Source code for mavis.annotate.splicing

from ..constants import STRAND, reverse_complement
from ..interval import Interval
from .base import BioInterval

[docs]class SplicingPattern(list): def __init__(self, *args, splice_type=SPLICE_TYPE.NORMAL): list.__init__(self, *args) self.splice_type = splice_type
[docs] @staticmethod def classify(pattern, original_sites): # now need to decide the type for each set pattern = sorted(pattern) r_introns = 0 s_exons = 0 assert(len(pattern) % 2 == 0) for d, a in zip(pattern[0::2], pattern[1::2]): # check if any original splice positions are between this donor and acceptor temp = 0 for s in original_sites: if s > d and s < a: temp += 1 assert(temp % 2 == 0) s_exons += temp // 2 for a, d in zip(pattern[1::2], pattern[2::2]): temp = 0 for s in original_sites: if s > a and s < d: temp += 1 assert(temp % 2 == 0) r_introns += temp // 2 if len(pattern) > 0: # any skipped positions before the first donor or after the last acceptor temp = 0 for s in original_sites: if s < pattern[0]: temp += 1 assert(temp % 2 == 0) r_introns += temp // 2 temp = 0 for s in original_sites: if s > pattern[-1]: temp += 1 r_introns += temp // 2 assert(temp % 2 == 0) # now classifying the pattern if r_introns + s_exons == 0: return SPLICE_TYPE.NORMAL elif r_introns == 0: if s_exons > 1: return SPLICE_TYPE.MULTI_SKIP else: return SPLICE_TYPE.SKIP elif s_exons == 0: if r_introns > 1: return SPLICE_TYPE.MULTI_RETAIN else: return SPLICE_TYPE.RETAIN else: return SPLICE_TYPE.COMPLEX
[docs]class SpliceSite(BioInterval): def __init__(self, ref, pos, site_type, intact=True, start=None, end=None, strand=None, seq=None): if start is None or end is None: self.strand = strand if strand else ref.get_strand() if self.strand == STRAND.NEG: if site_type == SPLICE_SITE_TYPE.DONOR: if start is None: start = pos - SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS if end is None: end = pos + SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS - 1 else: if start is None: start = pos - SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS + 1 if end is None: end = pos + SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS else: if site_type == SPLICE_SITE_TYPE.ACCEPTOR: if start is None: start = pos - SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS if end is None: end = pos + SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS - 1 else: if start is None: start = pos - SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS + 1 if end is None: end = pos + SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS BioInterval.__init__(self, ref, start, end, seq=seq, strand=strand) assert(pos <= self.end and pos >= self.start) self.pos = pos self.intact = intact self.type = SPLICE_SITE_TYPE.enforce(site_type)
[docs] def __or__(self, other): return Interval.__or__(self, other)
def __repr__(self): cls = self.__class__.__name__ refname = self.reference_object try: refname = except AttributeError: pass seq = '' if not self.seq else ', seq=' + self.seq return '{}(type={}, {}:{}({}-{}){}, strand={})'.format( cls, SPLICE_SITE_TYPE.reverse(self.type), refname, self.pos, self.start, self.end, seq, self.get_strand())
[docs]def predict_splice_sites(input_sequence, is_reverse=False): """ looks for the expected splice site sequence patterns in the input strings and returns a list of putative splice sites Args: input_sequence (str): input sequence with respect to the positive/forward strand is_reverse (bool): True when the sequences is transcribed on the reverse strand Return: list of SpliceSite: list of putative splice sites """ if is_reverse: sequence = reverse_complement(input_sequence) else: sequence = input_sequence def convert_match_to_ss(match, splice_type): prefix = suffix = return SpliceSite( None, start=match.start() + 1, end=match.end(), pos=match.start() + len(prefix), seq=prefix + suffix, site_type=splice_type, strand=STRAND.POS) sites = [] positions = set() for regex in DONOR_SEQ: for match in regex.finditer(sequence): d = convert_match_to_ss(match, SPLICE_SITE_TYPE.DONOR) if d.pos not in positions: sites.append(d) positions.add(d.pos) positions = set() for regex in ACCEPTOR_SEQ: for match in regex.finditer(sequence): d = convert_match_to_ss(match, SPLICE_SITE_TYPE.ACCEPTOR) if d.pos not in positions: sites.append(d) positions.add(d.pos) if is_reverse: temp = [] l = len(sequence) # flip all the sites for site in sites: offset = site.end - site.pos start = l - site.end + 1 new_site = SpliceSite( None, start=start, end=l - site.start + 1, seq=reverse_complement(site.seq), strand=STRAND.NEG, pos=start + offset, site_type=site.type) temp.append(new_site) sites = temp return sites