Source code for mavis.validate.base

import itertools
from ..constants import *
from ..error import *
from .constants import VALIDATION_DEFAULTS
from ..assemble import assemble
from ..interval import Interval
from ..breakpoint import BreakpointPair
from ..bam import read as read_tools
from ..bam import cigar as cigar_tools

[docs]class Evidence(BreakpointPair): @property def outer_window1(self): """:class:`~structural_variant.interval.Interval`: the window where evidence will be gathered for the first breakpoint see :ref:`theory - calculating the evidence window <theory-calculating-the-evidence-window>` """ try: return self.outer_windows[0] except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('abstract property must be overridden') @property def outer_window2(self): """:class:`~structural_variant.interval.Interval`: the window where evidence will be gathered for the second breakpoint see :ref:`theory - calculating the evidence window <theory-calculating-the-evidence-window>` """ try: return self.outer_windows[1] except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('abstract property must be overridden') @property def inner_window1(self): """:class:`~structural_variant.interval.Interval`: the window where evidence will be gathered for the first breakpoint """ try: return self.inner_windows[0] except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('abstract property must be overridden') @property def inner_window2(self): """:class:`~structural_variant.interval.Interval`: the window where evidence will be gathered for the second breakpoint """ try: return self.inner_windows[1] except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('abstract property must be overridden') @property def min_expected_fragment_size(self): # cannot be negative return max([self.median_fragment_size - self.stdev_fragment_size * self.stdev_count_abnormal, 0]) @property def max_expected_fragment_size(self): return self.median_fragment_size + self.stdev_fragment_size * self.stdev_count_abnormal def __init__( self, break1, break2, bam_cache, REFERENCE_GENOME, read_length, stdev_fragment_size, median_fragment_size, stranded=False, opposing_strands=None, untemplated_seq=None, data={}, classification=None, **kwargs): """ Args: breakpoint_pair (BreakpointPair): the breakpoint pair to collect evidence for bam_cache (BamCache): the bam cache (and assc file) to collect evidence from REFERENCE_GENOME (:class:`dict` of :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` by :class:`str`): dict of reference sequence by template/chr name data (dict): a dictionary of data to associate with the evidence object classification (SVTYPE): the event type protocol (PROTOCOL): genome or transcriptome """ cls = self.__class__ # initialize the breakpoint pair self.bam_cache = bam_cache if stranded and bam_cache.stranded: self.stranded = True else: self.stranded = False BreakpointPair.__init__( self, break1, break2, stranded=stranded, opposing_strands=opposing_strands, untemplated_seq=untemplated_seq, data=data ) d = dict() for arg in kwargs: if arg not in VALIDATION_DEFAULTS.__dict__: raise AttributeError('unrecognized attribute', arg) d.update(VALIDATION_DEFAULTS.__dict__) kwargs.setdefault('assembly_min_contig_length', int(read_length * 1.25)) kwargs.setdefault('assembly_max_kmer_size', int(read_length * 0.7)) d.update(kwargs) # input arguments should override the defaults for arg, val in d.items(): setattr(self, arg, val) self.bam_cache = bam_cache self.classification = classification self.REFERENCE_GENOME = REFERENCE_GENOME self.read_length = read_length self.stdev_fragment_size = stdev_fragment_size self.median_fragment_size = median_fragment_size self.compatible_windows = None if self.classification is not None and self.classification not in BreakpointPair.classify(self): raise AttributeError( 'breakpoint pair improper classification', BreakpointPair.classify(self), self.classification) if self.break1.orient == ORIENT.NS or self.break2.orient == ORIENT.NS: raise NotSpecifiedError( 'input breakpoint pair must specify strand and orientation. Cannot be \'not specified' '\' for evidence gathering') self.split_reads = (set(), set()) self.flanking_pairs = set() self.compatible_flanking_pairs = set() self.spanning_reads = set() # for each breakpoint stores the number of reads that were read from the associated # bamfile for the window surrounding the breakpoint self.counts = [0, 0] # has to be a list to assign self.contigs = [] self.half_mapped = (set(), set()) try: self.compute_fragment_size(None) except NotImplementedError: raise NotImplementedError('abstract class cannot be initialized') except: pass
