS calls = [] del_size = abs(Interval.dist(bpp.break1, bpp.break2)) - 1 for event_type in putative_event_types: if event_type == SVTYPE.INS: if len(bpp.untemplated_seq) == 0 or \ len(bpp.untemplated_seq) <= del_size: continue elif event_type == SVTYPE.DEL: if len(bpp.untemplated_seq) > del_size: continue if event_type not in BreakpointPair.classify(bpp): continue calls.append(event_type) return bpp, calls except UserWarning: return None, [] def _call_by_contigs(source_evidence): # try calling by contigs contig_calls = [] for ctg in source_evidence.contigs: for aln in ctg.alignments: bpp, event_types = _call_by_reads(source_evidence, aln.read1, aln.read2) for event_type in event_types: new_event = EventCall( bpp.break1, bpp.break2, source_evidence, event_type, contig=ctg, contig_alignment=aln, untemplated_seq=bpp.untemplated_seq, call_method=CALL_METHOD.CONTIG ) # add the flanking support new_event.add_flanking_support(source_evidence.flanking_pairs) if new_event.has_compatible: new_event.add_flanking_support(source_evidence.compatible_flanking_pairs, is_compatible=True) # add any spanning reads that call the same event for read in source_evidence.spanning_reads: new_event.add_spanning_read(read) # add any split read support (this will be consumed for non-contig calls) for read in source_evidence.split_reads[0]: new_event.add_break1_split_read(read) for read in source_evidence.split_reads[1]: new_event.add_break2_split_read(read) contig_calls.append(new_event) return contig_calls
[docs]def filter_consumed_pairs(pairs, consumed_reads): """ given a set of read tuples, returns all tuples where neither read in the tuple is in the consumed set Args: pairs (set of tuples of :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment` and :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment`): pairs to be filtered consumed_reads: (set of :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment`): set of reads that have been used/consumed Returns: set of tuples of :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment` and :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment`: set of filtered tuples Note: this will work with any hash-able object Example: >>> pairs = {(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)} >>> consumed_reads = {1, 2, 4} >>> filter_consumed_pairs(pairs, consumed_reads) {(5, 6)} """ temp = set() for read, mate in pairs: if read not in consumed_reads and mate not in consumed_reads: temp.add((read, mate)) return temp
def _call_by_spanning_reads(source_evidence, consumed_evidence): spanning_calls = {} available_flanking_pairs = filter_consumed_pairs(source_evidence.flanking_pairs, consumed_evidence) for read in source_evidence.spanning_reads - consumed_evidence: bpp, event_types = _call_by_reads(source_evidence, read) for event_type in event_types: spanning_calls.setdefault((bpp, event_type), set()).add(read) result = [] for k, reads in spanning_calls.items(): if len(reads) < source_evidence.min_spanning_reads_resolution: continue bpp, event_type = k bpp.break1.seq = None # unless we are collecting a consensus we shouldn't assign sequences to the breaks bpp.break2.seq = None new_event = EventCall( bpp.break1, bpp.break2, source_evidence, event_type, CALL_METHOD.SPAN, untemplated_seq=bpp.untemplated_seq ) new_event.spanning_reads.update(reads) # add any supporting split reads # add the flanking support new_event.add_flanking_support(available_flanking_pairs) if new_event.has_compatible: new_event.add_flanking_support(available_flanking_pairs, is_compatible=True) # add any split read support (this will be consumed for non-contig calls) for read in source_evidence.split_reads[0] - consumed_evidence: new_event.add_break1_split_read(read) for read in source_evidence.split_reads[1] - consumed_evidence: new_event.add_break2_split_read(read) result.append(new_event) return result
