Source code for mavis.constants

module responsible for small utility functions and constants used throughout the structural_variant package
from vocab import Vocab
from Bio.Alphabet import Gapped
from Bio.Data.IUPACData import ambiguous_dna_values
from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import ambiguous_dna
from Bio.Seq import Seq
import re


""":class:`int`: the number of bases making up a codon"""

[docs]def reverse_complement(s): """ wrapper for the Bio.Seq reverse_complement method Args: s (str): the input DNA sequence Returns: :class:`str`: the reverse complement of the input sequence Warning: assumes the input is a DNA sequence Example: >>> reverse_complement('ATCCGGT') 'ACCGGAT' """ input_string = str(s) if not re.match('^[A-Za-z]*$', input_string): raise ValueError('unexpected sequence format. cannot reverse complement', input_string) input_string = Seq(input_string, DNA_ALPHABET) return str(input_string.reverse_complement())
[docs]def translate(s, reading_frame=0): """ given a DNA sequence, translates it and returns the protein amino acid sequence Args: s (str): the input DNA sequence reading_frame (int): where to start translating the sequence Returns: str: the amino acid sequence """ reading_frame = reading_frame % CODON_SIZE temp = s[reading_frame:] if len(temp) % 3 == 1: temp = temp[:-1] elif len(temp) % 3 == 2: temp = temp[:-2] temp = Seq(temp, DNA_ALPHABET) return str(temp.translate())
GAP = '-' ORIENT = Vocab(LEFT='L', RIGHT='R', NS='?') """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary for allowed orientation values - ``LEFT``: left wrt to the positive/forward strand - ``RIGHT``: right wrt to the positive/forward strand - ``NS``: orientation is not specified """ setattr(ORIENT, 'expand', lambda x: [ORIENT.LEFT, ORIENT.RIGHT] if x == ORIENT.NS else [x]) setattr(ORIENT, 'compare', lambda x, y: True if ORIENT.NS in [x, y] else (x == y)) PROTOCOL = Vocab(GENOME='genome', TRANS='transcriptome') """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary for allowed protocol values - ``GENOME``: genome - ``TRANS``: transcriptome """ DISEASE_STATUS = Vocab(DISEASED='diseased', NORMAL='normal') """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary for allowed disease status - ``DISEASED``: diseased - ``NORMAL``: normal """ STRAND = Vocab(POS='+', NEG='-', NS='?') """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary for allowed strand values - ``POS``: the positive/forward strand - ``NEG``: the negative/reverse strand - ``NS``: strand is not specified """ setattr(STRAND, 'expand', lambda x: [STRAND.POS, STRAND.NEG] if x == STRAND.NS else [x]) setattr(STRAND, 'compare', lambda x, y: True if STRAND.NS in [x, y] else (x == y)) SVTYPE = Vocab( DEL='deletion', TRANS='translocation', ITRANS='inverted translocation', INV='inversion', INS='insertion', DUP='duplication' ) """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary for acceptable structural variant classifications - ``DEL``: deletion - ``TRANS``: translocation - ``ITRANS``: inverted translocation - ``INV``: inversion - ``INS``: insertion - ``DUP``: duplication """ CIGAR = Vocab(M=0, I=1, D=2, N=3, S=4, H=5, P=6, X=8, EQ=7) """:class:`Vocab`: Enum-like. For readable cigar values - ``M``: alignment match (can be a sequence match or mismatch) - ``I``: insertion to the reference - ``D``: deletion from the reference - ``N``: skipped region from the reference - ``S``: soft clipping (clipped sequences present in SEQ) - ``H``: hard clipping (clipped sequences NOT present in SEQ) - ``P``: padding (silent deletion from padded reference) - ``EQ``: sequence match (=) - ``X``: sequence mismatch note: descriptions are taken from the `samfile documentation <>`_ """ NA_MAPPING_QUALITY = 255 """:class:`int`: mapping quality value to indicate mapping was not performed/calculated""" PYSAM_READ_FLAGS = Vocab( REVERSE=16, MATE_REVERSE=32, UNMAPPED=4, MATE_UNMAPPED=8, FIRST_IN_PAIR=64, LAST_IN_PAIR=128, SECONDARY=256, MULTIMAP=1, SUPPLEMENTARY=2048, TARGETED_ALIGNMENT='ta', RECOMPUTED_CIGAR='rc', BLAT_RANK='br', BLAT_SCORE='bs', BLAT_ALIGNMENTS='ba', BLAT_PERCENT_IDENTITY='bi', BLAT_PMS='bp' ) """:class:`Vocab`: Enum-like. For readable PYSAM flag constants - ``MULTIMAP``: template having multiple segments in sequencing - ``UNMAPPED``: segment unmapped - ``MATE_UNMAPPED``: next segment in the template unmapped - ``REVERSE``: SEQ being reverse complemented - ``MATE_REVERSE``: SEQ of the next segment in the template being reverse complemented - ``FIRST_IN_PAIR``: the first segment in the template - ``LAST_IN_PAIR``: the last segment in the template - ``SECONDARY``: secondary alignment - ``SUPPLEMENTARY``: supplementary alignment note: descriptions are taken from the `samfile documentation <>`_ """ # read paired, read mapped in proper pair, mate reverse strand, first in pair def _match_ambiguous_dna(x, y): """ >>> _match_ambiguous_dna('A', 'N') True >>> _match_ambiguous_dna('A', 'T') False >>> _match_ambiguous_dna('A', 'A') True """ x = x.upper() y = y.upper() xset = set(ambiguous_dna_values.get(x, x)) yset = set(ambiguous_dna_values.get(y, y)) if len(xset.intersection(yset)) == 0: return False return True DNA_ALPHABET = alphabet = Gapped(ambiguous_dna, '-') DNA_ALPHABET.match = lambda x, y: _match_ambiguous_dna(x, y) FLAGS = Vocab(LQ='LOWQUAL') READ_PAIR_TYPE = Vocab(RR='RR', LL='LL', RL='RL', LR='LR') CALL_METHOD = Vocab(CONTIG='contig', SPLIT='split reads', FLANK='flanking reads', SPAN='spanning reads') """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary for allowed call methods - ``CONTIG``: a contig was assembled and aligned across the breakpoints - ``SPLIT``: the event was called by :term:`split read` - ``FLANK``: the event was called by :term:`flanking read pair` - ``SPAN``: the event was called by :term:`spanning read` """ GENE_PRODUCT_TYPE = Vocab(SENSE='sense', ANTI_SENSE='anti-sense') """:class:`Vocab`: controlled vocabulary for gene products - ``SENSE``: the gene product is a sense fusion - ``ANTI_SENSE``: the gene product is anti-sense """ SPLICE_TYPE = Vocab( RETAIN='retained intron', SKIP='skipped exon', NORMAL='normal', MULTI_RETAIN='retained multiple introns', MULTI_SKIP='skipped multiple exons', COMPLEX='complex' ) """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary for allowed splice type classification values - ``RETAIN``: an intron was retained - ``SKIP``: an exon was skipped - ``NORMAL``: no exons were skipped and no introns were retained. the normal/expected splicing pattern was followed - ``MULTI_RETAIN``: multiple introns were retained - ``MULTI_SKIP``: multiple exons were skipped - ``COMPLEX``: some combination of exon skipping and intron retention """ SPLICE_SITE_RADIUS = 2 """:class:`int`: number of bases away from an exon boundary considered to be part of the splice site such that if it were altered the splice site would be considered to be abrogated. """ PRIME = Vocab(FIVE=5, THREE=3) """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary - ``FIVE``: five prime - ``THREE``: three prime """ START_AA = 'M' """:class:`str`: The amino acid expected to start translation """ STOP_AA = '*' """:class:`str`: The amino acid expected to end translation """ GIESMA_STAIN = Vocab( GNEG='gneg', GPOS50='gpos50', GPOS75='gpos75', GPOS25='gpos25', GPOS100='gpos100', ACEN='acen', GVAR='gvar', STALK='stalk' ) """:class:`Vocab`: holds controlled vocabulary relating to stains of chromosome bands""" # content related to tabbed files for input/output # ensure that we don't have to change ALL the code when we update column names COLUMNS = Vocab( library='library', cluster_id='cluster_id', cluster_size='cluster_size', validation_id='validation_id', annotation_id='annotation_id', product_id='product_id', event_type='event_type', pairing='pairing', gene1='gene1', gene1_direction='gene1_direction', gene2='gene2', gene2_direction='gene2_direction', gene1_aliases='gene1_aliases', gene2_aliases='gene2_aliases', gene_product_type='gene_product_type', transcript1='transcript1', transcript2='transcript2', fusion_splicing_pattern='fusion_splicing_pattern', fusion_cdna_coding_start='fusion_cdna_coding_start', fusion_cdna_coding_end='fusion_cdna_coding_end', fusion_mapped_domains='fusion_mapped_domains', fusion_sequence_fasta_id='fusion_sequence_fasta_id', fusion_sequence_fasta_file='fusion_sequence_fasta_file', annotation_figure='annotation_figure', annotation_figure_legend='annotation_figure_legend', genes_encompassed='genes_encompassed', genes_overlapping_break1='genes_overlapping_break1', genes_overlapping_break2='genes_overlapping_break2', genes_proximal_to_break1='genes_proximal_to_break1', genes_proximal_to_break2='genes_proximal_to_break2', break1_chromosome='break1_chromosome', break1_position