Source code for mavis.breakpoint

from __future__ import division

from copy import copy as sys_copy
from .constants import ORIENT, STRAND, COLUMNS, CIGAR, SVTYPE, reverse_complement, DNA_ALPHABET
from .error import *
from .interval import Interval
import TSV
import re
import itertools

[docs]class Breakpoint(Interval): """ class for storing information about a SV breakpoint coordinates are given as 1-indexed """ @property def key(self): return (self.chr, self.start, self.end, self.orient, self.strand) def __init__(self, chr, start, end=None, orient=ORIENT.NS, strand=STRAND.NS, seq=None): """ Args: chr (str): the chromosome start (int): the genomic position of the breakpoint end (int): if the breakpoint is uncertain (a range) then specify the end of the range here orient (ORIENT): the orientation (which side is retained at the break) strand (STRAND): the strand seq (str): the seq Examples: >>> Breakpoint('1', 1, 2) >>> Breakpoint('1', 1) >>> Breakpoint('1', 1, 2, 'R', ) >>> Breakpoint('1', 1, orient='R') """ from .annotate.base import ReferenceName Interval.__init__(self, start, end) self.orient = ORIENT.enforce(orient) self.chr = ReferenceName(chr) self.strand = STRAND.enforce(strand) self.seq = seq def __repr__(self): strand = '' if self.strand == STRAND.NS else self.strand orient = '' if self.orient == ORIENT.NS else self.orient return 'Breakpoint({0}:{1}{2}{3}{4})'.format( self.chr, self.start, '-' + str(self.end) if self.end != self.start else '', orient, strand ) def __eq__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, 'key'): return False return self.key == other.key def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key)
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = { 'chr': self.chr, 'start': self.start, 'end': self.end, 'strand': self.strand, 'seq': self.seq, 'orientation': self.orient, 'type': self.__class__.__name__ } return d
[docs]class BreakpointPair: """ """ def __getattr__(self, attr): data = object.__getattribute__(self, 'data') try: return data[COLUMNS[attr]] except KeyError: try: return data[attr] except KeyError: pass raise AttributeError(attr) def __getitem__(self, index): try: index = int(index) except ValueError: raise IndexError('index input accessor must be an integer', index) if index == 0: return self.break1 elif index == 1: return self.break2 raise IndexError('index input accessor is out of bounds: 1 or 2 only', index) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.break1.key, self.break2.key, self.opposing_strands, self.stranded, self.untemplated_seq)) def __eq__(self, other): for attr in ['break1', 'break2', 'opposing_strands', 'stranded', 'untemplated_seq']: if not hasattr(other, attr): return False elif getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False return True @property def interchromosomal(self): """:class:`bool`: True if the breakpoints are on different chromosomes, False otherwise""" if self.break1.chr == self.break2.chr: return False return True
[docs] def copy(self): temp = sys_copy(self) temp.break1 = sys_copy(self.break1) temp.break2 = sys_copy(self.break2) return temp
def __init__(self, b1, b2, stranded=False, opposing_strands=None, untemplated_seq=None, data=None, **kwargs): """ Args: b1 (Breakpoint): the first breakpoint b2 (Breakpoint): the second breakpoint stranded (bool): if not stranded then +/- is equivalent to -/+ opposing_strands (bool): are the strands at the breakpoint opposite? i.e. +/- instead of +/+ untemplated_seq (str): seq between the breakpoints that is not part of either breakpoint data (dict): optional dictionary of attributes associated with this pair Note: untemplated_seq should always be given wrt to the positive/forward reference strand Example: >>> BreakpointPair(Breakpoint('1', 1), Breakpoint('1', 9999), opposing_strands=True) >>> BreakpointPair(Breakpoint('1', 1, strand='+'), Breakpoint('1', 9999, strand='-')) """ if b1.key > b2.key: self.break1 = b2 self.break2 = b1 else: self.break1 = b1 