Source code for mavis.annotate.variant

from .genomic import usTranscript, Transcript, Exon, IntergenicRegion
from ..constants import STRAND, SVTYPE, reverse_complement, ORIENT, PRIME, COLUMNS, GENE_PRODUCT_TYPE, PROTOCOL
from ..breakpoint import Breakpoint, BreakpointPair
from ..interval import Interval, IntervalMapping
from .protein import Translation, Domain, calculate_ORF
from ..error import NotSpecifiedError
from ..util import devnull
import itertools
import uuid
import json

[docs]def determine_prime(transcript, breakpoint): """ determine the side of the transcript 5' or 3' which is 'kept' given the breakpoint Args: transcript (Transcript): the transcript breakpoint (Breakpoint): the breakpoint Returns: PRIME: 5' or 3' Raises: AttributeError: if the orientation of the breakpoint or the strand of the transcript is not specified """ if transcript.get_strand() == STRAND.POS: if breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.LEFT: return PRIME.FIVE elif breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT: return PRIME.THREE else: raise NotSpecifiedError('cannot determine_prime if the orient of the breakpoint has not been specified') elif transcript.get_strand() == STRAND.NEG: if breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.LEFT: return PRIME.THREE elif breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT: return PRIME.FIVE else: raise NotSpecifiedError('cannot determine_prime if the orient of the breakpoint has not been specified') else: raise NotSpecifiedError('cannot determine prime if the strand of the transcript has not been specified')
[docs]class FusionTranscript(usTranscript): def __init__(self): self.exon_mapping = {} self.exons = [] self.seq = None self.spliced_transcripts = [] self.position = None self.strand = STRAND.POS # always built on the positive strand self.reference_object = None = None # interval to interval mapping of transcript coord to their original genome coord self.mapping_to_genome = IntervalMapping() self.mapping_to_chrs = dict() # keeps track of what chromosome per interval self.break1 = None # first breakpoint position in the fusion transcript self.break2 = None # second breakpoint position in the fusion transcript
[docs] def exon_number(self, exon): """ Args: exon (Exon): the exon to be numbered Returns: int: the number of the exon in the original transcript (prior to fusion) """ old_exon = self.exon_mapping[exon.position] return old_exon.transcript.exon_number(old_exon)
[docs] def map_region_to_genome(self, chr, interval_on_fusion, genome_interval, flipped=False): self.mapping_to_genome.add(interval_on_fusion, genome_interval, flipped) self.mapping_to_chrs[Interval(interval_on_fusion[0], interval_on_fusion[1])] = chr
@classmethod def _build_single_gene_inversion(cls, ann, REFERENCE_GENOME, min_orf_size, max_orf_cap, min_domain_mapping_match): """ builds a fusion transcript for a single gene inversion. Note that this is an incomplete fusion transcript and still requires translations and domain information to be added """ assert(ann.event_type == SVTYPE.INV) assert(ann.transcript1 == ann.transcript2) ft = FusionTranscript() # pull the exons from either size of the breakpoints window if ann.break1.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT: window = Interval(ann.break1.end, ann.break2.start - 1) else: window = Interval(ann.break1.end + 1, ann.break2.end) window_seq = REFERENCE_GENOME[ann.break1.chr].seq[window.start - 1:window.end] # now create 'pseudo-deletion' breakpoints b1 = Breakpoint(ann.break1.chr, window.start - 1, orient=ORIENT.LEFT) b2 = Breakpoint(ann.break2.chr, window.end + 1, orient=ORIENT.RIGHT) seq1, ex1 = cls._pull_exons(ann.transcript1, b1, REFERENCE_GENOME[b1.chr].seq) seq2, ex2 = cls._pull_exons(ann.transcript2, b2, REFERENCE_GENOME[b2.chr].seq) useq = ann.untemplated_seq ft.break1 = len(seq1) ft.break2 = len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(window_seq) + 1 if ann.transcript1.get_strand() == STRAND.POS: window_seq = reverse_complement(window_seq) # b/c inversion should be opposite ft.map_region_to_genome(b1.chr, (1, len(seq1)), (ann.transcript1.start, b1.start)) ft.map_region_to_genome( b1.chr, (len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(window_seq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(window_seq) + len(seq2)), (b2.start, ann.transcript1.end) ) else: useq = reverse_complement(useq) # exon sequence will already be revcomp from pull exons method seq1, seq2 = seq2, seq1 ex1, ex2 = ex2, ex1 ft.map_region_to_genome(b1.chr, (1, len(seq1)), (b2.start, ann.transcript1.end), True) ft.map_region_to_genome( b1.chr, (len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(window_seq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(window_seq) + len(seq2)), (ann.transcript1.start, b1.start), True ) ft.seq = seq1 if ann.