Source code for mavis.summary.summary

from ..breakpoint import Breakpoint, BreakpointPair
from ..interval import Interval
from .constants import PAIRING_STATE

[docs]def alphanumeric_choice(bpp1, bpp2): """ Args: bpp1 (BreakpointPair) bpp2 (BreakpointPair) returns the one with transcript with alphanumeric priority, with transcript1 chosen for ties """ if (bpp1.transcript1, bpp1.transcript2) < (bpp2.transcript1, bpp2.transcript2): return bpp1 elif (bpp1.transcript1, bpp1.transcript2) > (bpp2.transcript1, bpp2.transcript2): return bpp2 else: raise AssertionError("Both transcripts are equal")
[docs]def filter_by_annotations(bpp1, bpp2, best_transcripts): """ Args: bpp1 (BreakPointPair): bpp2 (BreakpointPair): best_transcripts (:class `dict` of :any:`Transcript` by :class:`str`): the best transcripts of the annotations based on their names """ # By priority # Case 1 an event has 2 genes and transcripts and a fusion cdna (orf) if[COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_start] or[COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_start]: # take the one with the longest cdna length if[COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_start] is None: return bpp2 elif[COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_start] is None: return bpp1 else: bpp1_cdna_len = int([COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_end]) - \ int([COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_start]) bpp2_cdna_len = int([COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_end]) - \ int([COLUMNS.fusion_cdna_coding_start]) return bpp1 if bpp1_cdna_len >= bpp2_cdna_len else bpp2 # Case 2 an event has 2 genes and transcripts elif[COLUMNS.gene1] and[COLUMNS.gene2] or[COLUMNS.gene1] and[COLUMNS.gene2]: # take the one with transcripts that are in best transcript, or the highest alphanumeric name if[COLUMNS.gene1] is None or[COLUMNS.gene2] is None: return bpp2 elif[COLUMNS.gene1] is None or[COLUMNS.gene2] is None: return bpp1 else: bpp1_t1, bpp1_t2 = ([COLUMNS.transcript1],[COLUMNS.transcript2]) bpp2_t1, bpp2_t2 = ([COLUMNS.transcript1],[COLUMNS.transcript2]) # both in best transcripts if bpp1_t1 in best_transcripts and bpp1_t2 in best_transcripts and bpp2_t1 in best_transcripts \ and bpp2_t2 in best_transcripts: try: alpha = alphanumeric_choice(bpp1, bpp2) except AssertionError: # both transcripts are the same alpha = group_events(bpp1, bpp2) return alpha elif bpp1_t1 in best_transcripts and bpp1_t2 in best_transcripts: return bpp1 elif bpp2_t1 in best_transcripts and bpp2_t2 in best_transcripts: return bpp2 elif bpp1_t1 in best_transcripts or bpp1_t2 in best_transcripts: return bpp1 elif bpp2_t1 in best_transcripts or bpp2_t2 in best_transcripts: return bpp2 else: try: alpha = alphanumeric_choice(bpp1, bpp2) except AssertionError: # both transcripts are the same alpha = group_events(bpp1, bpp2) return alpha # Case 3 an event has 1 gene and transcript elif[COLUMNS.gene1] or[COLUMNS.gene2] or[COLUMNS.gene1] or[COLUMNS.gene2]: # take the one with transcripts that are in best transcript, or the highest alphanumeric name if[COLUMNS.gene1] is None and[COLUMNS.gene2] is None: return bpp2 elif[COLUMNS.gene1] is None and[COLUMNS.gene2] is None: return bpp1 else: bpp1_t1, bpp1_t2 = ([COLUMNS.transcript1],[COLUMNS.transcript2]) bpp2_t1, bpp2_t2 = ([COLUMNS.transcript1],[COLUMNS.transcript2]) if bpp1_t1 in best_transcripts or bpp1_t2 in best_transcripts: return bpp1 elif bpp2_t1 in best_transcripts or bpp2_t2 in best_transcripts: return bpp2 else: try: alpha = alphanumeric_choice(bpp1, bpp2) except AssertionError: # both transcripts are the same alpha = group_events(bpp1, bpp2) return alpha # Case 4 both have no genes present - will keep the positive strand event else: if bpp1.break1.strand == STRAND.POS: return bpp1 else: return bpp2