self.break2 = b2 self.stranded = stranded self.opposing_strands = opposing_strands # between break1 and break2 not in either self.untemplated_seq = untemplated_seq = {} if data is not None: conflicts = set(data.keys()) & set(kwargs.keys()) if len(conflicts) > 0: raise TypeError('data got multiple values for data elements:', conflicts) if self.break1.strand != STRAND.NS and self.break2.strand != STRAND.NS: opposing = self.break1.strand != self.break2.strand if self.opposing_strands is None: self.opposing_strands = opposing elif self.opposing_strands != opposing: raise AssertionError( 'conflict in input arguments, opposing_strands must agree with input breakpoints' ' when the strand has been specified' ) if self.break1.orient != ORIENT.NS and self.break2.orient != ORIENT.NS: if self.opposing_strands is not None: if (self.break1.orient == self.break2.orient and not self.opposing_strands) \ or (self.break1.orient != self.break2.orient and self.opposing_strands): raise InvalidRearrangement( 'invalid breakpoint pair cannot form a valid combination', b1, b2, self.opposing_strands) if self.opposing_strands is None: raise NotSpecifiedError('must specify if opposing_strands') if self.stranded and STRAND.NS in [self.break1.strand, self.break2.strand]: raise NotSpecifiedError('if stranded is specified, breakpoint strands cannot be \'not specified\'') # try classifying to make sure it's a valid combination BreakpointPair.classify(self) def __str__(self): return 'BPP({}, {}{}{})'.format( str(self.break1), str(self.break2), ', opposing={}'.format(self.opposing_strands) if not self.stranded else '', ', seq=' + repr(self.untemplated_seq) if self.untemplated_seq is not None else '' )
[docs] def flatten(self): """ returns the key-value self for the breakpoint self information as can be written directly as a TSV row """ row = {} row.update( temp = { COLUMNS.break1_chromosome: self.break1.chr, COLUMNS.break1_position_start: self.break1.start, COLUMNS.break1_position_end: self.break1.end, COLUMNS.break1_orientation: self.break1.orient, COLUMNS.break1_strand: self.break1.strand, COLUMNS.break2_chromosome: self.break2.chr, COLUMNS.break2_position_start: self.break2.start, COLUMNS.break2_position_end: self.break2.end, COLUMNS.break2_orientation: self.break2.orient, COLUMNS.break2_strand: self.break2.strand, COLUMNS.opposing_strands: self.opposing_strands, COLUMNS.stranded: self.stranded, COLUMNS.untemplated_seq: self.untemplated_seq, COLUMNS.break1_seq: self.break1.seq, COLUMNS.break2_seq: self.break2.seq } for c in temp: temp[c] = str(temp[c]) row.update(temp) return row
[docs] @classmethod def classify(cls, pair): """ uses the chr, orientations and strands to determine the possible structural_variant types that this pair could support Args: pair (BreakpointPair): the pair to classify Returns: :class:`list` of :any:`SVTYPE`: a list of possible SVTYPE Example: >>> bpp = BreakpointPair(Breakpoint('1', 1), Breakpoint('1', 9999), opposing_strands=True) >>> BreakpointPair.classify(bpp) ['inversion'] >>> bpp = BreakpointPair(Breakpoint('1', 1, orient='L'), Breakpoint('1', 9999, orient='R'), opposing_strands=False) >>> BreakpointPair.classify(bpp) ['deletion', 'insertion'] see :ref:`related theory documentation <theory-classifying-events>` """ if pair.break1.chr == pair.break2.chr: # intrachromosomal if pair.opposing_strands: if (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT) \ or (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.LEFT): raise InvalidRearrangement(pair) return [SVTYPE.INV] else: if (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.LEFT) \ or (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT): raise InvalidRearrangement(pair) elif pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT or pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT: return [SVTYPE.DEL, SVTYPE.INS] elif pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT or pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.LEFT: return [SVTYPE.DUP] else: # interchromosomal if pair.opposing_strands: if (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT) \ or (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.LEFT): raise InvalidRearrangement(pair) return [SVTYPE.ITRANS] else: if (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.LEFT) \ or (pair.break1.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and pair.break2.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT): raise InvalidRearrangement(pair) return [SVTYPE.TRANS]
[docs] @classmethod def call_breakpoint_pair(cls, read1, read2=None, REFERENCE_GENOME=None): """ calls a set of breakpoints from a single or a pair of pysam style read(s) Args: read1 (pysam.AlignedSegment): the first read read2 (pysam.AlignedSegment): the second read Returns: BreakpointPair: the newly called breakpoint pair from the contig .. todo:: return multiple events not just the major event """ if read2 is None: return cls._call_from_single_contig(read1, REFERENCE_GENOME=REFERENCE_GENOME) return cls._call_from_paired_contig(read1, read2, REFERENCE_GENOME=REFERENCE_GENOME)
@classmethod def _call_from_single_contig(cls, read, REFERENCE_GENOME=None): """ calls a set of breakpoints from a pysam style read using the cigar values .. todo:: return multiple events not just the major event Returns: BreakpointPair: the newly called breakpoint pair from the contig Raises: UserWarning: if the contig does not contain insertions/deletions if the duplicated sequence is longer than the untemplated sequence then this should be called as a duplication and not an insertion """ read_events = [] for i, t in enumerate(read.cigar): v, f = t if v not in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: continue if i > 0 and read.cigar[i - 1][0] in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: start, last, size = read_events[-1] read_events[-1] = (start, i, size + f) else: read_events.append((i, i, f)) if len(read_events) == 0: raise UserWarning( 'Cannot call event breakpoints from single contig. Contig does not contain any ins/del events') biggest = max(read_events, key=lambda x: x[2]) first_breakpoint = read.reference_start - 1 second_breakpoint = first_breakpoint untemplated_seq = '' seq_pos = 0 seq_first_stop = -1 seq_second_start = -1 for i, t in enumerate(read.cigar): v, f = t if i < biggest[0]: # before the event if v in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.S]: seq_pos += f elif v in [CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: first_breakpoint += f second_breakpoint += f else: first_breakpoint += f second_breakpoint += f seq_pos += f seq_first_stop = seq_pos elif i >= biggest[0] and i <= biggest[1]: # inside the event if v in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.S]: if v == CIGAR.I: untemplated_seq += read.query_sequence[seq_pos:seq_pos + f] seq_pos += f elif v in [CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: second_breakpoint += f else: second_breakpoint += f seq_pos += f else: # after the event seq_second_start = seq_pos break break1 = Breakpoint( read.reference_name, first_breakpoint + 1, # 1-based coordinates orient=ORIENT.LEFT, strand=STRAND.NEG if read.is_reverse else STRAND.POS, seq=read.query_sequence[0:seq_first_stop] ) break2 = Breakpoint( read.reference_name, second_breakpoint + 2, # need to add to be past the event orient=ORIENT.RIGHT, strand=STRAND.NEG if read.is_reverse else STRAND.POS, seq=read.query_sequence[seq_second_start:] ) # determine if the inserted sequence is a repeat of the aligned portion # assume that events with deletions cannot be duplications if first_breakpoint == second_breakpoint and REFERENCE_GENOME: # insertion or duplication refseq = REFERENCE_GENOME[read.reference_name].seq[ first_breakpoint - len(untemplated_seq) + 1:first_breakpoint + 1] refseq = str(refseq) midpoint = len(untemplated_seq) // 2 + 1 # more than the untemplated for dup_len in range(len(untemplated_seq), midpoint - 1, -1): subseq = untemplated_seq[0:dup_len] if subseq == refseq[-1 * dup_len:]: pos = first_breakpoint - len(subseq) + 1 break1 = Breakpoint( read.reference_name, pos + 1, orient=ORIENT.RIGHT, strand=STRAND.NEG if read.is_reverse else STRAND.POS, seq=read.query_sequence[pos:] ) break2 = Breakpoint( read.reference_name, first_breakpoint + 1, orient=ORIENT.LEFT, strand=STRAND.NEG if read.is_reverse else STRAND.POS, seq=read.query_sequence[:first_breakpoint + 1] ) untemplated_seq = untemplated_seq[dup_len:] break return BreakpointPair(break1, break2, opposing_strands=False, untemplated_seq=untemplated_seq) @classmethod def _call_from_paired_contig(cls, read1, read2, REFERENCE_GENOME=None): """ calls a set of breakpoints from a pair of pysam style reads using their softclipping to find the breakpoints and orientations if the first read and the second read have overlapping range on their mutual query sequence then the breakpoint is called as is on the first and shifted on the second .. todo:: return multiple events not just the major event """ from .align import query_coverage_interval if read1.reference_id > read2.reference_id: read1, read2 = (read2, read1) elif read1.reference_id == read2.reference_id and read1.reference_start > read2.reference_start: read1, read2 = (read2, read1) r1_qci = query_coverage_interval(read1) r2_qci = query_coverage_interval(read2) if read1.is_reverse == read2.is_reverse: assert(read1.query_sequence == read2.query_sequence) else: assert(read1.query_sequence == reverse_complement(read2.query_sequence)) l = len(read1.query_sequence) - 1 r2_qci = Interval(l - r2_qci.end, l - r2_qci.start) b1 = None b2 = None o1 = ORIENT.NS o2 = ORIENT.NS s1 = STRAND.NEG if read1.is_reverse else STRAND.POS s2 = STRAND.NEG if read2.is_reverse else STRAND.POS # <============== r1_st = read1.cigar[0][1] if read1.cigar[0][0] == CIGAR.S else 0 r1_end = read1.cigar[-1][1] if read1.cigar[-1][0] == CIGAR.S else 0 if r1_st > r1_end: o1 = ORIENT.RIGHT elif r1_end > r1_st: o1 = ORIENT.LEFT r2_st = read2.cigar[0][1] if read2.cigar[0][0] == CIGAR.S else 0 r2_end = read2.cigar[-1][1] if read2.cigar[-1][0] == CIGAR.S else 0 if r2_st > r2_end: o2 = ORIENT.RIGHT elif r2_end > r2_st: o2 = ORIENT.LEFT if o1 == ORIENT.NS or o2 == ORIENT.NS: raise AssertionError( 'read does not have softclipping on either end and cannot therefore determine orientation', read1.cigar, read2.cigar) if o1 == ORIENT.LEFT: # ========++++ b1 = Breakpoint( read1.reference_name, read1.reference_end, # 1-based from 0-based exclusive end so don't need to -1 strand=s1, orient=o1, seq=read1.query_alignment_sequence ) else: b1 = Breakpoint( read1.reference_name, read1.reference_start + 1, # 1-based from 0-based strand=s1, orient=o1, seq=read1.query_alignment_sequence ) overlap = 0 if Interval.overlaps(r1_qci, r2_qci): # adjust the second read to remove the overlapping query region overlap = len(r1_qci & r2_qci) if o2 == ORIENT.RIGHT: b2 = Breakpoint( read2.reference_name, read2.reference_start + overlap + 1, # 1-based from 0-based strand=s2, orient=o2, seq=read2.query_alignment_sequence[overlap:] ) else: s = read2.query_alignment_sequence if overlap > 0: s = read2.query_alignment_sequence[:-1 * overlap] b2 = Breakpoint( read2.reference_name, read2.reference_end - overlap, # 1-based from 0-based exclusive end so don't need to -1 strand=s2, orient=o2, seq=s ) # now check for untemplated sequence untemplated_seq = '' d = Interval.dist(r1_qci, r2_qci) if d > 0: # query coverage for read1 is after query coverage for read2 untemplated_seq = read1.query_sequence[r2_qci[1] + 1:r1_qci[0]] elif d < 0: # query coverage for read2 is after query coverage for read1 untemplated_seq = read1.query_sequence[r1_qci[1] + 1:r2_qci[0]] else: # query coverage overlaps pass return BreakpointPair(b1, b2, untemplated_seq=untemplated_seq)
