Source code for mavis.annotate.file_io

module which holds all functions relating to loading reference files
import TSV
import re
from .genomic import Gene, Transcript, usTranscript, Exon, Template
from .base import BioInterval, ReferenceName
from .protein import Domain, Translation
from ..interval import Interval
from ..constants import STRAND, GIESMA_STAIN, CODON_SIZE, translate, START_AA, STOP_AA
from ..util import devnull
from Bio import SeqIO
import json
import warnings

[docs]def load_masking_regions(filepath): """ reads a file of regions. The expect input format for the file is tab-delimited and the header should contain the following columns - chr: the chromosome - start: start of the region, 1-based inclusive - end: end of the region, 1-based inclusive - name: the name/label of the region For example: .. code-block:: text #chr start end name chr20 25600000 27500000 centromere Args: filepath (str): path to the input tab-delimited file Returns: :class:`dict` of :class:`list` of :class:`BioInterval` by :class:`str`: a dictionary keyed by chromosome name with values of lists of regions on the chromosome Example: >>> m = load_masking_regions('filename') >>> m['1'] [BioInterval(), BioInterval(), ...] """ header, rows = TSV.read_file( filepath, require=['chr', 'start', 'end', 'name'], cast={'start': int, 'end': int, 'chr': ReferenceName} ) regions = {} for row in rows: r = BioInterval(reference_object=row['chr'], start=row['start'], end=row['end'], name=row['name']) regions.setdefault(r.reference_object, []).append(r) return regions
[docs]def load_reference_genes(*pos, **kwargs): warnings.warn('this function has been replaced by load_annotations', DeprecationWarning) return load_annotations(*pos, **kwargs)
[docs]def load_annotations(filepath, warn=devnull, REFERENCE_GENOME=None, filetype=None, best_transcripts_only=False): """ loads gene models from an input file. Expects a tabbed or json file. Args: filepath (str): path to the input file verbose (bool): output extra information to stdout REFERENCE_GENOME (:class:`dict` of :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` by :class:`str`): dict of reference sequence by template/chr name filetype (str): json or tab/tsv. only required if the file type can't be interpolated from the path extenstion Returns: :class:`dict` of :class:`list` of :class:`~mavis.annotate.genomic.Gene` by :class:`str`: lists of genes keyed by chromosome name """ if filetype is None: m = re.match('.*\.(?P<ext>tsv|tab|json)$', filepath) if m: filetype ='ext') data = None if filetype == 'json': with open(filepath) as fh: data = json.load(fh) elif filetype == 'tab' or filetype == 'tsv': data = convert_tab_to_json(filepath, warn) else: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported filetype:', filetype, filepath) return parse_annotations_json( data, REFERENCE_GENOME=REFERENCE_GENOME, best_transcripts_only=best_transcripts_only, warn=warn)
[docs]def parse_annotations_json(data, REFERENCE_GENOME=None, best_transcripts_only=False, warn=devnull): """ parses a json of annotation information into annotation objects """ genes_by_chr = {} for gene in data['genes']: if gene['strand'] in ['1', '+']: gene['strand'] = STRAND.POS elif gene['strand'] in ['-1', '-']: gene['strand'] = STRAND.NEG else: raise AssertionError('input has unexpected form. strand must be 1 or -1 but found', gene['strand']) g = Gene( chr=gene['chr'], start=gene['start'], end=gene['end'], name=gene['name'], aliases=gene['aliases'], strand=gene['strand'] ) has_best = False for transcript in gene['transcripts']: transcript['is_best_transcript'] = TSV.tsv_boolean(transcript['is_best_transcript']) transcript.setdefault('exons', []) exons = [Exon(strand=gene['strand'], **ex) for ex in transcript['exons']] if len(exons) == 0: exons = [(transcript['start'], transcript['end'])] ust = usTranscript( name=transcript['name'], gene=g, exons=exons, is_best_transcript=transcript['is_best_transcript'] ) if ust.is_best_transcript: has_best = True if best_transcripts_only and not ust.is_best_transcript: continue g.transcripts.append(ust) if transcript['cdna_coding_end'] is None or transcript['cdna_coding_start'] is None: continue for spl_patt in ust.generate_splicing_patterns(): # make splice