[docs] def standardize_read(self, read): # recomputing to standardize b/c split reads can be used to call breakpoints exactly read.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR, 1, value_type='i') # recalculate the read cigar string to ensure M is replaced with = or X c = cigar_tools.recompute_cigar_mismatch( read, self.REFERENCE_GENOME[self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(read)].seq ) prefix = 0 try: c, prefix = cigar_tools.extend_softclipping(c, self.sc_extension_stop) except AttributeError: pass read.cigar = cigar_tools.join(c) read.cigar = cigar_tools.hgvs_standardize_cigar( read, self.REFERENCE_GENOME[self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(read)].seq) read.reference_start = read.reference_start + prefix # now shift any indel portions return read
[docs] def putative_event_types(self): if self.classification: return [self.classification] else: return BreakpointPair.classify(self)
[docs] def compute_fragment_size(self, read, mate): raise NotImplementedError('abstract method must be overridden')
[docs] def supporting_reads(self): """ convenience method to return all flanking, split and spanning reads associated with an evidence object """ result = set() for s in self.flanking_pairs: result.update(s) for s in self.split_reads: result.update(s) result.update(self.spanning_reads) return result
[docs] def collect_spanning_read(self, read): # TODO """ spanning read: a read covering BOTH breakpoints This is only applicable to small events. Do not need to look for soft clipped reads here since they will be collected already """ if self.interchromosomal: return False elif not Interval.overlaps(self.inner_window1, self.inner_window2): # too far apart to call spanning reads return False if self.stranded: strand = read_tools.sequenced_strand(read, self.strand_determining_read) if strand != self.break1.strand and strand != self.break2.strand: return False combined = self.inner_window1 & self.inner_window2 read_interval = Interval(read.reference_start + 1, read.reference_end) if Interval.overlaps(combined, read_interval): # in the correct position, now determine if it can support the event types for event_type in self.putative_event_types(): if event_type in [SVTYPE.DUP, SVTYPE.INS]: if CIGAR.I in [c[0] for c in read.cigar]: self.spanning_reads.add(read) return True elif event_type == SVTYPE.DEL: if CIGAR.D in [c[0] for c in read.cigar]: self.spanning_reads.add(read) return True elif event_type == SVTYPE.INV: if CIGAR.X in [c[0] for c in read.cigar]: return True return False
[docs] def collect_compatible_flanking_pair(self, read, mate, compatible_type): if read.is_unmapped or mate.is_unmapped or read.query_name != mate.query_name or read.is_read1 == mate.is_read1: raise ValueError('input reads must be a mapped and mated pair') if not self.compatible_windows: raise ValueError('compatible windows were not given') if self.interchromosomal: raise NotImplementedError('interchromosomal events do not have compatible flanking pairs') # check that the references are right for the pair if read.reference_id != read.next_reference_id: return False elif read.mapping_quality < self.min_mapping_quality or mate.mapping_quality < self.min_mapping_quality: return False if not read.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR) or not read.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR): read = self.standardize_read(read) if not mate.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR) or not mate.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR): mate = self.standardize_read(mate) # order the read pairs so that they are in the same order that we expect for the breakpoints if read.reference_start > mate.reference_start: read, mate = mate, read if self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(read) != self.break1.chr or \ self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(mate) != self.break2.chr: return False # check if this read falls in the first breakpoint window iread = Interval(read.reference_start + 1, read.reference_end) imate = Interval(mate.reference_start + 1, mate.reference_end) if self.stranded: strand1 = read_tools.sequenced_strand(read, self.strand_determining_read) strand2 = read_tools.sequenced_strand(mate, self.strand_determining_read) if