[docs] def breakpoint_sequence_homology(self, REFERENCE_GENOME): """ for a given set of breakpoints matches the sequence opposite the partner breakpoint this sequence comparison is done with reference to a reference genome and does not use novel or untemplated sequence in the comparison. For this reason, insertions will never return any homologous sequence :: small duplication event CTT => CTTCTT GATACATTTCTTCTTGAAAA reference ---------<========== first breakpoint ===========>-------- second breakpoint ---------CT-CT------ first break homology -------TT-TT-------- second break homology Args: REFERENCE_GENOME (:class:`dict` of :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` by :class:`str`): dict of reference sequence by template/chr name Returns: tuple: - :class:`str` - homologous sequence at the first breakpoint - :class:`str` - homologous sequence at the second breakpoint Raises: AttributeError: for non specific breakpoints """ b1_refseq = REFERENCE_GENOME[self.break1.chr].seq b2_refseq = REFERENCE_GENOME[self.break2.chr].seq if len(self.break1) > 1 or len(self.break2) > 1: raise AttributeError('cannot call shared sequence for non-specific breakpoints') # find for the first breakpoint p1 = self.break1.start - 1 p2 = self.break2.start - 1 shift1 = -1 if self.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT else 1 shift2 = -1 if self.break2.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT else 1 p2 += shift2 first_seq = [] while all([ p1 >= 0, p1 < len(b1_refseq), p2 >= 0, p2 < len(b2_refseq), self.interchromosomal or p2 > self.break1.start - 1, self.interchromosomal or p1 < self.break2.start - 1 ]): b1 = b1_refseq[p1] if self.break1.strand == STRAND.POS else reverse_complement(b1_refseq[p1]) b2 = b2_refseq[p2] if self.break2.strand == STRAND.POS else reverse_complement(b2_refseq[p2]) if DNA_ALPHABET.match(b1, b2): first_seq.append(b1_refseq[p1]) else: break p1 += shift1 p2 += shift2 if shift1 < 0: first_seq.reverse() # now go over the second breakpoint p1 = self.break1.start - 1 # reset the start points p2 = self.break2.start - 1 shift1 *= -1 # flip the directions shift2 *= -1 p1 += shift1 second_seq = [] while all([ p1 >= 0, p1 < len(b1_refseq), p2 >= 0, p2 < len(b2_refseq), self.interchromosomal or p2 > self.break1.start - 1, self.interchromosomal or p1 < self.break2.start - 1 ]): b1 = b1_refseq[p1] if self.break1.strand == STRAND.POS else reverse_complement(b1_refseq[p1]) b2 = b2_refseq[p2] if self.break2.strand == STRAND.POS else reverse_complement(b2_refseq[p2]) if DNA_ALPHABET.match(b1, b2): second_seq.append(b2_refseq[p2]) else: break p1 += shift1 p2 += shift2 if shift1 < 0: second_seq.reverse() return ''.join(first_seq).upper(), ''.join(second_seq).upper()
[docs] def get_bed_repesentation(self): bed = [] if self.interchromosomal: bed.append((self.break1.chr, self.break1.start, self.break1.end,, None))) bed.append((self.break2.chr, self.break2.start, self.break2.end,, None))) else: bed.append((self.break1.chr, self.break1.start, self.break2.end,, None))) return bed
[docs]def read_bpp_from_input_file(filename, expand_ns=True, explicit_strand=False, **kwargs): """ reads a file using the TSV module. Each row is converted to a breakpoint pair and other column data is stored in the data attribute Args: filename (str): path to the input file expand_ns (bool): expand not specified orient/strand settings to all specific version (for strand this is only applied if the bam itself is stranded) explicit_strand (bool): used to stop unstranded breakpoint pairs from losing input strand information Returns: :class:`list` of :any:`BreakpointPair`: a list of pairs Example: >>> read_bpp_from_input_file('filename') [BreakpointPair(), BreakpointPair(), ...] One can also validate other expected columns that will go in the data attribute using the usual arguments to the TSV.read_file function .. code-block:: python >>> read_bpp_from_input_file('filename', cast={'index': int}) [BreakpointPair(), BreakpointPair(), ...] """ def soft_null_cast(value): try: value = TSV.null(value) except TypeError: pass return value def soft_boolean_cast(value): try: return