transcripts and translations t = Transcript(ust, spl_patt) ust.spliced_transcripts.append(t) tx_length = transcript['cdna_coding_end'] - transcript['cdna_coding_start'] + 1 # check that the translation makes sense before including it if tx_length % CODON_SIZE != 0: warn('Ignoring translation. The translated region is not a multiple of three') continue tx_length = tx_length // CODON_SIZE domains = [] for dom in transcript['domains']: try: regions = [Interval(r['start'], r['end']) for r in dom['regions']] regions = Interval.min_nonoverlapping(*regions) for region in regions: if region.start < 1 or region.end > tx_length: raise AssertionError('region cannot be outside the translated length') domains.append( Domain(name=dom['name'], data={'desc': dom.get('desc', None)}, regions=regions) ) except AssertionError as e: warn(repr(e)) tx = Translation( transcript['cdna_coding_start'], transcript['cdna_coding_end'], transcript=t, domains=domains ) if REFERENCE_GENOME and g.chr in REFERENCE_GENOME: # get the sequence near here to see why these are wrong? s = ust.get_cdna_seq(t.splicing_pattern, REFERENCE_GENOME) m = s[tx.start - 1:tx.start + 2] stop = s[tx.end - CODON_SIZE: tx.end] if translate(m) != START_AA or translate(stop) != STOP_AA: warn( 'Sequence error. The sequence computed from the reference does look like ' 'a valid translation' ) continue t.translations.append(tx) if not best_transcripts_only or has_best: genes_by_chr.setdefault(g.chr, []).append(g) return genes_by_chr
def _load_reference_genes_json(filepath, REFERENCE_GENOME=None, best_transcripts_only=False, warn=devnull): with open(filepath) as fh: data = json.load(fh) return parse_annotations_json( data, REFERENCE_GENOME=REFERENCE_GENOME, best_transcripts_only=best_transcripts_only, warn=warn)
[docs]def convert_tab_to_json(filepath, warn=devnull): """ given a file in the std input format (see below) reads and return a list of genes (and sub-objects) +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | column name | example | description | +=======================+===========================+===========================================================+ | ensembl_transcript_id | ENST000001 | | +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | ensembl_gene_id | ENSG000001 | | +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | strand | -1 | positive or negative 1 | +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | cdna_coding_start | 44 | where translation begins relative to the start of the cdna| +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | cdna_coding_end | 150 | where translation terminates | +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | genomic_exon_ranges | 100-201;334-412;779-830 | semi-colon demitited exon start/ends | +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | AA_domain_ranges | DBD:220-251,260-271 | semi-colon delimited list of domains | +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | hugo_names | KRAS | hugo gene name | +-----------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ Args: filepath (str): path to the input tab-delimited file Returns: :class:`dict` of :class:`list` of :any:`Gene` by :class:`str`: a dictionary keyed by chromosome name with values of list of genes on the chromosome Example: >>> ref = load_reference_genes('filename') >>> ref['1'] [Gene(), Gene(), ....] Warning: does not load translations unless then start with 'M', end with '*' and have a length of multiple 3 """ def parse_exon_list(row): if not row: return [] exons = [] for temp in re.split('[; ]', row): try: s, t = temp.split('-') exons.append({'start': int(s), 'end': int(t)}) except Exception as err: warn('exon error:', repr(temp), repr(err)) return exons def parse_domain_list(row): if not row: return [] domains = [] for d in row.split(';'): try: name, temp = d.rsplit(':') temp = temp.split(',') temp = [x.split('-') for x in temp] regions = [{'start': int(x), 'end': int(y)} for x, y in temp] domains.append({'name': name, 'regions': regions}) except Exception as err: warn('error in domain:', d, row, repr(err)) return domains def nullable_int(row): try: row = int(row) except ValueError: row = TSV.null(row) return row header, rows = TSV.read_file( filepath, require=[ 