strand1 != self.break1.strand or strand2 != self.break2.strand: return False # check that the pair orientation is correct if not read_tools.orientation_supports_type(read, compatible_type): return False # check that the fragment size is reasonable fragment_size = self.compute_fragment_size(read, mate) if compatible_type == SVTYPE.DEL: if fragment_size.end <= self.max_expected_fragment_size: return False elif compatible_type == SVTYPE.INS: if fragment_size.start >= self.min_expected_fragment_size: return False # check that the positions of the reads and the strands make sense if Interval.overlaps(iread, self.compatible_windows[0]) and Interval.overlaps(imate, self.compatible_windows[1]): self.compatible_flanking_pairs.add((read, mate)) return True return False
[docs] def collect_flanking_pair(self, read, mate): """ checks if a given read meets the minimum quality criteria to be counted as evidence as stored as support for this event Args: read (pysam.AlignedSegment): the read to add Raises: UserWarning: the read does not support this event or does not pass quality filters see :ref:`theory - types of flanking evidence <theory-types-of-flanking-evidence>` """ if read.is_unmapped or mate.is_unmapped: raise ValueError('input reads must be a mapped and mated pair. One or both of the reads is unmapped') elif read.query_name != mate.query_name: raise ValueError('input reads must be a mapped and mated pair. The query names do not match') elif abs(read.template_length) != abs(mate.template_length): raise ValueError( 'input reads must be a mapped and mated pair. The template lengths (abs value) do not match', abs(read.template_length), abs(mate.template_length)) elif read.mapping_quality < self.min_mapping_quality or mate.mapping_quality < self.min_mapping_quality: return False # do not meet the minimum mapping quality requirements # check that the references are right for the pair if self.interchromosomal: if read.reference_id == read.next_reference_id: return False elif read.reference_id != read.next_reference_id: return False if not read.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR) or not read.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR): read = self.standardize_read(read) if not mate.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR) or not mate.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR): mate = self.standardize_read(mate) # order the read pairs so that they are in the same order that we expect for the breakpoints if read.reference_id != mate.reference_id: if self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(read) > self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(mate): read, mate = mate, read elif read.reference_start > mate.reference_start: read, mate = mate, read if self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(read) != self.break1.chr or \ self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(mate) != self.break2.chr: return False if any([ self.break1.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and read.is_reverse, self.break1.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and not read.is_reverse, self.break2.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and mate.is_reverse, self.break2.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and not mate.is_reverse ]): return False # check if this read falls in the first breakpoint window iread = Interval(read.reference_start + 1, read.reference_end) imate = Interval(mate.reference_start + 1, mate.reference_end) if self.stranded: strand1 = read_tools.sequenced_strand(read, self.strand_determining_read) strand2 = read_tools.sequenced_strand(mate, self.strand_determining_read) if strand1 != self.break1.strand or strand2 != self.break2.strand: return False for event_type in self.putative_event_types(): # check that the pair orientation is correct if not read_tools.orientation_supports_type(read, event_type): continue # check that the fragment size is reasonable fragment_size = self.compute_fragment_size(read, mate) if event_type == SVTYPE.DEL: if fragment_size.end <= self.max_expected_fragment_size: continue elif event_type == SVTYPE.INS: if fragment_size.start >= self.min_expected_fragment_size: continue # check that the positions of the reads and the strands make sense if Interval.overlaps(iread, self.outer_window1) and Interval.overlaps(imate, self.outer_window2): self.flanking_pairs.add((read, mate)) return True return False