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT: ft.seq += useq + window_seq ft.map_region_to_genome( b1.chr, (len(seq1) + len(useq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(window_seq)), window, True if ann.transcript1.get_strand() == STRAND.POS else False ) else: ft.seq += window_seq + useq ft.map_region_to_genome( b1.chr, (len(seq1) + 1, len(seq1) + len(window_seq)), window, True if ann.transcript1.get_strand() == STRAND.POS else False ) ft.last_five_prime_exon = ex1[-1][0] ft.first_three_prime_exon = ex2[0][0] for ex, old_ex in ex1: ft.exons.append(ex) ex.reference_object = ft ft.exon_mapping[ex.position] = old_ex offset = len(ft.seq) if ann.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS: ft.exons[-1].intact_end_splice = False ex2[0][0].intact_start_splice = False novel_exon_start = ft.exons[-1].end + 1 novel_exon_end = offset + ex2[0][0].start - 1 if novel_exon_end >= novel_exon_start: # create a novel exon e = Exon( novel_exon_start, novel_exon_end, ft, intact_start_splice=False, intact_end_splice=False ) ft.exons.append(e) ft.seq += seq2 for ex, old_ex in ex2: e = Exon( ex.start + offset, ex.end + offset, ft, intact_start_splice=ex.intact_start_splice, intact_end_splice=ex.intact_end_splice ) ft.exons.append(e) ft.exon_mapping[e.position] = old_ex return ft @classmethod def _build_single_gene_duplication(cls, ann, REFERENCE_GENOME, min_orf_size, max_orf_cap, min_domain_mapping_match): """ builds a fusion transcript for a single gene duplication. Note that this is an incomplete fusion transcript and still requires translations and domain information to be added """ assert(ann.event_type == SVTYPE.DUP) assert(ann.transcript1 == ann.transcript2) ft = FusionTranscript() seq1, ex1 = cls._pull_exons(ann.transcript1, ann.break1, REFERENCE_GENOME[ann.break1.chr].seq) seq2, ex2 = cls._pull_exons(ann.transcript2, ann.break2, REFERENCE_GENOME[ann.break2.chr].seq) useq = ann.untemplated_seq front = Interval(ann.transcript1.start, ann.break2.start) back = Interval(ann.break1.start, ann.transcript1.end) flipped = False if ann.transcript1.get_strand() == STRAND.NEG: seq1, seq2 = (seq2, seq1) ex1, ex2 = (ex2, ex1) front, back = (back, front) useq = reverse_complement(useq) flipped = True ft.map_region_to_genome(ann.break1.chr, Interval(1, len(seq2)), front, flipped) ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break1.chr, Interval(len(seq2) + len(useq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(seq2) + len(useq)), back, flipped ) ft.seq = seq2 + useq ft.break1 = len(seq2) ft.break2 = len(seq2) + len(useq) + 1 for ex, old_ex in ex2: ft.exons.append(ex) ex.reference_object = ft ft.exon_mapping[ex.position] = old_ex ft.last_five_prime_exon = ex2[-1][0] ft.first_three_prime_exon = ex1[0][0] offset = len(ft.seq) if ann.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS: ft.exons[-1].intact_end_splice = False ex1[0][0].intact_start_splice = False novel_exon_start = ft.exons[-1].end + 1 novel_exon_end = offset + ex1[0][0].start - 1 if novel_exon_end >= novel_exon_start: # create a novel exon e = Exon( novel_exon_start, novel_exon_end, ft, intact_start_splice=False, intact_end_splice=False ) ft.exons.append(e) for ex, old_ex in ex1: e = Exon( ex.start + offset, ex.end + offset, ft, intact_start_splice=ex.intact_start_splice, intact_end_splice=ex.intact_end_splice ) ft.exons.append(e) ft.exon_mapping[e.position] = old_ex ft.seq += seq1 return ft
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, ann, REFERENCE_GENOME, min_orf_size=None, max_orf_cap=None, min_domain_mapping_match=None): """ Args: ann (Annotation): the annotation object we want to build a FusionTranscript for REFERENCE_GENOME (:class:`dict` of :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` by :class:`str`): dict of reference sequence by template/chr name Returns: FusionTranscript: the newly built fusion transcript """ if not ann.transcript1 or not ann.transcript2: raise NotSpecifiedError('cannot produce fusion transcript for non-annotated fusions') elif not ann.event_type and ann.transcript1 == ann.transcript2: raise NotSpecifiedError('event_type must be specified to produce a fusion transcript') elif ann.untemplated_seq is None: raise NotSpecifiedError( 'cannot build a fusion transcript where the untemplated sequence has not been specified') elif len(ann.break1) > 1 or len(ann.break2) > 1: raise NotSpecifiedError('cannot build fusion transcripts for non-specific breakpoints') ft = FusionTranscript() if ann.transcript1 == ann.transcript2 and ann.event_type not in [SVTYPE.DEL, SVTYPE.INS]: # single transcript events are special cases if the breakpoints face each other # as is the case for duplications and inversions if ann.event_type == SVTYPE.DUP: ft = cls._build_single_gene_duplication( ann, REFERENCE_GENOME, min_orf_size, max_orf_cap, min_domain_mapping_match) elif ann.event_type == SVTYPE.INV: ft = cls._build_single_gene_inversion( ann, REFERENCE_GENOME, min_orf_size, max_orf_cap, min_domain_mapping_match) else: raise AttributeError('unrecognized event type') else: t1 = determine_prime(ann.transcript1, ann.break1) t2 = determine_prime(ann.transcript2, ann.break2) if t1 == t2: raise NotImplementedError('do not produce fusion transcript for anti-sense fusions') seq1, ex1 = cls._pull_exons(ann.transcript1, ann.break1, REFERENCE_GENOME[ann.break1.chr].seq) seq2, ex2 = cls._pull_exons(ann.transcript2, ann.break2, REFERENCE_GENOME[ann.break2.chr].seq) useq = ann.untemplated_seq if t1 == PRIME.FIVE: ft.break1 = len(seq1) ft.break2 = len(seq1) + len(useq) + 1 if ann.transcript1.strand == STRAND.NEG: useq = reverse_complement(useq) ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break1.chr, (1, len(seq1)), (ann.break1.start, ann.transcript1.end), True ) else: ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break1.chr, (1, len(seq1)), (ann.transcript1.start, ann.break1.start) ) if ann.transcript2.strand == STRAND.NEG: # t2 is the 3' transcript ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break2.chr, (len(seq1) + len(useq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(seq2)), (ann.transcript2.start, ann.break2.start), True ) else: ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break2.chr, (len(seq1) + len(useq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(seq2)), (ann.break2.start, ann.transcript2.end) ) else: ft.break1 = len(seq2) ft.break2 = len(seq2) + len(useq) + 1 if ann.transcript2.strand == STRAND.NEG: useq = reverse_complement(useq) ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break2.chr, (1, len(seq2)), (ann.break2.start, ann.transcript2.end), True ) else: ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break2.chr, (1, len(seq2)), (ann.transcript2.start, ann.break2.start) ) if ann.transcript1.strand == STRAND.NEG: # t1 is the 3' transcript ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break1.chr, (len(seq2) + len(useq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(seq2)), (ann.transcript1.start, ann.break1.start) ) else: ft.map_region_to_genome( ann.break1.chr, (len(seq2) + len(useq) + 1, len(seq1) + len(useq) + len(seq2)), (ann.break1.start, ann.transcript1.end) ) seq1, seq2 = seq2, seq1 ex1, ex2 = ex2, ex1 ft.seq = seq1 + useq for ex, old_ex in ex1: ft.exons.append(ex) ex.reference_object = ft ft.exon_mapping[ex.position] = old_ex offset = len(ft.seq) if ann.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS: ft.exons[-1].intact_end_splice = False ex2[0][0].intact_start_splice = False novel_exon_start = ft.exons[-1].end + 1 novel_exon_end = offset + ex2[0][0].start - 1 if novel_exon_end >= novel_exon_start: # create a novel exon e = Exon( novel_exon_start, novel_exon_end, ft, intact_start_splice=False, intact_end_splice=False ) ft.exons.append(e) for ex, old_ex in ex2: e = Exon( ex.start + offset, ex.end + offset, ft, intact_start_splice=ex.intact_start_splice, intact_end_splice=ex.intact_end_splice ) ft.exons.append(e) ft.exon_mapping[e.position] = old_ex ft.seq += seq2 ft.position = Interval(1, len(ft.seq)) # add all splice variants for spl_patt in ft.generate_splicing_patterns(): t = Transcript(ft, spl_patt) ft.spliced_transcripts.append(t) # now add the possible translations orfs = calculate_ORF(t.get_seq(), min_orf_size=min_orf_size) if max_orf_cap and len(orfs) > max_orf_cap: # limit the number of orfs returned orfs = sorted(orfs, key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) l = len(orfs[max_orf_cap - 1]) temp = [] for i, orf in enumerate(orfs): if len(orf) < l: break else: temp.append(orf) orfs = temp # create the translations for orf in orfs: tl = Translation(orf.start - t.start + 1, orf.end - t.start + 1, t) t.translations.append(tl) # remap the domains from the original translations to the current translations for t in ft.spliced_transcripts: for new_tl in t.translations: aa_seq = new_tl.get_AA_seq() assert(aa_seq[0] == 'M') translations = ann.transcript1.translations[:] if ann.transcript1 != ann.transcript2: translations += ann.transcript2.translations for tl in translations: for dom in try: match, total, regions = dom.align_seq(aa_seq, REFERENCE_GENOME) if min_domain_mapping_match is None or match / total >= min_domain_mapping_match: new_dom = Domain(, regions, new_tl) except UserWarning: pass return ft