'ensembl_gene_id', 'chr', 'ensembl_transcript_id' ], add={ 'cdna_coding_start': 'null', 'cdna_coding_end': 'null', 'AA_domain_ranges': '', 'genomic_exon_ranges': '', 'hugo_names': '', 'transcript_genomic_start': 'null', 'transcript_genomic_end': 'null', 'best_ensembl_transcript_id': 'null' }, cast={ 'genomic_exon_ranges': parse_exon_list, 'AA_domain_ranges': parse_domain_list, 'cdna_coding_end': nullable_int, 'cdna_coding_start': nullable_int, 'transcript_genomic_end': nullable_int, 'transcript_genomic_start': nullable_int, 'gene_start': int, 'gene_end': int } ) genes = {} for row in rows: g = { 'chr': row['chr'], 'start': row['gene_start'], 'end': row['gene_end'], 'name': row['ensembl_gene_id'], 'strand': row['strand'], 'aliases': row['hugo_names'].split(';') if row['hugo_names'] else [], 'transcripts': [] } if g['name'] not in genes: genes[g['name']] = g else: g = genes[g['name']] t = { 'is_best_transcript': row['best_ensembl_transcript_id'] == row['ensembl_transcript_id'], 'name': row['ensembl_transcript_id'], 'exons': row['genomic_exon_ranges'], 'domains': row['AA_domain_ranges'], 'start': row['transcript_genomic_start'], 'end': row['transcript_genomic_end'], 'cdna_coding_start': row['cdna_coding_start'], 'cdna_coding_end': row['cdna_coding_end'], 'aliases': [] } g['transcripts'].append(t) return {'genes': genes.values()}
[docs]def load_reference_genome(filename, low_mem=False): """ Args: filename (str): the path to the file containing the input fasta genome Returns: :class:`dict` of :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` by :class:`str`: a dictionary representing the sequences in the fasta file """ HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME = None if not low_mem: with open(filename, 'rU') as fh: HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(fh, 'fasta')) else: HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME = SeqIO.index(filename, "fasta") names = list(HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME.keys()) # to fix hg38 issues for template_name in names: if template_name.startswith('chr'): truncated = re.sub('^chr', '', template_name) if truncated in HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME: raise KeyError( 'template names {} and {} are considered equal but both have been defined in the reference' 'loaded'.format(template_name, truncated)) HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME.setdefault(truncated, HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME[template_name]) else: prefixed = 'chr' + template_name if prefixed in HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME: raise KeyError( 'template names {} and {} are considered equal but both have been defined in the reference' 'loaded'.format(template_name, prefixed)) HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME.setdefault(prefixed, HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME[template_name]) HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME[template_name] = HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME[template_name].upper() return HUMAN_REFERENCE_GENOME
[docs]def load_templates(filename): """ primarily useful if template drawings are required and is not necessary otherwise assumes the input file is 0-indexed with [start,end) style. Columns are expected in the following order, tab-delimited. A header should not be given 1. name 2. start 3. end 4. band_name 5. giesma_stain for example .. code-block:: text chr1 0 2300000 p36.33 gneg chr1 2300000 5400000 p36.32 gpos25 Args: filename (str): the path to the file with the cytoband template information Returns: :class:`list` of :class:`Template`: list of the templates loaded """ header = ['name', 'start', 'end', 'band_name', 'giesma_stain'] header, rows = TSV.read_file( filename, header=header, cast={'start': int, 'end': int}, in_={'giesma_stain': GIESMA_STAIN} ) bands_by_template = {} for row in rows: b = BioInterval(None, row['start'] + 1, row['end'], name=row['band_name'], data=row) bands_by_template.setdefault(row['name'], []).append(b) templates = dict() for tname, bands in bands_by_template.items(): s = min([b.start for b in bands]) t = max([b.end for b in bands]) t = Template(tname, s, t, bands=bands) templates[] = t return templates