Source code for mavis.cluster.cluster

from __future__ import division

from ..constants import *
from ..error import *
from ..interval import Interval
from ..breakpoint import BreakpointPair, Breakpoint

import itertools
import networkx as nx
import warnings

[docs]def weighted_mean(values, weights=None): if weights is None: weights = [1 for v in values] return sum(x * w for x, w in zip(values, weights)) / sum(weights)
[docs]def merge_integer_intervals(*intervals): """ Merges a set of integer intervals into a single interval where the center is the weighted mean of the input intervals. The weight is inversely proportional to the length of each interval. The length of the final interval is the average of the lengths of the input intervals capped in size so that it never extends beyond the union of the input intervals """ intervals = list(intervals) centers = [] weights = [] lengths = [] if len(intervals) == 0: raise AttributeError('cannot compute the weighted mean interval of an empty set of intervals') for i in range(0, len(intervals)): curr = intervals[i] intervals[i] = Interval(curr[0], curr[1] + 0.9) for temp in range(0, intervals[i].freq): centers.append(intervals[i].center) weights.append(1 / intervals[i].length()) lengths.append(intervals[i].length()) center = round(weighted_mean(centers, weights=weights) * 2, 0) / 2 size = weighted_mean(lengths) # -1 b/c center counts as one start = max([round(center - size / 2, 0), min([i[0] for i in intervals])]) end = min([round(center + size / 2, 0), max([i[1] for i in intervals])]) offset = min([center - start, end - center]) result = Interval(int(round(center - offset, 0)), int(round(center + offset / 2, 0))) return result
[docs]class IntervalPair: """ """ def __init__(self, start, end, **kwargs): """ Args: start (Interval): the first interval end (Interval): the second interval """ = kwargs self.start = start if isinstance(start, Interval) else Interval(start[0], start[1]) self.end = end if isinstance(end, Interval) else Interval(end[0], end[1]) def __eq__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, 'start') or not hasattr(other, 'end') \ or self.start != other.start or self.end != other.end: return False return True def __lt__(self, other): if self.start < other.start: return True elif self.start == other.start and self.end < other.end: return True return False def __hash__(self): return hash((self.start, self.end))
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, *interval_pairs): """ returns a new IntervalPair where the start interval is the weighted mean of the starts of all the input interval pairs, similar for the end Args: interval_pairs (IntervalPair): interval pairs Returns: IntervalPair: the new IntervalPair """ start = merge_integer_intervals(*[i.start for i in interval_pairs]) end = merge_integer_intervals(*[i.end for i in interval_pairs]) return IntervalPair(start, end)
[docs] @staticmethod def abs_dist(self, other): """ """ d = abs(Interval.dist(self[0], other[0])) + abs(Interval.dist(self[1], other[1])) return d / 2
[docs] @staticmethod def center_dist(self, other): """ computes the distance between IntervalPairs by averaging the distance between the first Interval centers of each and the second Interval centers of each Returns: int: the distance between interval pairs """ d = abs( - d += abs( - return d / 2
def __repr__(self): return '{}<{}, {}, data={}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.start, self.end, @classmethod def _redundant_maximal_kcliques(cls, G, k=10): """ for a give graph returns all cliques up to a size k any clique which is a proper subset of another clique is removed nodes can participate in multiple cliques if they are equal fit """ if k < 1: raise AttributeError('k must be greater than 0') if k >= 20: warnings.warn('k >= 20 is not recommended as the number of combinations increases exponentially') cliques = [] grouped = set() for component in nx.connected_components(G): comp_cliques = [] # take an exhaustive approach to finding the possible cliques for ktemp in range(2, k + 1): # limit the component to vertices with degree >= k filtered_component = [n for n in component if >= ktemp - 1] for putative_kclique in itertools.combinations(filtered_component, ktemp): if is_complete(G, putative_kclique): cliques.append(set(putative_kclique)) grouped.update(putative_kclique) # remove subsets to ensure cliques are maximal (up to k) refined_cliques = [] for i in range(0, len(cliques)): is_subset = False for j in range(i + 1, len(cliques)): if cliques[i].issubset(cliques[j]): is_subset = True break if not is_subset: refined_cliques.append(cliques[i]) single_nodes = [{n} for n in G.nodes() if n not in grouped] refined_cliques.extend(single_nodes) # calculate the number of cliques any give node is part of participation = {} for cluster in refined_cliques: for node in cluster: participation[node] = participation.get(node, 0) + 1 # pick the best clique for each node (where possible) # start with the nodes that participate in the most cliques for count, node in sorted([(c, n) for n, c in participation.items() if c > 1], reverse=True): distances = [] # compute the distance from this node to each cluster for cluster in refined_cliques: if node not in cluster: continue if len(cluster) == 1: distances.append((0, cluster)) # only participant in the cluster else: d = sum([IntervalPair.center_dist(node, x) for x in cluster if x != node]) / (len(cluster) - 1) distances.append((d, cluster)) lowest = min(distances, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] for score, cluster in distances: if score > lowest: cluster.remove(node) for node in G.nodes(): found = False for clique in refined_cliques: if node in clique: found = True break if not found: raise AssertionError( 'error, lost a node somehow', node, refined_cliques) return refined_cliques @classmethod def _redundant_ordered_hierarchical_clustering(cls, groups, r): """ given a set of IntervalPair objects group sets that have less than a given distance between weighted means of the different groups Args: groups (:class:`list` of :class:`set` of :class:`IntervalPair`): a list of sets of interval pairs r (int): the distance to determine grouping """ queue = sorted(groups, key=lambda x: IntervalPair.merge(*x)) complete_groups = [] while len(queue) > 0: temp_queue = [] for i in range(0, len(queue)): merged = False curr = queue[i] curr_ci = IntervalPair.merge(*curr) if i > 0: prev = queue[i - 1] prev_ci = IntervalPair.merge(*prev) if IntervalPair.abs_dist(prev_ci, curr_ci) <= r: d = curr | prev if d not in temp_queue: temp_queue.append(d) merged = True if i < len(queue) - 1: next_ = queue[i + 1] next_ci = IntervalPair.merge(*next_) if IntervalPair.abs_dist(next_ci, curr_ci) <= r: d = curr | next_ if d not in temp_queue: temp_queue.append(d) merged = True if not merged: complete_groups.append(curr) queue = sorted(temp_queue, key=lambda x: IntervalPair.merge(*x)) return complete_groups
[docs] @classmethod def cluster(cls, pairs, r, k): """ clusters a list of IntervalPair objects Args: pairs (:class:`list` of :class:`IntervalPair`): list of IntervalPair objects r (int): the distance for grouping clusters k (int): the clique size to look for Returns: :class:`list` of :class:`set` of :class:`IntervalPair`: a list of sets of interval pairs representing their clusters/groupings """ # build the initial graph G = nx.Graph() for p in pairs: G.add_node(p) for curr, other in itertools.combinations(pairs, 2): if IntervalPair.abs_dist(curr, other) <= r: G.add_edge(curr, other) # pull out the highly connected components subgraphs = cls._redundant_maximal_kcliques(G, k) subgraphs = cls._redundant_ordered_hierarchical_clustering(subgraphs, r) return subgraphs
def __getitem__(self, index): if index == 0: return self.start elif index == 1: return self.end raise IndexError('index is out of bounds', index)
[docs]def is_complete(G, N): """ for a given input graph and a set of nodes N in G checks if N is a complete subgraph of G Args: G (networkx.Graph): the input supergraph N (list): a list of nodes in G Returns: bool: True if N as a subgraph of G is complete False otherwise """ for node, other in itertools.combinations(N, 2): if not G.has_node(node) or not G.has_node(other): raise AttributeError('invalid node is not part of the input graph') if not G.has_edge(node, other): return False return True
[docs]def cluster_breakpoint_pairs(input_pairs, r, k): # 0. sort the breakpoints by start and then end # 1a. split/duplicate breakpoints into sets of things that could possibly support the same event # 1b. split breakpoint pairs by chr pair (can be the same chr) # 2. set the initial clusters based on overlap # 3. iterate over the clusters # # stop when no clusters improve/change or we hit a maximum number of iterations # classify the breakpoints.... by the possible pairs they could support # (explicit only) input_pairs = list(input_pairs) node_sets = {} input_mapping = {} # new node to input index for index, bpp in enumerate(input_pairs): added = False for o1, o2 in itertools.product( ORIENT.expand(bpp.break1.orient), ORIENT.expand(bpp.break2.orient), ): try: temp = BreakpointPair.copy(bpp) bpp.break1.orient = o1 bpp.break2.orient = o2 BreakpointPair.classify(bpp) # will throw error if invalid combination b1 = Interval(bpp.break1.start, bpp.break1.end) b2 = Interval(bpp.break2.start, bpp.break2.end) new_bpp = IntervalPair(b1, b2) classification_key = ( bpp.break1.chr, bpp.break2.chr, o1, o2, bpp.break1.strand, bpp.break2.strand, bpp.opposing_strands, bpp.stranded, bpp.untemplated_seq ) input_mapping.setdefault(classification_key, dict()) node_sets.setdefault(classification_key, set()).add(new_bpp) input_mapping[classification_key].setdefault(new_bpp, set()).add(index) added = True except InvalidRearrangement: pass if not added: raise AssertionError('error. did not add to clustering', bpp) result = {} for ckey, group in sorted(node_sets.items()): chr1, chr2, o1, o2, s1, s2, opposing_strands, stranded, seq = ckey clusters = IntervalPair.cluster(group, r, k) for node in group: particpation = sum([1 for c in clusters if node in c]) if particpation > 1: warnings.warn('interval pair participates in multiple clusters') elif particpation == 0: raise AssertionError('error: dropped input pair did not complete clustering', node) for c in clusters: ip = IntervalPair.merge(*c) # calculate a confidence interval? # create the new breakpoint pair that represents the cluster bpp = BreakpointPair( Breakpoint(chr1, ip.start[0], ip.start[1], strand=s1, orient=o1), Breakpoint(chr2, ip.end[0], ip.end[1], strand=s2, orient=o2), opposing_strands=opposing_strands, untemplated_seq=seq, stranded=stranded ) # gather the original input pairs using the mapping original_input_pairs = itertools.chain.from_iterable([input_mapping[ckey][node] for node in c]) result.setdefault(bpp, set()).update(original_input_pairs) all_input_indices = set() for bpp, inputs in result.items(): all_input_indices.update(inputs) for i in range(0, len(input_pairs)): if i not in all_input_indices: raise AssertionError('input breakpoint pair was not clustered', i, str(input_pairs[i])) for bpp in result: result[bpp] = [input_pairs[i] for i in result[bpp]] return result