[docs] def get_seq(self, REFERENCE_GENOME=None, ignore_cache=False): return usTranscript.get_seq(self)
[docs] def get_spliced_cdna_seq(self, splicing_pattern, REFERENCE_GENOME=None, ignore_cache=False): """ Args: splicing_pattern (:class:`list` of :class:`int`): the list of splicing positions REFERENCE_GENOME (:class:`dict` of :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` by :class:`str`): dict of reference seq by template/chr name Returns: str: the spliced cDNA seq """ return usTranscript.get_spliced_cdna_seq(self, splicing_pattern)
@classmethod def _pull_exons(cls, transcript, breakpoint, reference_sequence): """ given a transcript and breakpoint returns the exons and sequence expected the exons are returned in the order wrt to strand (i.e. reversed from a genomic sort if they are on the negative strand). The positions of the exons are wrt to the sequence being returned (starts at 1). """ if len(breakpoint) > 1: raise AttributeError('cannot pull exons on non-specific breakpoints') new_exons = [] s = '' exons = sorted(transcript.exons, key=lambda x: x.start) if breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.LEFT: # five prime for i, exon in enumerate(exons): intact_start_splice = True intact_end_splice = True if breakpoint.start < exon.start: # =====----|----|---- if i > 0: # add intron temp = reference_sequence[exons[i - 1].end:breakpoint.start] s += temp break else: if i > 0: # add intron temp = reference_sequence[exons[i - 1].end:exon.start - 1] s += temp if breakpoint.start <= exon.end_splice_site.end: intact_end_splice = False if breakpoint.start <= exon.start_splice_site.end: intact_start_splice = False t = min(breakpoint.start, exon.end) e = Exon( len(s) + 1, len(s) + t - exon.start + 1, intact_start_splice=intact_start_splice, intact_end_splice=intact_end_splice ) temp = reference_sequence[exon.start - 1:t] s += temp new_exons.append((e, exon)) elif breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT: # three prime for i, exon in enumerate(exons): intact_start_splice = True intact_end_splice = True if breakpoint.start < exon.start: # --==|====|==== if i > 0: # add last intron t = max(exons[i - 1].end + 1, breakpoint.start) temp = reference_sequence[t - 1:exon.start - 1] s += temp if Interval.overlaps(breakpoint, exon.start_splice_site): intact_start_splice = False # add the exon e = Exon( len(s) + 1, len(s) + len(exon), intact_start_splice=intact_start_splice, intact_end_splice=intact_end_splice ) temp = reference_sequence[exon.start - 1:exon.end] assert(len(temp) == len(e)) s += temp new_exons.append((e, exon)) elif breakpoint.start <= exon.end: # --|-====|==== intact_start_splice = False temp = reference_sequence[breakpoint.start - 1:exon.end] if Interval.overlaps(breakpoint, exon.end_splice_site): intact_end_splice = False # add the exon e = Exon( len(s) + 1, len(s) + len(temp), intact_start_splice=intact_start_splice, intact_end_splice=intact_end_splice ) s += temp new_exons.append((e, exon)) else: raise NotSpecifiedError('breakpoint orientation must be specified to pull exons') if transcript.get_strand() == STRAND.NEG: # reverse complement the sequence and reverse the exons temp = new_exons new_exons = [] for ex, old_exon in temp[::-1]: e = Exon( len(s) - ex.end + 1, len(s) - ex.start + 1, intact_start_splice=ex.intact_end_splice, intact_end_splice=ex.intact_start_splice ) new_exons.append((e, old_exon)) s = reverse_complement(s) elif transcript.get_strand() != STRAND.POS: raise NotSpecifiedError('transcript strand must be specified to pull exons') return str(s), new_exons
[docs]class Annotation(BreakpointPair): """ a fusion of two transcripts created by the associated breakpoint_pair will also hold the other annotations for overlapping and encompassed and nearest genes """ def __init__( self, bpp, transcript1=None, transcript2=None, proximity=5000, data=None, **kwargs ): """ Holds a breakpoint call and a set of transcripts, other information is gathered relative to these Args: bpp (BreakpointPair): the breakpoint pair call. Will be adjusted and then stored based on the transcripts transcript1 (Transcript): transcript at the first breakpoint transcript2 (Transcript): Transcript at the second breakpoint data (dict): optional dictionary to hold related attributes event_type (SVTYPE): the type of event """ # narrow the breakpoint windows by the transcripts being used for annotation temp = bpp.break1 if transcript1 is None else bpp.break1 & transcript1 b1 = Breakpoint(bpp.break1.chr, temp[0], temp[1], strand=bpp.break1.strand, orient=bpp.break1.orient) temp = bpp.break2 if transcript2 is None else bpp.break2 & transcript2 b2 = Breakpoint(bpp.break2.chr, temp[0], temp[1], strand=bpp.break2.strand, orient=bpp.break2.orient) BreakpointPair.