_start='break1_position_start', break1_position_end='break1_position_end', break1_orientation='break1_orientation', exon_last_5prime='exon_last_5prime', exon_first_3prime='exon_first_3prime', break1_strand='break1_strand', break1_seq='break1_seq', break2_chromosome='break2_chromosome', break2_position_start='break2_position_start', break2_position_end='break2_position_end', break2_orientation='break2_orientation', break2_strand='break2_strand', break2_seq='break2_seq', opposing_strands='opposing_strands', stranded='stranded', protocol='protocol', disease_status='disease_status', tools='tools', break1_call_method='break1_call_method', break1_ewindow='break1_ewindow', break1_ewindow_count='break1_ewindow_count', break1_ewindow_practical_coverage='break1_ewindow_practical_coverage', break1_homologous_seq='break1_homologous_seq', break1_split_read_names='break1_split_read_names', break1_split_reads='break1_split_reads', break1_split_reads_forced='break1_split_reads_forced', break2_call_method='break2_call_method', break2_ewindow='break2_ewindow', break2_ewindow_count='break2_ewindow_count', break2_ewindow_practical_coverage='break2_ewindow_practical_coverage', break2_homologous_seq='break2_homologous_seq', break2_split_read_names='break2_split_read_names', break2_split_reads='break2_split_reads', break2_split_reads_forced='break2_split_reads_forced', contig_alignment_query_coverage='contig_alignment_query_coverage', contig_alignment_score='contig_alignment_score', contig_alignment_query_name='contig_alignment_query_coverage', contig_build_score='contig_build_score', contig_remap_score='contig_remap_score', contig_remapped_read_names='contig_remapped_read_names', contig_remapped_reads='contig_remapped_reads', contig_seq='contig_seq', contig_strand_specific='contig_strand_specific', contigs_aligned='contigs_aligned', contigs_assembled='contigs_assembled', spanning_reads='spanning_reads', spanning_read_names='spanning_read_names', flanking_median_fragment_size='flanking_median_fragment_size', flanking_pairs='flanking_pairs', flanking_pairs_compatible='flanking_pairs_compatible', flanking_pairs_read_names='flanking_pairs_read_names', flanking_pairs_compatible_read_names='flanking_pairs_compatible_read_names', flanking_stdev_fragment_size='flanking_stdev_fragment_size', linking_split_read_names='linking_split_read_names', linking_split_reads='linking_split_reads', raw_break1_half_mapped_reads='raw_break1_half_mapped_reads', raw_break1_split_reads='raw_break1_split_reads', raw_break2_half_mapped_reads='raw_break2_half_mapped_reads', raw_break2_split_reads='raw_break2_split_reads', raw_flanking_pairs='raw_flanking_pairs', raw_spanning_reads='raw_spanning_reads', untemplated_seq='untemplated_seq', filter_comment='filter_comment', cdna_synon='cdna_synon', protein_synon='protein_synon' ) """:class:`Vocab`: Column names for i/o files used throughout the pipeline .. glossary:: :sorted: library Identifier for the library/source cluster_id Identifier for the merging/clustering step cluster_size The number of breakpoint pair calls that were grouped in creating the cluster validation_id Identifier for the validation step annotation_id Identifier for the annotation step product_id Unique identifier of the final fusion including splicing and ORF decision from the annotation step event_type :class:`SVTYPE` - The classification of the event pairing A semi colon delimited of event identifiers i.e. <annotation_id>_<splicing pattern>_<cds start>_<cds end> gene1 Gene for the current annotation at the first breakpoint gene1_direction :class:`PRIME` - The direction/prime of the gene gene2 Gene for the current annotation at the second breakpoint gene2_direction :class:`PRIME` - The direction/prime of the gene. Has the following possible values gene1_aliases Other gene names associated with the current annotation at the first breakpoint gene2_aliases Other gene names associated with the current annotation at the second breakpoint gene_product_type :class:`GENE_PRODUCT_TYPE` - Describes if the putative fusion product will be sense or anti-sense transcript1 Transcript for the current annotation at the first breakpoint transcript2 Transcript for the current annotation at the second breakpoint fusion_splicing_pattern :class:`SPLICE_TYPE` - Type of splicing pattern used to create the fusion cDNA. fusion_cdna_coding_start Position