[docs]def call_events(source_evidence): """ generates a set of event calls based on the evidence associated with the source_evidence object will also narrow down the event type Args: source_evidence (Evidence): the input evidence event_type (SVTYPE): the type of event we are collecting evidence for Returns: :class:`list` of :class:`EventCall`: list of calls """ consumed_evidence = set() # keep track to minimize evidence re-use calls = [] errors = set() contig_calls = _call_by_contigs(source_evidence) calls.extend(contig_calls) for call in contig_calls: consumed_evidence.update( spanning_calls = _call_by_spanning_reads(source_evidence, consumed_evidence) for call in spanning_calls: consumed_evidence.update( calls.extend(spanning_calls) for event_type in sorted(source_evidence.putative_event_types()): # try calling by split/flanking reads try: contig_consumed_evidence = set() contig_consumed_evidence.update(consumed_evidence) calls.extend(_call_by_supporting_reads(source_evidence, event_type, contig_consumed_evidence)) except UserWarning as err: errors.add(str(err)) if len(calls) == 0 and len(errors) > 0: raise UserWarning(';'.join(sorted(list(errors)))) elif len(calls) == 0: raise UserWarning('insufficient evidence to call events') return calls
[docs]def distance(start, end): return Interval(abs(end - start) + 1)
[docs]def traverse(start, distance, orientation): if orientation == ORIENT.LEFT: return Interval(start - distance) elif orientation == ORIENT.RIGHT: return Interval(start + distance) else: raise ValueError('invalid value for orientation', orientation)
def _call_interval_by_flanking_coverage( coverage, orientation, max_expected_fragment_size, read_length, distance=distance, traverse=traverse ): if max_expected_fragment_size <= 0 or read_length <= 0: raise ValueError( 'max_expected_fragment_size and read_length must be positive integers', max_expected_fragment_size, read_length) coverage_d = distance(coverage.start, coverage.end).start # minimum distance of the coverage max_interval = max_expected_fragment_size - read_length if coverage_d > max_interval: msg = 'length of the coverage interval ({}) is greater than the maximum expected ({})'.format( coverage_d, max_interval) warnings.warn(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) if orientation == ORIENT.LEFT: s = coverage.end t = traverse(coverage.end, max_interval - coverage_d, ORIENT.RIGHT).end return Interval(s, t) elif orientation == ORIENT.RIGHT: t = coverage.start s = max([1, traverse(coverage.start, max_interval - coverage_d, ORIENT.LEFT).start]) return Interval(s, t) else: raise ValueError('orientation must be specific', orientation) def _call_by_flanking_pairs( ev, event_type, first_breakpoint_called=None, second_breakpoint_called=None, consumed_evidence=None): """ Given a set of flanking reads, computes the coverage interval (the area that is covered by flanking read alignments) this area gives the starting position for computing the breakpoint interval. .. todo:: pre-split pairs into clusters by position and fragment size. This will enable calling multiple events in close proximity by flanking reads only. It will also aid in stopping FP reads from interfering with resolving events by flanking pairs. """ if consumed_evidence is None: consumed_evidence = set() # for all flanking read pairs mark the farthest possible distance to the breakpoint # the start/end of the read on the breakpoint side first_positions = [] second_positions = [] flanking_count = 0 cover1_reads = [] cover2_reads = [] available_flanking_pairs = filter_consumed_pairs(ev.flanking_pairs, consumed_evidence) for read, mate in available_flanking_pairs: # check that the fragment size is reasonable fragment_size = ev.compute_fragment_size(read, mate) if event_type == SVTYPE.DEL: if fragment_size.end <= ev.max_expected_fragment_size: continue elif event_type == SVTYPE.INS: if fragment_size.start >= ev.min_expected_fragment_size: continue flanking_count += 1 cover1_reads.append(read) cover2_reads.append(mate) first_positions.extend([read.reference_start + 1, read.reference_end]) second_positions.extend([mate.reference_start + 1, mate.reference_end]) if flanking_count < ev.min_flanking_pairs_resolution: raise AssertionError('insufficient coverage to call {} by flanking reads'.format(event_type)) cover1 = Interval(min(first_positions), max(first_positions)) cover2 = Interval(min(second_positions), max(second_positions)) if not ev.interchromosomal: if Interval.overlaps(cover1, cover2) and event_type != SVTYPE.DUP: raise AssertionError('flanking read coverage overlaps. cannot call by flanking reads', cover1, cover2) elif event_type == SVTYPE.DUP and (cover1.start > cover2.start or cover2.end < cover1.end): raise AssertionError('flanking coverage for duplications must have some distinct positions', cover1, cover2) break1_strand = STRAND.NS break2_strand = STRAND.NS if ev.stranded: break1_strand = ev.decide_sequenced_strand(cover1_reads) break2_strand = ev.decide_sequenced_strand(cover2_reads) distance_func = distance traverse_func = traverse if first_breakpoint_called is None and second_breakpoint_called is None: # call the first breakpoint if ev.