[docs] def collect_split_read(self, read, first_breakpoint): """ adds a split read if it passes the criteria filters and raises a warning if it does not Args: read (pysam.AlignedSegment): the read to add first_breakpoint (bool): add to the first breakpoint (or second if false) Raises: UserWarning: the read does not support this breakpoint or does not pass quality filters AttributeError: orientation wasn't specified for the breakpoint """ breakpoint = self.break1 if first_breakpoint else self.break2 window = self.inner_window1 if first_breakpoint else self.inner_window2 opposite_breakpoint = self.break2 if first_breakpoint else self.break1 opposite_window = self.inner_window2 if first_breakpoint else self.inner_window1 if read.cigar[0][0] != CIGAR.S and read.cigar[-1][0] != CIGAR.S: return False # split read is not softclipped elif breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.LEFT and read.cigar[-1][0] != CIGAR.S: return False # split read is not softclipped elif breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT and read.cigar[0][0] != CIGAR.S: return False # split read is not softclipped # the first breakpoint of a BreakpointPair is always the lower breakpoint # if this is being added to the second breakpoint then we'll need to check if the # read soft-clipping needs to be adjusted # check if the read falls within the evidence collection window # recall that pysam is 0-indexed and the window is 1-indexed if read.reference_start > window.end - 1 or read.reference_end < window.start \ or self.bam_cache.get_read_reference_name(read) != breakpoint.chr: return False # read not in breakpoint evidence window # can only enforce strand if both the breakpoint and the bam are stranded if self.stranded and self.bam_cache.stranded: strand = read_tools.sequenced_strand(read, strand_determining_read=self.strand_determining_read) if strand != breakpoint.strand: return False # split read not on the appropriate strand unused = '' primary = '' clipped = '' if breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.LEFT: unused = read.query_sequence[:read.query_alignment_start] primary = read.query_sequence[read.query_alignment_start:read.query_alignment_end] # end is exclusive in pysam clipped = read.query_sequence[read.query_alignment_end:] elif breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT: clipped = read.query_sequence[:read.query_alignment_start] primary = read.query_sequence[read.query_alignment_start:read.query_alignment_end] unused = read.query_sequence[read.query_alignment_end:] else: raise NotSpecifiedError( 'cannot assign split reads to a breakpoint where the orientation has not been specified') if len(primary) + len(clipped) + len(unused) != len(read.query_sequence): raise AssertionError( 'unused, primary, and clipped sequences should make up the original sequence', unused, primary, clipped, read.query_sequence, len(read.query_sequence)) if len(primary) < self.min_anchor_exact or len(clipped) < self.min_softclipping: # split read does not meet the minimum anchor criteria return False if not read.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR) or not read.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR): read = self.standardize_read(read) # data quality filters if cigar_tools.alignment_matches(read.cigar) >= self.min_sample_size_to_apply_percentage \ and cigar_tools.match_percent(read.cigar) < self.min_anchor_match: return False # too poor quality of an alignment if cigar_tools.longest_exact_match(read.cigar) < self.min_anchor_exact \ and cigar_tools.longest_fuzzy_match(read.cigar, self.fuzzy_mismatch_number) < self.min_anchor_fuzzy: return False # too poor quality of an alignment else: self.split_reads[0 if first_breakpoint else 1].add(read) # try mapping the soft-clipped portion to the other breakpoint w = (opposite_window[0], opposite_window[1]) opposite_breakpoint_ref = self.REFERENCE_GENOME[opposite_breakpoint.chr].seq[w[0] - 1: w[1]] putative_alignments = None if not self.opposing_strands: # same strand sc_align = read_tools.nsb_align(opposite_breakpoint_ref, read.query_sequence) for a in sc_align: a.flag = read.flag putative_alignments = sc_align else: # should align opposite the current read revcomp_sc_align = reverse_complement(read.query_sequence) revcomp_sc_align = read_tools.nsb_align(opposite_breakpoint_ref, revcomp_sc_align) for a in revcomp_sc_align: a.flag = read.flag ^ PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.REVERSE # EXOR putative_alignments = revcomp_sc_align scores = [] for a in putative_alignments: # loop over the alignments a.flag = a.flag | PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.SUPPLEMENTARY # set this flag so we don't recompute the cigar multiple a.