wrt the 5' end of the fusion transcript where coding begins first base of the Met amino acid. fusion_cdna_coding_end Position wrt the 5' end of the fusion transcript where coding ends last base of the stop codon fusion_mapped_domains ``JSON`` - List of domains in :term:`JSON` format where each domain start and end positions are given wrt to the fusion transcript and the mapping quality is the number of matching amino acid positions over the total number of amino acids. The sequence is the amino acid sequence of the domain on the reference/original transcript fusion_sequence_fasta_id The sequence identifier for the cdna sequence output fasta file fusion_sequence_fasta_file Path to the corresponding fasta output file annotation_figure File path to the svg drawing representing the annotation annotation_figure_legend ``JSON`` - :term:`JSON` data for the figure legend genes_encompassed Applies to intrachromosomal events only. List of genes which overlap any region that occurs between both breakpoints. For example in a deletion event these would be deleted genes. genes_overlapping_break1 list of genes which overlap the first breakpoint genes_overlapping_break2 list of genes which overlap the second breakpoint genes_proximal_to_break1 list of genes near the breakpoint and the distance away from the breakpoint genes_proximal_to_break2 list of genes near the breakpoint and the distance away from the breakpoint break1_chromosome :class:`str` - The name of the chromosome on which breakpoint 1 is situated break1_position_start :class:`int` - Start integer inclusive 1-based of the range representing breakpoint 1 break1_position_end :class:`int` - End integer inclusive 1-based of the range representing breakpoint 1 break1_orientation :class:`ORIENT` - The side of the breakpoint wrt the positive/forward strand that is retained. break1_strand :class:`STRAND` - The strand wrt to the reference positive/forward strand at this breakpoint. break1_seq :class:`str` - The sequence up to and including the breakpoint. Always given wrt to the positive/forward strand break2_chromosome The name of the chromosome on which breakpoint 2 is situated break2_position_start :class:`int` - Start integer inclusive 1-based of the range representing breakpoint 2 break2_position_end :class:`int` - End integer inclusive 1-based of the range representing breakpoint 2 break2_orientation :class:`ORIENT` - The side of the breakpoint wrt the positive/forward strand that is retained. break2_strand :class:`STRAND` - The strand wrt to the reference positive/forward strand at this breakpoint. break2_seq :class:`str` - The sequence up to and including the breakpoint. Always given wrt to the positive/forward strand opposing_strands :class:`bool` - Specifies if breakpoints are on opposite strands wrt to the reference. Expects a boolean stranded :class:`bool` - Specifies if the sequencing protocol was strand specific or not. Expects a boolean protocol :class:`PROTOCOL` - Specifies the type of library tools The tools that called the event originally from the cluster step. Should be a semi-colon delimited list of <tool name>_<tool version> contigs_assembled :class:`int` - Number of contigs that were built from split read sequences contigs_aligned :class:`int` - Number of contigs that were able to align contig_alignment_query_name The query name for the contig alignment. Should match the 'read' name(s) in the .contigs.bam output file contig_seq :class:`str` - Sequence of the current contig wrt to the positive forward strand if not strand specific contig_remap_score :class:`float` - Score representing the number of sequences from the set of sequences given to the assembly algorithm that were aligned to the resulting contig with an acceptable scoring based on user-set thresholds. For any sequence its contribution to the score is divided by the number of mappings to give less weight to multimaps contig_remapped_reads :class:`int` - the number of reads from the input bam that map to the assembled contig contig_remapped_read_names read query names for the reads that were remapped. A -1 or -2 has been appended to the end of the name to indicate if this is the first or second read in the pair contig_alignment_score :class:`float` - A rank based on the alignment tool blat etc. of the alignment being used. An average if split alignments were used. Lower numbers