__init__( self, b1, b2, opposing_strands=bpp.opposing_strands, stranded=bpp.stranded, untemplated_seq=bpp.untemplated_seq ) if data is not None: conflicts = set(kwargs.keys()) & set(data.keys()) if len(conflicts) > 0: raise TypeError('got multiple values for data elements:', conflicts) self.transcript1 = transcript1 self.transcript2 = transcript2 self.encompassed_genes = set() self.genes_proximal_to_break1 = set() self.genes_proximal_to_break2 = set() self.genes_overlapping_break1 = set() self.genes_overlapping_break2 = set() SVTYPE.enforce(self.event_type) PROTOCOL.enforce(self.protocol) self.proximity = proximity self.fusion = None
[docs] def add_gene(self, gene): """ adds a gene to the current set of annotations. Checks which set it should be added to Args: gene (Gene): the gene being added """ if gene.chr not in [self.break1.chr, self.break2.chr]: raise AttributeError('cannot add gene not on the same chromosome as either breakpoint') if not self.interchromosomal: try: encompassment = Interval(self.break1.end + 1, self.break2.start - 1) if gene in encompassment: self.encompassed_genes.add(gene) except AttributeError: pass if Interval.overlaps(gene, self.break1) and gene.chr == self.break1.chr \ and gene != self.transcript1.reference_object: self.genes_overlapping_break1.add(gene) if Interval.overlaps(gene, self.break2) and gene.chr == self.break2.chr \ and gene != self.transcript2.reference_object: self.genes_overlapping_break2.add(gene) if gene in self.genes_overlapping_break1 or gene in self.genes_overlapping_break2 or \ gene in self.encompassed_genes or gene == self.transcript1.reference_object or \ gene == self.transcript2.reference_object: return d1 = Interval.dist(gene, self.break1) d2 = Interval.dist(gene, self.break2) if self.interchromosomal: if gene.chr == self.break1.chr: self.genes_proximal_to_break1.add((gene, d1)) elif gene.chr == self.break2.chr: self.genes_proximal_to_break2.add((gene, d2)) else: if d1 < 0: self.genes_proximal_to_break1.add((gene, d1)) if d2 > 0: self.genes_proximal_to_break2.add((gene, d2)) if len(self.genes_proximal_to_break1) > 0: temp = set() tgt = min([abs(d) for g, d in self.genes_proximal_to_break1]) for gene, dist in self.genes_proximal_to_break1: if self.proximity is None: if abs(dist) == tgt: temp.add((gene, dist)) elif abs(dist) <= self.proximity: temp.add((gene, dist)) self.genes_proximal_to_break1 = temp if len(self.genes_proximal_to_break2) > 0: temp = set() tgt = min([abs(d) for g, d in self.genes_proximal_to_break2]) for gene, dist in self.genes_proximal_to_break2: if self.proximity is None: if abs(dist) == tgt: temp.add((gene, dist)) elif abs(dist) <= self.proximity: temp.add((gene, dist)) self.genes_proximal_to_break2 = temp
[docs] def flatten(self): """ generates a dictionary of the annotation information as strings Returns: :class:`dict` of :class:`str` by :class:`str`: dictionary of attribute names and values """ row = BreakpointPair.flatten(self) row.update({ COLUMNS.genes_proximal_to_break1: self.genes_proximal_to_break1, COLUMNS.genes_proximal_to_break2: self.genes_proximal_to_break2, COLUMNS.gene1_direction: None, COLUMNS.gene2_direction: None, COLUMNS.gene_product_type: None, COLUMNS.gene1: None, COLUMNS.gene2: None, COLUMNS.transcript1: '{}:{}_{}{}'.format( self.transcript1.reference_object, self.transcript1.start, self.transcript1.end, self.transcript1.get_strand()), COLUMNS.transcript2: '{}:{}_{}{}'.format( self.transcript2.reference_object, self.transcript2.start, self.transcript2.end, self.transcript2.get_strand()), COLUMNS.genes_encompassed: ';'.join(sorted([ for x in self.encompassed_genes])), COLUMNS.genes_overlapping_break1: ';'.join(sorted([ for x in self.genes_overlapping_break1])), COLUMNS.genes_overlapping_break2: ';'.join(sorted([ for x in self.genes_overlapping_break2])), COLUMNS.genes_proximal_to_break1: ';'.join( sorted(['{}({})'.format(x[0].name, x[1]) for x in self.genes_proximal_to_break1])), COLUMNS.genes_proximal_to_break2: ';'.join( sorted(['{}({})'.format(x[0].name, x[1]) for x in self.genes_proximal_to_break2])), COLUMNS.event_type: self.event_type, COLUMNS.gene1_aliases: None, COLUMNS.gene2_aliases: None }) if hasattr(self.transcript1, 'gene'): row[COLUMNS.gene1] = row[COLUMNS.transcript1] = if self.transcript1.gene.aliases: row[COLUMNS.gene1_aliases] = ';'.join(sorted(self.transcript1.gene.aliases)) try: row[COLUMNS.gene1_direction] = str(determine_prime(self.transcript1, self.break1)) except NotSpecifiedError: pass if hasattr(self.transcript2, 'gene'): row[COLUMNS.gene2] = row[COLUMNS.transcript2] = if self.transcript2.gene.aliases: row[COLUMNS.gene2_aliases] = ';'.join(sorted(self.transcript2.gene.aliases)) try: row[COLUMNS.gene2_direction] = str(determine_prime(self.transcript2, self.break2)) if row[COLUMNS.gene1_direction] is not None: if row[COLUMNS.gene1_direction] == row[COLUMNS.gene2_direction]: row[COLUMNS.gene_product_type] = GENE_PRODUCT_TYPE.ANTI_SENSE else: row[COLUMNS.gene_product_type] = GENE_PRODUCT_TYPE.SENSE except NotSpecifiedError: pass return row