[docs]def filter_by_call_method(bpp1, bpp2): # ranking scores of the methods (more is better) RANKING = { CALL_METHOD.CONTIG: 4, CALL_METHOD.SPLIT: 3, CALL_METHOD.SPAN: 2, CALL_METHOD.FLANK: 1 } # This treats split flank the same as flank split bpp_call_score = RANKING[bpp1.break1_call_method] + \ RANKING[bpp1.break2_call_method] existing_call_score = RANKING[bpp2.break1_call_method] + \ RANKING[bpp2.break2_call_method] if bpp_call_score < existing_call_score: return bpp1 elif bpp_call_score > existing_call_score: return bpp2 else: raise AssertionError("Both call methods are equal")
[docs]def group_events(bpp1, bpp2): # take the outer regions of the breakpoints new_bpp = BreakpointPair( Breakpoint(bpp1.break1.chr, min(bpp1.break1.start, bpp2.break1.start), max(bpp1.break1.end, bpp2.break1.end), orient=bpp1.break1.orient, strand=bpp1.break1.strand), Breakpoint(bpp1.break2.chr, min(bpp1.break2.start, bpp2.break2.start), max(bpp1.break2.end, bpp2.break2.end), orient=bpp1.break2.orient, strand=bpp1.break2.strand), opposing_strands=bpp1.opposing_strands, stranded=bpp1.stranded) # Note: There are some attributes that shouldn't be lost if different, currently appending the information # The evidence could be better off as a max instead of a join columns_to_keep = [COLUMNS.contig_seq, COLUMNS.break1_call_method, COLUMNS.break2_call_method, COLUMNS.break1_split_reads, COLUMNS.break2_split_reads, COLUMNS.contig_alignment_score, COLUMNS.spanning_reads, COLUMNS.flanking_pairs,, COLUMNS.product_id, COLUMNS.event_type, COLUMNS.annotation_id, COLUMNS.pairing, COLUMNS.annotation_figure, COLUMNS.contig_remapped_reads] for i in if[i] !=[i]:[i] = '' if i in columns_to_keep:[i] = ";".join(sorted(list(set(str([i]).split(';') + str([i]).split(';'))))) else:[i] =[i] if bpp1.untemplated_seq == bpp2.untemplated_seq: new_bpp.untemplated_seq = bpp1.untemplated_seq return new_bpp
[docs]def annotate_dgv(bpps, dgv_regions_by_reference_name, distance=0): for bpp in bpps: if bpp.break1.chr != bpp.break2.chr: continue # assume the dgv does not have translocations for r in dgv_regions_by_reference_name.get(bpp.break1.chr, []): if abs(Interval.dist((r.start, r.start), bpp.break1)) <= distance and \ abs(Interval.dist((r.end, r.end), bpp.break2)) <= distance: refname = r.reference_object try: refname = except AttributeError: pass['dgv'] = '{}({}:{}-{})'.format(, refname, r.start, r.end) return bpps
