Source code for mavis.cluster.main

import os
import itertools
from .cluster import merge_breakpoint_pairs
from ..constants import COLUMNS
from .constants import DEFAULTS
from ..util import read_inputs, output_tabbed_file, write_bed_file, generate_complete_stamp
from ..util import filter_on_overlap, log, mkdirp, filter_uninformative, log_arguments
import uuid
import inspect

[docs]def main( inputs, output, stranded_bam, library, protocol, disease_status, masking, annotations, limit_to_chr=DEFAULTS.limit_to_chr, cluster_initial_size_limit=DEFAULTS.cluster_initial_size_limit, cluster_radius=DEFAULTS.cluster_radius, uninformative_filter=DEFAULTS.uninformative_filter, max_proximity=DEFAULTS.max_proximity, min_clusters_per_file=DEFAULTS.min_clusters_per_file, max_files=DEFAULTS.max_files, fetch_method_individual=True, log_args=False, **kwargs ): """ Args: inputs (:class:`List` of :class:`str`): list of input files to read output (str): path to the output directory stranded_bam (bool): is the bam using a strand specific protocol library (str): the library to look for in each of the input files protocol (PROTOCOL): the sequence protocol (genome or transcriptome) masking (object): see :func:`~mavis.annotate.file_io.load_masking_regions` cluster_clique_size (int): the maximum size of cliques to search for using the exact algorithm cluster_radius (int): distance (in breakpoint pairs) used in deciding to join bpps in a cluster uninformative_filter (bool): if True then clusters should be filtered out if they are not within a specified (max_proximity) distance to any annotation max_proximity (int): the maximum distance away an annotation can be before the uninformative_filter is applied annotations (object): see :func:`~mavis.annotate.file_io.load_reference_genes` min_clusters_per_file (int): the minimum number of clusters to output to a file max_files (int): the maximum number of files to split clusters into """ if log_args: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) args = {arg: values[arg] for arg in args if arg != 'log_args'} log_arguments(args) # output files cluster_batch_id = 'batch-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) UNINFORM_OUTPUT = os.path.join(output, 'uninformative_clusters.txt') CLUSTER_ASSIGN_OUTPUT = os.path.join(output, '') # TODO: CLUSTER_BED_OUTPUT = os.path.join(output, 'clusters.bed') def split_file_name_func(x): return os.path.join(output, '{}-{}.tab'.format(cluster_batch_id, x)) # load the input files breakpoint_pairs = read_inputs( inputs, cast={ lambda x: set(x.split(';')) if x else set()}, add={ COLUMNS.library: library, COLUMNS.protocol: protocol, '', COLUMNS.disease_status: disease_status }, expand_ns=True, explicit_strand=False ) # filter against chr and ignore other library inputs other_libs = set() other_chr = set() unfiltered_breakpoint_pairs = [] log('filtering by library and chr name') for bpp in breakpoint_pairs: if bpp.library is None: bpp.library = library if bpp.library != library: other_libs.add(bpp.library) elif bpp.break1.chr in limit_to_chr and bpp.break2.chr in limit_to_chr: unfiltered_breakpoint_pairs.append(bpp) else: other_chr.update({bpp.break1.chr, bpp.break2.chr}) other_chr -= set(limit_to_chr) breakpoint_pairs = unfiltered_breakpoint_pairs if len(other_libs) > 0: log('warning: ignoring breakpoints found for other libraries:', sorted([l for l in other_libs])) if len(other_chr) > 0: log('warning: filtered events on chromosomes not found in "limit_to_chr"', other_chr) # filter by masking file breakpoint_pairs, filtered_bpp = filter_on_overlap(breakpoint_pairs, masking) # filter by informative if uninformative_filter: log('filtering from', len(breakpoint_pairs), 'breakpoint pairs using informative filter') pass_clusters, uninformative_clusters = filter_uninformative(annotations, breakpoint_pairs) log( 'filtered from', len(breakpoint_pairs), 'down to', len(pass_clusters), '(removed {})'.format(len(uninformative_clusters)) ) breakpoint_pairs = pass_clusters output_tabbed_file(uninformative_clusters, UNINFORM_OUTPUT) else: log('did not apply uninformative filter') log('computing clusters') clusters = merge_breakpoint_pairs( breakpoint_pairs, cluster_radius=cluster_radius, cluster_initial_size_limit=cluster_initial_size_limit) hist = {} length_hist = {} for index, cluster in enumerate(clusters): input_pairs = clusters[cluster] hist[len(input_pairs)] = hist.get(len(input_pairs), 0) + 1 c1 = round(len(cluster[0]), -2) c2 = round(len(cluster[1]), -2) length_hist[c1] = length_hist.get(c1, 0) + 1 length_hist[c2] = length_hist.get(c2, 0) + 1[COLUMNS.cluster_id] = str(uuid.uuid4())[COLUMNS.cluster_size] = len(input_pairs) temp = set() data_items = set() for p in input_pairs: temp.update([]) data_items.update([] = ';'.join(sorted(list(temp))) data_items -= {} # retain all data where data is consistent between the input pairs for item in data_items: s = [, None) for p in input_pairs] s = set(s) if len(s) == 1:[item] = list(s)[0] log('computed', len(clusters), 'clusters', time_stamp=False) log('cluster input pairs distribution', sorted(hist.items()), time_stamp=False) log('cluster intervals lengths', sorted(length_hist.items()), time_stamp=False) # map input pairs to cluster ids # now create the mapping from the original input files to the cluster(s) mkdirp(output) rows = {} for cluster, input_pairs in clusters.items(): for p in input_pairs: if p not in rows: rows[p] = p.flatten() rows[p][].update([]) rows[p].setdefault('clusters', set()).add([COLUMNS.cluster_id]) for row in rows.values(): row['clusters'] = ';'.join([str(c) for c in sorted(list(row['clusters']))]) row[] = ';'.join(sorted(list(row[]))) output_tabbed_file(rows.values(), CLUSTER_ASSIGN_OUTPUT) output_files = [] # filter clusters based on annotations # decide on the number of clusters to validate per job clusters = list(clusters.keys()) JOB_SIZE = min_clusters_per_file if len(clusters) // min_clusters_per_file > max_files - 1: JOB_SIZE = int(round(len(clusters) / max_files, 0)) assert(len(clusters) // JOB_SIZE <= max_files) bedfile = os.path.join(output, 'clusters.bed') write_bed_file(bedfile, itertools.chain.from_iterable([b.get_bed_repesentation() for b in clusters])) number_of_jobs = len(clusters) // min_clusters_per_file if number_of_jobs >= max_files: number_of_jobs = max_files elif number_of_jobs == 0: number_of_jobs = 1 jobs = [[] for j in range(0, number_of_jobs)] clusters = sorted(clusters, key=lambda x: (x.break1.chr, x.break1.start, x.break2.chr, x.break2.start)) if fetch_method_individual: # split up consecutive clusters for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters): jid = i % len(jobs) jobs[jid].append(cluster) else: # group consecutive clusters extras = len(clusters) % number_of_jobs cluster_per_job = len(clusters) // number_of_jobs i = 0 for job in jobs: job.extend(clusters[i:i + cluster_per_job + (1 if extras > 0 else 0)]) extras -= 1 i += len(job) assert(sum([len(j) for j in jobs]) == len(clusters)) for i, job in enumerate(jobs): # generate an output file filename = split_file_name_func(i + 1) output_files.append(filename) output_tabbed_file(job, filename) generate_complete_stamp(output, log) return output_files