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS: def distance_func(s, t): return TranscriptomeEvidence.compute_exonic_distance( s, t, ev.overlapping_transcripts[0]) def traverse_func(s, d, o): return TranscriptomeEvidence.traverse_exonic_distance( s, d, o, ev.overlapping_transcripts[0]) window1 = _call_interval_by_flanking_coverage( cover1, ev.break1.orient, ev.max_expected_fragment_size, ev.read_length, distance=distance_func, traverse=traverse_func ) # call the second breakpoint if ev.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS: def distance_func(s, t): return TranscriptomeEvidence.compute_exonic_distance( s, t, ev.overlapping_transcripts[1]) def traverse_func(s, d, o): return TranscriptomeEvidence.traverse_exonic_distance( s, d, o, ev.overlapping_transcripts[1]) window2 = _call_interval_by_flanking_coverage( cover2, ev.break2.orient, ev.max_expected_fragment_size, ev.read_length, distance=distance_func, traverse=traverse_func ) if not ev.interchromosomal: if window1.start > window2.end: raise AssertionError('flanking window regions are incompatible', window1, window2) window1.end = min([window1.end, window2.end, cover2.start - (0 if event_type == SVTYPE.DUP else 1)]) window2.start = max([window1.start, window2.start, cover1.end + (0 if event_type == SVTYPE.DUP else 1)]) first_breakpoint_called = Breakpoint( ev.break1.chr, window1.start, window1.end, orient=ev.break1.orient, strand=break1_strand ) second_breakpoint_called = Breakpoint( ev.break2.chr, window2.start, window2.end, orient=ev.break2.orient, strand=break2_strand ) return first_breakpoint_called, second_breakpoint_called elif second_breakpoint_called is None: # does the input breakpoint make sense with the coverage? if any([ first_breakpoint_called.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and cover1.end > first_breakpoint_called.end, first_breakpoint_called.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and cover1.start < first_breakpoint_called.start ]): raise AssertionError( 'input breakpoint is incompatible with flanking coverage', cover1, first_breakpoint_called) # call the second breakpoint if ev.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS: def distance_func(s, t): return TranscriptomeEvidence.compute_exonic_distance( s, t, ev.overlapping_transcripts[1]) def traverse_func(s, d, o): return TranscriptomeEvidence.traverse_exonic_distance( s, d, o, ev.overlapping_transcripts[1]) window = _call_interval_by_flanking_coverage( cover2, ev.break2.orient, ev.max_expected_fragment_size, ev.read_length, distance=distance_func, traverse=traverse_func ) # trim the putative window by the input breakpoint location for intrachromosomal events if not ev.interchromosomal: window.start = max([ window.start, first_breakpoint_called.start + (0 if event_type == SVTYPE.DUP else 1), cover1.end + 1]) if window.start > window.end or window.end < first_breakpoint_called.start: raise AssertionError('input breakpoint incompatible with call', window, first_breakpoint_called) second_breakpoint_called = Breakpoint( ev.break2.chr, window.start, window.end, orient=ev.break2.orient, strand=break2_strand ) return first_breakpoint_called, second_breakpoint_called elif first_breakpoint_called is None: # does the input breakpoint make sense with the coverage? if any([ second_breakpoint_called.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and cover2.end > second_breakpoint_called.end, second_breakpoint_called.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and cover2.start < second_breakpoint_called.start ]): raise AssertionError( 'input breakpoint is incompatible with flanking coverage', cover2, second_breakpoint_called) # call the first breakpoint if ev.