[docs]def flatten_fusion_translation(translation): """ for a given fusion product (translation) gather the information to be output to the tabbed files Args: translation (Translation): the translation which is on the fusion transcript Returns: dict: the dictionary of column names to values """ row = dict() row[COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_start] = translation.start row[COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_end] = translation.end # select the exon that has changed domains = [] for dom in m, t = dom.score_region_mapping() temp = { "name":, "sequences": dom.get_seqs(), "regions": [ {"start": dr.start, "end": dr.end} for dr in sorted(dom.regions, key=lambda x: x.start) ], "mapping_quality": round(m * 100 / t, 0), "matches": m } domains.append(temp) row[COLUMNS.fusion_mapped_domains] = json.dumps(domains) return row
[docs]def flatten_fusion_transcript(spliced_fusion_transcript): row = {} five_prime_exons = [] three_prime_exons = [] fusion_transcript = spliced_fusion_transcript.unspliced_transcript for ex in spliced_fusion_transcript.exons: try: src_exon = fusion_transcript.exon_mapping[ex.position] number = src_exon.transcript.exon_number(src_exon) if ex.end <= fusion_transcript.break1: five_prime_exons.append(number) elif ex.start >= fusion_transcript.break2: three_prime_exons.append(number) else: raise AssertionError( 'exon should not be mapped if not within a break region', ex, fusion_transcript.break1. fusion_transcript.break2 ) except KeyError: # novel exon for us_exon, src_exon in sorted(fusion_transcript.exon_mapping.items()): if Interval.overlaps(ex, us_exon): number = src_exon.transcript.exon_number(src_exon) if us_exon.end <= fusion_transcript.break1: five_prime_exons.append(number) elif us_exon.start >= fusion_transcript.break2: three_prime_exons.append(number) else: raise AssertionError( 'exon should not be mapped if not within a break region', us_exon, fusion_transcript.break1. fusion_transcript.break2 ) row[COLUMNS.exon_last_5prime] = five_prime_exons[-1] row[COLUMNS.exon_first_3prime] = three_prime_exons[0] row[COLUMNS.fusion_splicing_pattern] = spliced_fusion_transcript.splicing_pattern.splice_type return row
[docs]def overlapping_transcripts(ref_ann, breakpoint): """ Args: ref_ann (:class:`dict` of :class:`list` of :any:`Gene` by :class:`str`): the reference list of genes split by chromosome breakpoint (Breakpoint): the breakpoint in question Returns: :class:`list` of :any:`usTranscript`: a list of possible transcripts """ putative_annotations = set() for gene in ref_ann.get(breakpoint.chr, []): for transcript in gene.transcripts: if breakpoint.strand != STRAND.NS and transcript.get_strand() != STRAND.NS \ and transcript.get_strand() != breakpoint.strand: continue if Interval.overlaps(breakpoint, transcript): putative_annotations.add(transcript) return putative_annotations
def _gather_breakpoint_annotations(ref_ann, breakpoint): """ Args: ref_ann (:class:`dict` of :class:`list` of :class:`Gene` by :class:`str`): the reference annotations split into lists of genes by chromosome breakpoint (Breakpoint): the breakpoint annotations are to be gathered for Returns: tuple: tuple contains - :class:`list` of (:class:`usTranscript` or :class:`IntergenicRegion`): transcripts or intergenic regions overlapping the breakpoint on the positive strand - :class:`list` of (:class:`usTranscript` or :class:`IntergenicRegion`): transcripts or intergenic regions overlapping the breakpoint on the negative strand .. todo:: Support for setting the transcript in the annotation when the breakpoint is just ahead of the transcript and the transcript would be 3'. Then assuming the splicing model takes the 2nd exon onward """ pos_overlapping_transcripts = [] neg_overlapping_transcripts = [] for gene in ref_ann.get(breakpoint.chr, []): for t in gene.transcripts: if Interval.overlaps(t, breakpoint): if, STRAND.POS): pos_overlapping_transcripts.append(t) if, STRAND.NEG): neg_overlapping_transcripts.append(t) pos_intervals = Interval.min_nonoverlapping(*pos_overlapping_transcripts) neg_intervals = Interval.min_nonoverlapping(*neg_overlapping_transcripts) temp = [] # before the first? if len(pos_intervals) > 0: first = pos_intervals[0] last = pos_intervals[-1] if breakpoint.start < first.start: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, breakpoint[0], first[0] - 1, STRAND.POS)) if breakpoint.end > last.end: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, last[1] + 1, breakpoint[1], STRAND.POS)) for i, curr in enumerate(pos_intervals): if i > 0: prev = pos_intervals[i - 1] try: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, prev[1] + 1, curr[0] - 1, STRAND.POS)) except AttributeError: pass else: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, breakpoint.start, breakpoint.end, STRAND.POS)) pos_overlapping_transcripts.extend(temp) temp = [] # before the first? if len(neg_intervals) > 0: first = neg_intervals[0] last = neg_intervals[-1] if breakpoint.start < first.start: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, breakpoint[0], first[0] - 1, STRAND.NEG)) if breakpoint.end > last.end: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, last[1] + 1, breakpoint[1], STRAND.NEG)) for i, curr in enumerate(neg_intervals): if i > 0: prev = neg_intervals[i - 1] try: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, prev[1] + 1, curr[0] - 1, STRAND.NEG)) except AttributeError: pass else: temp.append(IntergenicRegion(breakpoint.chr, breakpoint.start, breakpoint.end, STRAND.NEG)) neg_overlapping_transcripts.extend(temp) if len(pos_overlapping_transcripts) == 0: raise AssertionError('neither strand group should ever be empty', pos_overlapping_transcripts) if len(neg_overlapping_transcripts) == 0: raise AssertionError('neither strand group should ever be empty', neg_overlapping_transcripts) return ( sorted(pos_overlapping_transcripts, key=lambda x: x.position), sorted(neg_overlapping_transcripts, key=lambda x: x.position)) def _gather_annotations(ref, bp, proximity=None): """ each annotation is defined by the annotations selected at the breakpoints the other annotations are given relative to this the annotation at the breakpoint can be a transcript or an intergenic region Args: ref (:class:`dict` of :class:`list` of :any:`Gene` by :class:`str`): the list of reference genes hashed by chromosomes breakpoint_pairs (:class:`list` of :any:`BreakpointPair`): breakpoint pairs we wish to annotate as events Returns: :class:`list` of :class:`Annotation`: The annotations """ annotations = dict() break1_pos, break1_neg = _gather_breakpoint_annotations(ref, bp.break1) break2_pos, break2_neg = _gather_breakpoint_annotations(ref, bp.break2) combinations = [] if bp.stranded: if bp.break1.strand == STRAND.POS: if bp.break2.strand == STRAND.POS: combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_pos, break2_pos)) else: combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_pos, break2_neg)) else: if bp.break2.strand == STRAND.POS: combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_neg, break2_pos)) else: combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_neg, break2_neg)) else: if bp.opposing_strands: combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_pos, break2_neg)) combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_neg, break2_pos)) else: combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_pos, break2_pos)) combinations.extend(itertools.product(break1_neg, break2_neg)) same = set() for a1, a2 in combinations: """ if a1 != a2 and hasattr(a1, 'exons') != hasattr(a2, 'exons') and not bp.interchromosomal: # one is a transcript, the other an intergenic region # take the transcript if it covers both breakpoints # this is due to the special case 'single transcript inversion' if hasattr(a1, 'exons'): if Interval.overlaps(bp.break1, a1) and Interval.overlaps(bp.break2, a1): a2 = a1 else: if Interval.overlaps(bp.break1, a2) and Interval.overlaps(bp.break2, a2): a1 = a2 """ if (a1, a2) in annotations: # ignore duplicates continue try: if a1.gene == a2.gene and a1 != a2: continue except AttributeError: pass if a1 == a2 and hasattr(a1, 'exons'): same.add(a1) b1_itvl = bp.break1 & a1 b2_itvl = bp.break2 & a2 bpp = BreakpointPair.copy(bp) bpp.break1.start = b1_itvl[0] bpp.break1.end = b1_itvl[1] bpp.break2.start = b2_itvl[0] bpp.break2.end = b2_itvl[1] a = Annotation(bpp, a1, a2, proximity=proximity) for gene in ref.get(bp.break1.chr, []): a.add_gene(gene) if bp.interchromosomal: for gene in ref.get(bp.break2.chr, []): a.add_gene(gene) annotations[(a1, a2)] = a filtered = [] # remove any inter-gene/inter-region annotations where a same transcript was found for pair, ann in annotations.items(): a1, a2 = pair if (a1 in same or a2 in same) and a1 != a2: pass else: filtered.append(ann) return filtered
[docs]def choose_more_annotated(ann_list): """ for a given set of annotations if there are annotations which contain transcripts and annotations that are simply intergenic regions, discard the intergenic region annotations similarly if there are annotations where both breakpoints fall in a transcript and annotations where one or more breakpoints lands in an intergenic region, discard those that land in the intergenic region Args: ann_list (list of :class:`Annotation`): list of input annotations Warning: input annotations are assumed to be the same event (the same validation_id) the logic used would not apply to different events Returns: list of :class:`Annotation`: the filtered list """ two_transcript = [] one_transcript = [] intergenic = [] for ann in ann_list: if isinstance(ann.transcript1, IntergenicRegion) and isinstance(ann.transcript2, IntergenicRegion): intergenic.append(ann) elif isinstance(ann.transcript1, IntergenicRegion) or isinstance(ann.transcript2, IntergenicRegion): one_transcript.append(ann) else: two_transcript.append(ann) if len(two_transcript) > 0: return two_transcript elif len(one_transcript) > 0: return one_transcript else: return intergenic
[docs]def choose_transcripts_by_priority(ann_list): """ for each set of annotations with the same combinations of genes, choose the annotation with the most "best_transcripts" or most "alphanumeric" choices of transcript. Throw an error if they are identical Args: ann_list (list of :class:`Annotation`): input annotations Warning: input annotations are assumed to be the same event (the same validation_id) the logic used would not apply to different events Returns: list of :class:`Annotation`: the filtered list """ annotations_by_gene_combination = {} genes = set() for ann in ann_list: gene1 = None gene2 = None try: gene1 = ann.transcript1.gene genes.add(gene1) except AttributeError: pass try: gene2 = ann.transcript2.gene genes.add(gene2) except AttributeError: pass annotations_by_gene_combination.setdefault((gene1, gene2), []).append(ann) filtered_annotations = [] for g, sublist in annotations_by_gene_combination.items(): gene1, gene2 = g if gene1 is None and gene2 is None: filtered_annotations.extend(sublist) elif gene2 is None: ann = min(sublist, key=lambda a: gene1.transcript_priority(a.transcript1)) filtered_annotations.append(ann) elif gene1 is None: ann = min(sublist, key=lambda a: gene2.transcript_priority(a.transcript2)) filtered_annotations.append(ann) else: ann = min(sublist, key=lambda a: ( gene1.transcript_priority(a.transcript1) + gene2.transcript_priority(a.transcript2), gene1.transcript_priority(a.transcript1), gene2.transcript_priority(a.transcript2) )) filtered_annotations.append(ann) return filtered_annotations
[docs]def annotate_events( bpps, annotations, reference_genome, max_proximity=5000, min_orf_size=200, min_domain_mapping_match=0.95, max_orf_cap=3, log=devnull, filters=None ): """ Args: bpps (list of :class:`~mavis.breakpoint.BreakpointPair`): list of events annotations: reference annotations reference_genome (dict of string by string): dictionary of reference sequences by name max_proximity (int): see :term:`max_proximity` min_orf_size (int): see :term:`min_orf_size` min_domain_mapping_match (float): see :term:`min_domain_mapping_match` max_orf_cap (int): see :term:`max_orf_cap` log (callable): callable function to take in strings and time_stamp args filters (list of callable): list of functions taking in a list and returning a list for filtering Returns: list of :class:`Annotation`: list of the putative annotations """ if filters is None: filters = [choose_more_annotated, choose_transcripts_by_priority] results = [] total = len(bpps) for i, bpp in enumerate(bpps): log('({} of {}) gathering annotations for'.format(i + 1, total), bpp)[COLUMNS.validation_id] =, str(uuid.uuid4())) ann = _gather_annotations( annotations, bpp, proximity=max_proximity ) for f in filters: ann = f(ann) # apply the filter results.extend(ann) for j, a in enumerate(ann):[COLUMNS.annotation_id] = '{}-a{}'.format(a.validation_id, j + 1) # try building the fusion product try: ft = a, reference_genome, min_orf_size=min_orf_size, max_orf_cap=max_orf_cap, min_domain_mapping_match=min_domain_mapping_match ) a.fusion = ft except (NotSpecifiedError, AttributeError, NotImplementedError): pass except KeyError as e: log('warning. could not build fusion product', repr(e)) log('generated', len(ann), 'annotations', time_stamp=False) return results