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.RECOMPUTED_CIGAR, 1, value_type='i') # add information from the original read a.reference_start = w[0] - 1 + a.reference_start a.reference_id = self.bam_cache.reference_id(opposite_breakpoint.chr) a.query_name = read.query_name a.set_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT, 1, value_type='i') a.next_reference_start = read.next_reference_start a.next_reference_id = read.next_reference_id a.mapping_quality = NA_MAPPING_QUALITY try: cigar, offset = cigar_tools.extend_softclipping( a.cigar, self.sc_extension_stop) a.cigar = cigar a.reference_start = a.reference_start + offset except AttributeError: # if the matches section is too small you can't extend the # softclipping pass s = cigar_tools.score(a.cigar) a.cigar = cigar_tools.join(a.cigar) if a.reference_id == a.next_reference_id: # # unsigned observed template length equals the number of bases from the leftmost # mapped base to the rightmost mapped base tlen = abs(a.reference_start - a.next_reference_start) + 1 if a.reference_start < a.next_reference_start: a.template_length = tlen else: a.template_length = -1 * tlen else: a.template_length = 0 if cigar_tools.alignment_matches(a.cigar) >= self.min_sample_size_to_apply_percentage \ and cigar_tools.match_percent(a.cigar) < self.min_anchor_match: continue if cigar_tools.longest_exact_match(a.cigar) < self.min_anchor_exact \ and cigar_tools.longest_fuzzy_match(a.cigar, self.fuzzy_mismatch_number) < self.min_anchor_fuzzy: continue if self.max_sc_preceeding_anchor is not None: if opposite_breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.LEFT: if a.cigar[0][0] == CIGAR.S and a.cigar[0][1] > self.max_sc_preceeding_anchor: continue elif opposite_breakpoint.orient == ORIENT.RIGHT: if a.cigar[-1][0] == CIGAR.S and a.cigar[-1][1] > self.max_sc_preceeding_anchor: continue scores.append((s, cigar_tools.match_percent(a.cigar), a)) scores = sorted(scores, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), reverse=True) if len(scores) > 0 else [] if len(scores) > 1: if scores[0][0] != scores[1][0] and scores[0][1] != scores[1][1]: # not multimap, pick highest scoring alignment clipped = scores[0][2] self.split_reads[1 if first_breakpoint else 0].add(clipped) # add to the opposite breakpoint elif len(scores) == 1: clipped = scores[0][2] self.split_reads[1 if first_breakpoint else 0].add(clipped) # add to the opposite breakpoint return True
[docs] def decide_sequenced_strand(self, reads): if len(reads) == 0: raise ValueError('cannot determine the strand of a set of reads if the set is empty') strand_calls = {STRAND.POS: 0, STRAND.NEG: 0} for read in reads: try: strand = read_tools.sequenced_strand(read, self.strand_determining_read) strand_calls[strand] = strand_calls.get(strand, 0) + 1 except ValueError as err: pass if sum(strand_calls.values()) == 0: raise ValueError('Could not determine strand. Insufficient mapped reads') if strand_calls[STRAND.POS] == 0: return STRAND.NEG elif strand_calls[STRAND.NEG] == 0: return STRAND.POS else: ratio = strand_calls[STRAND.POS] / (strand_calls[STRAND.NEG] + strand_calls[STRAND.POS]) neg_ratio = 1 - ratio if ratio >= self.assembly_strand_concordance: return STRAND.POS elif neg_ratio >= self.assembly_strand_concordance: return STRAND.NEG raise ValueError('Could not determine the strand. Equivocal POS/(NEG + POS) ratio', ratio, strand_calls)
[docs] def assemble_contig(self, log=lambda *pos, **kwargs: None): """ uses the split reads and the partners of the half mapped reads to create a contig representing the sequence across the breakpoints if it is not strand specific then sequences are sorted alphanumerically and only the first of a pair is kept (paired by sequence) """ strand_specific = self.stranded and self.bam_cache.stranded # gather reads for the putative assembly assembly_sequences = {} targeted = 0 # add split reads for r in list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.split_reads)) + list(self.spanning_reads): # ignore targeted realignments if r.has_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT) and r.get_tag(PYSAM_READ_FLAGS.TARGETED_ALIGNMENT): targeted += 1 continue assembly_sequences.setdefault(r.query_sequence, set()).add(r) rqs_comp = reverse_complement(r.query_sequence) assembly_sequences.setdefault(rqs_comp, set()).add(r) # add half-mapped reads # exclude half-mapped reads if there is 'n' split reads that target align if targeted < self.assembly_min_tgt_to_exclude_half_map and \ self.assembly_include_half_mapped_reads: for r in itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.half_mapped): assembly_sequences.setdefault(r.query_sequence, set()).add(r) rqs_comp = reverse_complement(r.query_sequence) assembly_sequences.setdefault(rqs_comp, set()).add(r) # add flanking reads if self.assembly_include_flanking_pairs: for read, mate in self.flanking_pairs: assembly_sequences.setdefault(read.query_sequence, set()).add(read) rqs_comp = reverse_complement(read.query_sequence) assembly_sequences.setdefault(rqs_comp, set()).add(read) assembly_sequences.setdefault(mate.query_sequence, set()).add(mate) rqs_comp = reverse_complement(mate.query_sequence) assembly_sequences.setdefault(rqs_comp, set()).add(mate) log('assembly size of {} sequences'.format(len(assembly_sequences) // 2)) contigs = assemble( assembly_sequences, assembly_min_edge_weight=self.assembly_min_edge_weight, assembly_max_paths=self.assembly_max_paths, log=log, assembly_min_exact_match_to_remap=self.assembly_min_exact_match_to_remap, assembly_min_contig_length=self.assembly_min_contig_length, assembly_max_kmer_size=self.assembly_max_kmer_size, assembly_max_kmer_strict=self.assembly_max_kmer_strict ) # add the input reads for ctg in contigs: for read_seq in ctg.remapped_sequences: ctg.input_reads.update(assembly_sequences[read_seq.query_sequence]) # now determine the strand from the remapped reads if possible if self.stranded and self.bam_cache.stranded: # strand specific for contig in contigs: build_strand = {STRAND.POS: 0, STRAND.NEG: 0} for read_seq in contig.remapped_sequences: for read in assembly_sequences[read_seq.query_sequence]: if read.is_unmapped: continue if read_seq.query_sequence == read.query_sequence: build_strand[STRAND.POS] += 1 else: build_strand[STRAND.NEG] += 1 det_build_strand = None if sum(build_strand.values()) == 0: continue elif build_strand[STRAND.POS] == 0: det_build_strand = STRAND.NEG elif build_strand[STRAND.NEG] == 0: det_build_strand = STRAND.POS else: raise AssertionError('mixed population should not be possible for the build strand', build_strand) try: strand = self.decide_sequenced_strand(contig.input_reads) if strand != det_build_strand: contig.seq = reverse_complement(contig.seq) contig.strand_specific = True except ValueError as err: pass filtered_contigs = {} # sort so that the function is deterministic for c in sorted(contigs, key=lambda x: (x.remap_score() * -1, x.seq)): if c.remap_score() < self.assembly_min_remapped_seq: # filter on evidence level continue if self.stranded and self.bam_cache.stranded: filtered_contigs.setdefault(c.seq, c) else: rseq = reverse_complement(c.seq) if c.seq not in filtered_contigs and rseq not in filtered_contigs: filtered_contigs[c.seq] = c self.contigs = list(filtered_contigs.values())
[docs] def load_evidence(self, log=lambda *pos, **kwargs: None): """ open the associated bam file and read and store the evidence does some preliminary read-quality filtering .. todo:: support gathering evidence for small structural variants """ bin_gap_size = self.read_length // 2 max_dist = max( len(Interval.union(self.break1, self.break2)), len(self.untemplated_seq if self.untemplated_seq else '') ) def filter_if_true(read): if self.filter_secondary_alignments and read.is_secondary: return True return False def cache_if_true(read): if self.filter_secondary_alignments and read.is_secondary: return False elif any([ not self.interchromosomal and not read.is_proper_pair, read.is_unmapped, read.mate_is_unmapped, self.interchromosomal and read.reference_id != read.next_reference_id ]): return True elif any([read_tools.orientation_supports_type(read, t) for t in self.putative_event_types()]): return True return False flanking_pairs = [] # collect putative pairs half_mapped_partners1 = [] half_mapped_partners2 = [] for read in self.bam_cache.fetch( '{0}'.format(self.break1.chr), self.outer_window1[0], self.outer_window1[1], read_limit=self.fetch_reads_limit, sample_bins=self.fetch_reads_bins, bin_gap_size=bin_gap_size, cache=True, cache_if=cache_if_true, filter_if=filter_if_true): if read.mapping_quality < self.min_mapping_quality: continue self.counts[0] += 1 if read.is_unmapped: continue if not