TSV.tsv_boolean(value) except TypeError: if value == '?': value = 'null' return TSV.null(value) kwargs.setdefault('cast', {}).update( { COLUMNS.break1_position_start: int, COLUMNS.break1_position_end: int, COLUMNS.break2_position_start: int, COLUMNS.break2_position_end: int, COLUMNS.opposing_strands: soft_boolean_cast, COLUMNS.stranded: TSV.tsv_boolean, COLUMNS.untemplated_seq: soft_null_cast, COLUMNS.break1_chromosome: lambda x: re.sub('^chr', '', x), COLUMNS.break2_chromosome: lambda x: re.sub('^chr', '', x) }) kwargs.setdefault('require', []) kwargs.setdefault('add', {}).update({ COLUMNS.untemplated_seq: None, COLUMNS.break1_orientation: ORIENT.NS, COLUMNS.break1_strand: STRAND.NS, COLUMNS.break2_orientation: ORIENT.NS, COLUMNS.break2_strand: STRAND.NS, COLUMNS.opposing_strands: None }) kwargs.setdefault('in_', {}).update( { COLUMNS.break1_orientation: ORIENT, COLUMNS.break1_strand: STRAND, COLUMNS.break2_orientation: ORIENT, COLUMNS.break2_strand: STRAND }) header, rows = TSV.read_file( filename, suppress_index=True, **kwargs ) restricted = [ COLUMNS.break1_chromosome, COLUMNS.break1_position_start, COLUMNS.break1_position_end, COLUMNS.break1_strand, COLUMNS.break1_orientation, COLUMNS.break2_chromosome, COLUMNS.break2_position_start, COLUMNS.break2_position_end, COLUMNS.break2_strand, COLUMNS.break2_orientation, COLUMNS.stranded, COLUMNS.opposing_strands, COLUMNS.untemplated_seq ] pairs = [] for row in rows: for attr, val in row.items(): row[attr] = soft_null_cast(val) for attr in row: if attr in [COLUMNS.cluster_id, COLUMNS.annotation_id, COLUMNS.validation_id]: if not re.match('^([A-Za-z0-9-]+|)(;[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*$', row[attr]): raise AssertionError( 'error in column', attr, 'All mavis pipeline step ids must satisfy the regex:', '^([A-Za-z0-9-]+|)(;[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*$', row[attr]) stranded = row[COLUMNS.stranded] opp = row[COLUMNS.opposing_strands] strand1 = row[COLUMNS.break1_strand] if (stranded or explicit_strand) else STRAND.NS strand2 = row[COLUMNS.break2_strand] if (stranded or explicit_strand) else STRAND.NS if explicit_strand and not expand_ns and {strand1, strand2} & {STRAND.NS}: raise AssertionError('cannot use explicit strand and not expand unknowns unless the strand is given') temp = [] expand_strand = (stranded or explicit_strand) and expand_ns event_type = [None] if row.get(COLUMNS.event_type, None) not in [None, 'None']: try: event_type = row[COLUMNS.event_type].split(';') for et in event_type: SVTYPE.enforce(event_type) except KeyError: pass for o1, o2, opp, s1, s2, et in itertools.product( ORIENT.expand(row[COLUMNS.break1_orientation]) if expand_ns else [row[COLUMNS.break1_orientation]], ORIENT.expand(row[COLUMNS.break2_orientation]) if expand_ns else [row[COLUMNS.break2_orientation]], [True, False] if opp is None and expand_ns else [opp], STRAND.expand(strand1) if expand_strand else [strand1], STRAND.expand(strand2) if expand_strand else [strand2], event_type ): try: b1 = Breakpoint( row[COLUMNS.break1_chromosome], row[COLUMNS.break1_position_start], row[COLUMNS.break1_position_end], strand=s1, orient=o1 ) b2 = Breakpoint( row[COLUMNS.break2_chromosome], row[COLUMNS.break2_position_start], row[COLUMNS.break2_position_end], strand=s2, orient=o2 ) data = {k: v for k, v in row.items() if k not in restricted} bpp = BreakpointPair( b1, b2, opposing_strands=opp, untemplated_seq=row[COLUMNS.untemplated_seq], stranded=row[COLUMNS.stranded], ) if et is not None:[COLUMNS.event_type] = et if et not in BreakpointPair.classify(bpp): raise InvalidRearrangement( 'error: expected one of', BreakpointPair.classify(bpp), 'but found', et, str(bpp), row) temp.append(bpp) except InvalidRearrangement as err: if not expand_ns: raise err except AssertionError as err: if not expand_ns and not explicit_strand: raise err if len(temp) == 0: raise InvalidRearrangement('could not produce a valid rearrangement', row) else: pairs.extend(temp) return pairs