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS: def distance_func(s, t): return TranscriptomeEvidence.compute_exonic_distance( s, t, ev.overlapping_transcripts[0]) def traverse_func(s, d, o): return TranscriptomeEvidence.traverse_exonic_distance( s, d, o, ev.overlapping_transcripts[0]) window = _call_interval_by_flanking_coverage( cover1, ev.break1.orient, ev.max_expected_fragment_size, ev.read_length, distance=distance_func, traverse=traverse_func ) # trim the putative window by the input breakpoint location for intrachromosomal events if not ev.interchromosomal: window.end = min([ window.end, second_breakpoint_called.end - (0 if event_type == SVTYPE.DUP else 1), cover2.start - 1]) if window.end < window.start or window.start > second_breakpoint_called.end: raise AssertionError('input breakpoint incompatible with call', window, second_breakpoint_called) first_breakpoint_called = Breakpoint( ev.break1.chr, window.start, window.end, orient=ev.break1.orient, strand=break1_strand ) return first_breakpoint_called, second_breakpoint_called else: raise ValueError('cannot input both breakpoints') def _call_by_supporting_reads(ev, event_type, consumed_evidence=None): """ use split read evidence to resolve bp-level calls for breakpoint pairs (where possible) if a bp level call is not possible for one of the breakpoints then returns None if no breakpoints can be resolved returns the original event only with NO split read evidence also sets the SV type call if multiple are input """ if consumed_evidence is None: consumed_evidence = set() pos1 = {} pos2 = {} available_flanking_pairs = filter_consumed_pairs(ev.flanking_pairs, consumed_evidence) for i, breakpoint, d in [(0, ev.break1, pos1), (1, ev.break2, pos2)]: for read in ev.split_reads[i] - consumed_evidence: try: pos = read_tools.breakpoint_pos(read, breakpoint.orient) + 1 if pos not in d: d[pos] = set() d[pos].add(read) except AttributeError: pass putative_positions = list(d.keys()) for pos in putative_positions: if len(d[pos]) < ev.min_splits_reads_resolution: del d[pos] else: count = 0 for r in d[pos]: if not r.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT) or \ not r.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT): count += 1 if count < ev.min_non_target_aligned_split_reads: del d[pos] linked_pairings = [] # now pair up the breakpoints with their putative partners for first, second in itertools.product(pos1, pos2): if ev.break1.chr == ev.break2.chr: if first >= second: continue links = 0 read_names = set([r.query_name for r in pos1[first]]) reads = set([(r.query_name, r.query_sequence) for r in pos1[first]]) tgt_align = 0 for read in pos2[second]: if read.query_name in read_names: links += 1 if (read.query_name, read.query_sequence) in reads: tgt_align += 1 if links < ev.min_linking_split_reads: continue deletion_size = second - first - 1 if tgt_align >= ev.min_double_aligned_to_estimate_insertion_size: # we can estimate the fragment size max_insert = ev.read_length - 2 * ev.min_softclipping if event_type == SVTYPE.INS and max_insert < deletion_size: continue elif event_type == SVTYPE.DEL and deletion_size < max_insert: continue elif links >= ev.min_double_aligned_to_estimate_insertion_size: if deletion_size > ev.max_expected_fragment_size and event_type == SVTYPE.INS: continue first_breakpoint = Breakpoint(ev.break1.chr, first, strand=ev.break1.strand, orient=ev.break1.orient) second_breakpoint = Breakpoint(ev.break2.chr, second, strand=ev.break2.strand, orient=ev.break2.orient) call = EventCall( first_breakpoint, second_breakpoint, ev, event_type, call_method=CALL_METHOD.SPLIT ) call.add_flanking_support(available_flanking_pairs) if call.has_compatible: call.add_flanking_support(available_flanking_pairs, is_compatible=True) call.break1_split_reads.update(pos1[first]) call.break2_split_reads.update(pos2[second]) linked_pairings.append(call) for call in linked_pairings: consumed_evidence.update( error_messages = set() available_flanking_pairs = filter_consumed_pairs(available_flanking_pairs, consumed_evidence) try: f, s = _call_by_flanking_pairs(ev, event_type, consumed_evidence=consumed_evidence) call = EventCall( f, s, ev, event_type, call_method=CALL_METHOD.FLANK ) call.add_flanking_support(available_flanking_pairs) if call.has_compatible: call.add_flanking_support(available_flanking_pairs, is_compatible=True) linked_pairings.append(call) except (AssertionError, UserWarning) as err: error_messages.add(str(err)) if len(linked_pairings) == 0: raise UserWarning(';'.join(list(error_messages))) return linked_pairings