indicate a better alignment. If it was the best alignment possible then this would be zero. contig_alignment_reference_start The reference start(s) <chr>:<position> of the contig alignment. Semi-colon delimited contig_alignment_cigar The cigar string(s) representing the contig alignment. Semi-colon delimited contig_build_score :class:`int` - Score representing the edge weights of all edges used in building the sequence contig_strand_specific :class:`bool` - A flag to indicate if it was possible to resolve the strand for this contig spanning_reads :class:`int` - the number of spanning reads which support the event spanning_read_names read query names of the spanning reads which support the current event break1_call_method :class:`CALL_METHOD` - The method used to call the first breakpoint break2_call_method :class:`CALL_METHOD` - The method used to call the second breakpoint flanking_pairs :class:`int` - Number of read-pairs where one read aligns to the first breakpoint window and the second read aligns to the other. The count here is based on the number of unique query names flanking_pairs_compatible :class:`int` - Number of flanking pairs of a compatible orientation type. This applies to insertions and duplications. Flanking pairs supporting an insertion will be compatible to a duplication and flanking pairs supporting a duplication will be compatible to an insertion (possibly indicating an internal translocation) flanking_median_fragment_size :class:`int` - The median fragment size of the flanking reads being used as evidence flanking_stdev_fragment_size :class:`float` - The standard deviation in fragment size of the flanking reads being used as evidence break1_split_reads :class:`int` - Number of split reads that call the exact breakpoint given break1_split_reads_forced :class:`int` - Number of split reads which were aligned to the opposite breakpoint window using a targeted alignment break2_split_reads :class:`int` - Number of split reads that call the exact breakpoint given break2_split_reads_forced :class:`int` - Number of split reads which were aligned to the opposite breakpoint window using a targeted alignment linking_split_reads :class:`int` - Number of split reads that align to both breakpoints untemplated_seq :class:`str` - The untemplated/novel sequence between the breakpoints break1_homologous_seq :class:`str` - Sequence in common at the first breakpoint and other side of the second breakpoint break2_homologous_seq :class:`str` - Sequence in common at the second breakpoint and other side of the first breakpoint break1_ewindow Window where evidence was gathered for the first breakpoint break1_ewindow_count :class:`int` - Number of reads processed/looked-at in the first evidence window break1_ewindow_practical_coverage :class:`float` - break2_ewindow_practical_coverage, break1_ewindow_count / len(break1_ewindow). Not the actual coverage as bins are sampled within and there is a read limit cutoff break2_ewindow Window where evidence was gathered for the second breakpoint break2_ewindow_count :class:`int` - Number of reads processed/looked-at in the second evidence window break2_ewindow_practical_coverage :class:`float` - break2_ewindow_practical_coverage, break2_ewindow_count / len(break2_ewindow). Not the actual coverage as bins are sampled within and there is a read limit cutoff raw_flanking_pairs :class:`int` - Number of flanking reads before calling the breakpoint. The count here is based on the number of unique query names raw_spanning_reads :class:`int` - Number of spanning reads collected during evidence collection before calling the breakpoint raw_break1_split_reads :class:`int` - Number of split reads before calling the breakpoint raw_break2_split_reads :class:`int` - Number of split reads before calling the breakpoint cdna_synon semi-colon delimited list of transcript ids which have an identical cdna sequence to the cdna sequence of the current fusion product protein_synon semi-colon delimited list of transcript ids which produce a translation with an identical amino-acid sequence to the current fusion product """
[docs]def sort_columns(input_columns): order = {} for i, col in enumerate(COLUMNS.values()): order[col] = i temp = sorted([c for c in input_columns if c in order], key=lambda x: order[x]) temp = temp + sorted([c for c in input_columns if c not in order]) return temp