import pysam
import warnings
import atexit
import re
from ..annotate.base import ReferenceName
from ..interval import Interval
[docs]class BamCache:
caches reads by name to facilitate getting read mates without jumping around
the file if we've already read that section
def __init__(self, bamfile, stranded=False):
bamfile (str): path to the input bam file
self.cache = {}
self.stranded = stranded
self.fh = bamfile
if not hasattr(bamfile, 'fetch'):
self.fh = pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile, 'rb')
self.fh = bamfile.fh
except AttributeError:
atexit.register(self.close) # makes the file 'auto close' on normal python exit
[docs] def add_read(self, read):
read (pysam.AlignedSegment): the read to add to the cache
self.cache.setdefault(read.query_name, set()).add(read)
[docs] def has_read(self, read):
if read.query_name not in self.cache:
return False
elif read in self.cache[read.query_name]:
return True
return False
[docs] def reference_id(self, chrom):
chrom (str): the chromosome/reference name
int: the reference id corresponding to input chromosome name
tid = self.fh.get_tid(chrom)
if tid == -1:
tid = self.fh.get_tid(re.sub('^chr', '', chrom))
if tid == -1:
tid = self.fh.get_tid('chr' + chrom)
if tid == -1:
raise KeyError('invalid reference name not present in bam file', chrom)
return tid
[docs] def get_read_reference_name(self, read):
read (pysam.AlignedSegment): the read we want the chromosome name for
str: the name of the chromosome
return ReferenceName(self.fh.get_reference_name(read.reference_id))
def _generate_fetch_bins(cls, start, stop, sample_bins, min_bin_size):
start (int): the start if the area to fetch reads from
stop (int): the end of the region
sample_bins (int): the number of bins to split the region into
min_bin_size (int): the minimum bin size
assert(min_bin_size > 0)
length = stop - start + 1
bin_sizes = []
if sample_bins * min_bin_size > length:
sample_bins = max([1, length // min_bin_size])
s = length // sample_bins # base size
bin_sizes = [s for i in range(0, sample_bins)]
remainder = (length - sum(bin_sizes)) // sample_bins
bin_sizes = [b + remainder for b in bin_sizes]
unsplittable_remainder = length - sum(bin_sizes)
for i in range(0, unsplittable_remainder):
bin_sizes[i] += 1
fetch_regions = [(start, start + bin_sizes[0] - 1)]
for b in bin_sizes[1:]:
last_end = fetch_regions[-1][1]
fetch_regions.append((last_end + 1, last_end + b))
return [Interval(s, t) for s, t in fetch_regions]
[docs] def fetch(
self, input_chrom, start, stop, limit=10000, cache_if=lambda x: True, filter_if=lambda x: False,
input_chrom (str): chromosome name
start (int): start position
end (int): end position
limit (int): maximum number of reads to fetch
cache_if (function): if returns True then the read is added to the cache
filter_if (function): if returns True then the read is not returned as part of the result
stop_on_cached_read (bool): stop reading at the first read found that is already in the cache
the cache_if and filter_if functions must be any function that takes a read as input and returns a boolean
set of :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment`: a set of reads which overlap the input region
# try using the cache to avoid fetching regions more than once
result = []
chrom = input_chrom
# split into multiple fetches based on the 'sample_bins'
if str(chrom) not in self.fh.references:
chrom = re.sub('^chr', '', chrom)
if chrom not in self.fh.references:
chrom = 'chr' + chrom
if chrom not in self.fh.references:
raise KeyError('bam file does not contain the expected reference', input_chrom)
temp_cache = set()
count = 0
for read in self.fh.fetch(chrom, start, stop):
if limit is not None and count >= limit:
if stop_on_cached_read and self.has_read(read):
if not filter_if(read):
if cache_if(read):
if read.query_name not in temp_cache:
count += 1
return set(result)
[docs] def fetch_from_bins(
self, input_chrom, start, stop, read_limit=10000, cache=False, sample_bins=3,
cache_if=lambda x: True, min_bin_size=10, filter_if=lambda x: False
wrapper around the fetch method, returns a list to avoid errors with changing the file pointer
position from within the loop. Also caches reads if requested and can return a limited read number
chrom (str): the chromosome
start (int): the start position
stop (int): the end position
read_limit (int): the maximum number of reads to parse
cache (bool): flag to store reads
sample_bins (int): number of bins to split the region into
cache_if (callable): function to check to against a read to determine if it should be cached
bin_gap_size (int): gap between the bins for the fetch area
:class:`set` of :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment`: set of reads gathered from the region
# try using the cache to avoid fetching regions more than once
result = []
bin_limit = int(read_limit / sample_bins) if read_limit else None
chrom = input_chrom
# split into multiple fetches based on the 'sample_bins'
if str(chrom) not in self.fh.references:
chrom = re.sub('^chr', '', chrom)
if chrom not in self.fh.references:
chrom = 'chr' + chrom
if chrom not in self.fh.references:
raise KeyError('bam file does not contain the expected reference', input_chrom)
bins = self.__class__._generate_fetch_bins(start, stop, sample_bins, min_bin_size)
running_surplus = 0
temp_cache = set()
for fstart, fend in bins:
count = 0
running_surplus += bin_limit
for read in self.fh.fetch(chrom, fstart, fend):
if bin_limit is not None and count >= running_surplus:
if not filter_if(read):
if read.query_name not in temp_cache:
count += 1
if cache and cache_if(read):
running_surplus -= count
return set(result)
[docs] def get_mate(self, read, primary_only=True, allow_file_access=False):
read (pysam.AlignedSegment): the read
primary_only (bool): ignore secondary alignments
allow_file_access (bool): determines if the bam can be accessed to try to find the mate
:class:`list` of :class:`pysam.AlignedSegment`: list of mates of the input read
# NOTE: will return all mate alignments that have been cached
putative_mates = self.cache.get(read.query_name, set())
mates = []
for mate in putative_mates:
if not mate.is_unmapped:
if any([
read.is_read1 == mate.is_read1,
read.next_reference_start != mate.reference_start,
read.next_reference_id != mate.reference_id,
primary_only and (mate.is_secondary or mate.is_supplementary),
abs(read.template_length) != abs(mate.template_length)
if len(mates) == 0:
if not allow_file_access or read.mate_is_unmapped:
raise KeyError('mate is not found in the cache')
'looking for uncached mate of {0}. This requires file access and'.format(read.query_name) +
' requests may be slow. This should also not be using in a loop iterating using the file pointer ' +
' as it will change the file pointer position')
m = self.fh.mate(read)
return [m]
return mates
[docs] def close(self):
close the bam file handle
except AttributeError: