Source code for mavis.annotate.base

from ..interval import Interval
import re
import itertools

[docs]class ReferenceName(str): def __eq__(self, other): putative_other = [other, 'chr' + str(other), re.sub('^chr', '', str(other))] putative_self = [self, 'chr' + str(self), re.sub('^chr', '', str(self))] for s, o in itertools.product(putative_self, putative_other): if str.__eq__(s, o): return True return False def __hash__(self): return hash(re.sub('^chr', '', str(self)))
[docs]class BioInterval: def __init__(self, reference_object, start, end=None, name=None, seq=None, data=None): """ Args: reference_object: the object this interval is on start (int) start of the interval (inclusive) end (int): end of the interval (inclusive) name: optional seq (str): the seq relating to this interval Example: >>> b = BioInterval('1', 12572784, 12578898, 'q22.2') >>> b[0] 12572784 >>> b[1] 12578898 """ start = int(start) end = int(end) if end is not None else None data = {} if data is None else data self.reference_object = reference_object = name self.position = Interval(start, end, number_type=int) self.seq = seq if not seq else str(seq.upper()) = {} @property def start(self): """*int*: the start position""" return self.position.start @property def end(self): """*int*: the end position""" return self.position.end def __getitem__(self, index): return Interval.__getitem__(self, index)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Example: >>> b = BioInterval('1', 12572784, 12578898, 'q22.2') >>> len(b) 6115 """ return self.position.length()
[docs] def key(self): """:class:`tuple`: a tuple representing the items expected to be unique. for hashing and comparing""" return (self.reference_object, self.position, self.seq,
def __eq__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, 'key'): return False else: return self.key() == other.key() def __lt__(self, other): if other.reference_object != self.reference_object: if self.reference_object < other.reference_object: return True else: return False elif self.position < other.position: return True else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key())
[docs] def get_seq(self, REFERENCE_GENOME=None, ignore_cache=False): raise NotImplementedError('abstract method must be overidden')
[docs] def get_strand(self): """ pulls strand information from the current object, or follows reference objects until the strand is found Returns: STRAND: the strand of this or any of its reference objects Raises: AttributeError: raised if the strand is not set on this or any of its reference objects """ try: if self.strand is not None: return self.strand except AttributeError: pass tried = set() parent = self.reference_object while True: if parent in tried: break try: if parent.strand is not None: return parent.strand except AttributeError: pass tried.add(parent) try: parent = parent.reference_object except AttributeError: break raise AttributeError('strand has not been defined', self)
[docs] def get_chr(self): """ pulls chromosome information from the current object, or follows reference objects until the chromosome is found Returns: str: the chromosome of this or any of its reference objects Raises: AttributeError: raised if the chromosome is not set on this or any of its reference objects """ try: if self.chr is not None: return self.chr except AttributeError: pass tried = set() parent = self.reference_object while True: if parent in tried: break try: if parent.chr is not None: return parent.chr except AttributeError: pass tried.add(parent) try: parent = parent.reference_object except AttributeError: break raise AttributeError('chr has not been defined')
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ creates a dictionary representing the current object Returns: :class:`dict` by :class:`str`: the dictionary of attribute values """ d = { 'name':, 'start': self.start, 'end': self.end, 'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'seq': self.seq, 'data': } try: d['reference_object'] = except AttributeError: d['reference_object'] = str(self.reference_object) return d
def __repr__(self): cls = self.__class__.__name__ refname = self.reference_object try: refname = except AttributeError: pass return '{}({}:{}-{}, name={})'.format(cls, refname, self.start, self.end,