[docs]def get_pairing_state(current_protocol, current_disease_state, other_protocol, other_disease_state, is_matched=False): """ given two libraries, returns the appropriate descriptor for their matched state Args: current_protocol (PROTOCOL): the protocol of the current library current_disease_state (DISEASE_STATUS): the disease status of the current library other_protocol (PROTOCOL): protocol of the library being comparing to other_disease_state (DISEASE_STATUS): disease status of the library being compared to is_matched (bool): True if the libraries are paired Returns: (PAIRING_STATE): descriptor of the pairing of the two libraries """ PROTOCOL.enforce(current_protocol) PROTOCOL.enforce(other_protocol) DISEASE_STATUS.enforce(current_disease_state) DISEASE_STATUS.enforce(other_disease_state) curr = (current_protocol, current_disease_state) other = (other_protocol, other_disease_state) DG = (PROTOCOL.GENOME, DISEASE_STATUS.DISEASED) DT = (PROTOCOL.TRANS, DISEASE_STATUS.DISEASED) NG = (PROTOCOL.GENOME, DISEASE_STATUS.NORMAL) if curr == DG and other == NG: return PAIRING_STATE.GERMLINE if is_matched else PAIRING_STATE.SOMATIC elif curr == DG and other == DT: return PAIRING_STATE.EXP if is_matched else PAIRING_STATE.NO_EXP elif curr == DT and other == DG: return PAIRING_STATE.GENOMIC if is_matched else PAIRING_STATE.NO_GENOMIC elif curr == DT and other == NG: return PAIRING_STATE.GERMLINE if is_matched else PAIRING_STATE.SOMATIC elif curr == NG and other == DT: return PAIRING_STATE.EXP if is_matched else PAIRING_STATE.NO_EXP else: return PAIRING_STATE.MATCH if is_matched else PAIRING_STATE.NO_MATCH
[docs]def filter_by_evidence( bpps, filter_min_remapped_reads=5, filter_min_spanning_reads=5, filter_min_flanking_reads=5, filter_min_flanking_only_reads=10, filter_min_split_reads=5, filter_min_linking_split_reads=1 ): filtered = [] removed = [] for bpp in bpps: if bpp.break1_call_method == CALL_METHOD.CONTIG and bpp.break2_call_method == CALL_METHOD.CONTIG: # inherently the breakpoints have been linked if int(bpp.contig_remapped_reads) < filter_min_remapped_reads: removed.append(bpp) continue elif bpp.break1_call_method == CALL_METHOD.SPAN and bpp.break2_call_method == CALL_METHOD.SPAN: if bpp.spanning_reads < filter_min_spanning_reads: removed.append(bpp) continue elif bpp.break1_call_method == CALL_METHOD.SPLIT and bpp.break2_call_method == CALL_METHOD.SPLIT: if any([ bpp.break1_split_reads < filter_min_split_reads, bpp.break2_split_reads < filter_min_split_reads, all([ bpp.event_type != SVTYPE.INS, bpp.break2_split_reads_forced + bpp.break1_split_reads_forced < filter_min_linking_split_reads ]), all([ bpp.event_type == SVTYPE.INS, bpp.flanking_pairs < filter_min_linking_split_reads, bpp.break2_split_reads_forced + bpp.break1_split_reads_forced < filter_min_linking_split_reads ]), bpp.break1_split_reads + bpp.break2_split_reads - (bpp.break2_split_reads_forced + bpp.break1_split_reads_forced) < 1 ]): removed.append(bpp) continue elif bpp.break1_call_method == CALL_METHOD.SPLIT and bpp.break2_call_method == CALL_METHOD.FLANK: if bpp.break1_split_reads < filter_min_split_reads or bpp.flanking_pairs < filter_min_flanking_reads: removed.append(bpp) continue elif bpp.break1_call_method == CALL_METHOD.FLANK and bpp.break2_call_method == CALL_METHOD.SPLIT: if bpp.break1_split_reads < filter_min_split_reads or bpp.flanking_pairs < filter_min_flanking_reads: removed.append(bpp) continue elif bpp.break1_call_method == CALL_METHOD.FLANK and bpp.break2_call_method == CALL_METHOD.FLANK: if bpp.flanking_pairs < filter_min_flanking_only_reads: removed.append(bpp) continue else: raise AssertionError('unexpected value for break1_call_method or break2_call_method: {}, {}'.format( bpp.break1_call_method, bpp.break2_call_method)) filtered.append(bpp) return filtered, removed