self.collect_split_read(read, True): self.collect_spanning_read(read) if read.mate_is_unmapped: half_mapped_partners1.append(read) elif any([read_tools.orientation_supports_type(read, et) for et in self.putative_event_types()]) and \ (read.reference_id != read.next_reference_id) == self.interchromosomal: flanking_pairs.append(read) for read in self.bam_cache.fetch( '{0}'.format(self.break2.chr), self.outer_window2[0], self.outer_window2[1], read_limit=self.fetch_reads_limit, sample_bins=self.fetch_reads_bins, bin_gap_size=bin_gap_size, cache=True, cache_if=cache_if_true, filter_if=filter_if_true): if read.mapping_quality < self.min_mapping_quality: continue self.counts[1] += 1 if read.is_unmapped: continue if not self.collect_split_read(read, False): self.collect_spanning_read(read) if read.mate_is_unmapped: half_mapped_partners2.append(read) elif any([read_tools.orientation_supports_type(read, et) for et in self.putative_event_types()]) and \ (read.reference_id != read.next_reference_id) == self.interchromosomal: flanking_pairs.append(read) for fl in flanking_pairs: # try and get the mate from the cache try: mates = self.bam_cache.get_mate(fl, allow_file_access=False) for mate in mates: self.collect_flanking_pair(fl, mate) except KeyError: pass if self.compatible_windows: compatible_type = SVTYPE.DUP if SVTYPE.DUP in self.putative_event_types(): compatible_type = SVTYPE.INS compt_flanking = set() for read in self.bam_cache.fetch( '{0}'.format(self.break1.chr), self.compatible_windows[0][0], self.compatible_windows[0][1], read_limit=self.fetch_reads_limit, sample_bins=self.fetch_reads_bins, bin_gap_size=bin_gap_size, cache=True, cache_if=cache_if_true, filter_if=filter_if_true): if read_tools.orientation_supports_type(read, compatible_type): compt_flanking.add(read) for read in self.bam_cache.fetch( '{0}'.format(self.break2.chr), self.compatible_windows[1][0], self.compatible_windows[1][1], read_limit=self.fetch_reads_limit, sample_bins=self.fetch_reads_bins, bin_gap_size=bin_gap_size, cache=True, cache_if=cache_if_true, filter_if=filter_if_true): if read_tools.orientation_supports_type(read, compatible_type): compt_flanking.add(read) for fl in compt_flanking: # try and get the mate from the cache try: mates = self.bam_cache.get_mate(fl, allow_file_access=False) for mate in mates: try: self.collect_compatible_flanking_pair(fl, mate, compatible_type) except ValueError: pass except KeyError: pass # now collect the half mapped reads log( 'collected', [ len(set([r.query_name for r in half_mapped_partners1])), len(set([r.query_name for r in half_mapped_partners2])) ], 'half mapped reads', time_stamp=False) for read in half_mapped_partners1: # try and get the mate from the cache try: mates = self.bam_cache.get_mate(read, allow_file_access=False) for mate in mates: self.half_mapped[0].add(mate) except KeyError: pass for read in half_mapped_partners2: # try and get the mate from the cache try: mates = self.bam_cache.get_mate(read, allow_file_access=False) for mate in mates: self.half_mapped[1].add(mate) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def copy(self): raise NotImplementedError('not appropriate for copy of evidence')
[docs] def flatten(self): row = BreakpointPair.flatten(self) row.update({ COLUMNS.raw_flanking_pairs: len(self.flanking_pairs), COLUMNS.raw_spanning_reads: len(self.spanning_reads), COLUMNS.raw_break1_split_reads: len(self.split_reads[0]), COLUMNS.raw_break2_split_reads: len(self.split_reads[1]), COLUMNS.raw_break1_half_mapped_reads: len(self.half_mapped[0]), COLUMNS.raw_break2_half_mapped_reads: len(self.half_mapped[1]), COLUMNS.protocol: self.protocol, COLUMNS.event_type: ';'.join(sorted(self.putative_event_types())), COLUMNS.contigs_assembled: len(self.contigs), COLUMNS.break1_ewindow: '{}-{}'.format(*self.outer_window1), COLUMNS.break2_ewindow: '{}-{}'.format(*self.outer_window2), COLUMNS.break1_ewindow_count: self.counts[0], COLUMNS.break2_ewindow_count: self.counts[1], COLUMNS.contigs_aligned: sum([len(c.alignments) for c in self.contigs]), COLUMNS.contigs_assembled: len(self.contigs) }) return row
[docs] def get_bed_repesentation(self): bed = [] name =, None) bed.append((self.break1.chr, self.outer_window1[0], self.outer_window1[1], name)) bed.append((self.break1.chr, self.inner_window1[0], self.inner_window1[1], name)) bed.append((self.break2.chr, self.outer_window2[0], self.outer_window2[1], name)) bed.append((self.break2.chr, self.inner_window2[0], self.inner_window2[1], name)) return bed