Source code for mavis.bam.cigar

holds methods related to processing cigar tuples. Cigar tuples are generally
an iterable list of tuples where the first element in each tuple is the
CIGAR value (i.e. 1 for an insertion), and the second value is the frequency
from ..constants import CIGAR, DNA_ALPHABET, GAP

[docs]def recompute_cigar_mismatch(read, ref): """ for cigar tuples where M is used, recompute to replace with X/= for increased utility and specificity Args: read (pysam.AlignedSegment): the input read ref (str): the reference sequence Returns: :class:`list` of :class:`tuple` of :class:`int` and :class:`int`: the cigar tuple """ result = [] offset = 0 ref_pos = read.reference_start seq_pos = 0 for cigar_value, freq in read.cigar: if cigar_value in [CIGAR.S, CIGAR.I]: result.append((cigar_value, freq)) seq_pos += freq elif cigar_value in [CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: result.append((cigar_value, freq)) ref_pos += freq elif cigar_value in [CIGAR.M, CIGAR.X, CIGAR.EQ]: for offset in range(0, freq): if DNA_ALPHABET.match(ref[ref_pos], read.query_sequence[seq_pos]): if len(result) == 0 or result[-1][0] != CIGAR.EQ: result.append((CIGAR.EQ, 1)) else: result[-1] = (CIGAR.EQ, result[-1][1] + 1) else: if len(result) == 0 or result[-1][0] != CIGAR.X: result.append((CIGAR.X, 1)) else: result[-1] = (CIGAR.X, result[-1][1] + 1) ref_pos += 1 seq_pos += 1 else: raise NotImplementedError('unexpected CIGAR value {0} is not supported currently'.format(cigar_value)) assert(sum([x[1] for x in result]) == sum(x[1] for x in read.cigar)) return result
[docs]def longest_fuzzy_match(cigar, max_fuzzy_interupt=1): """ computes the longest sequence of exact matches allowing for 'x' event interrupts Args: cigar: cigar tuples max_fuzzy_interupt (int): number of mismatches allowed """ temp = join(cigar) longest_fuzzy_match = 0 for pos, c in enumerate(temp): if c[0] != CIGAR.EQ: continue current_fuzzy_match = c[1] pos += 1 fuzzy_count = 0 while pos < len(temp) and fuzzy_count <= max_fuzzy_interupt: v, f = temp[pos] if v != CIGAR.EQ: fuzzy_count += 1 else: current_fuzzy_match += f pos += 1 if current_fuzzy_match > longest_fuzzy_match: longest_fuzzy_match = current_fuzzy_match return longest_fuzzy_match
[docs]def longest_exact_match(cigar): """ returns the longest consecutive exact match Args: cigar (:class:`list` of :class:`tuple` of :class:`int` and :class:`int`): the cigar tuples """ return longest_fuzzy_match(cigar, 0)
[docs]def score(cigar, **kwargs): """scoring based on sw alignment properties with gap extension penalties Args: cigar (:class:`list` of :class:`~structural_variant.constants.CIGAR` and :class:`int`): list of cigar tuple values MISMATCH (int): mismatch penalty MATCH (int): match penalty GAP (int): initial gap penalty GAP_EXTEND (int): gap extension penalty Returns: int: the score value """ MISMATCH = kwargs.pop('MISMATCH', -1) MATCH = kwargs.pop('MATCH', 2) GAP = kwargs.pop('GAP', -4) GAP_EXTEND = kwargs.pop('GAP_EXTEND', -1) score = 0 for v, freq in cigar: if v == CIGAR.EQ: score += MATCH * freq elif v == CIGAR.X: score += MISMATCH * freq elif v in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.D]: score += GAP + GAP_EXTEND * (freq - 1) elif v in [CIGAR.S, CIGAR.N]: pass else: raise AssertionError('unexpected cigar value', v) return score
[docs]def match_percent(cigar): """ calculates the percent of aligned bases (matches or mismatches) that are matches """ matches = 0 mismatches = 0 for v, f in cigar: if v == CIGAR.EQ: matches += f elif v == CIGAR.X: mismatches += f elif v == CIGAR.M: raise AttributeError('cannot calculate match percent with non-specific alignments', cigar) if matches + mismatches == 0: raise AttributeError('input cigar str does not have any aligned sections (X or =)', cigar) else: return matches / (matches + mismatches)
[docs]def join(*pos): """ given a number of cigar lists, joins them and merges any consecutive tuples with the same cigar value Example: >>> join([(1, 1), (4, 7)], [(4, 3), (2, 4)]) [(1, 1), (4, 10), (2, 4)] """ result = [] for cigar in pos: for v, f in cigar: if len(result) > 0 and result[-1][0] == v: result[-1] = (v, f + result[-1][1]) else: result.append((v, f)) return result
[docs]def extend_softclipping(cigar, min_exact_to_stop_softclipping): """ given some input cigar, extends softclipping if there are mismatches/insertions/deletions close to the end of the aligned portion. The stopping point is defined by the min_exact_to_stop_softclipping parameter. this function will throw an error if there is no exact match aligned portion to signal stop Args: original_cigar (:class:`list` of :class:`~structural_variant.constants.CIGAR` and :class:`int`): the input cigar min_exact_to_stop_softclipping (int): number of exact matches to terminate extension Returns: tuple: - :class:`list` of :class:`~structural_variant.constants.CIGAR` and :class:`int` - new cigar list - :class:`int` - shift from the original start position """ ref_start_shift = 0 # determine how far to scoop for the front softclipping new_cigar = [] temp = [(v, f) for v, f in cigar if (v in [CIGAR.EQ, CIGAR.M] and f >= min_exact_to_stop_softclipping)] if len(temp) == 0: raise AttributeError('cannot compute on this cigar as there is no stop point') match_satisfied = False for v, f in cigar: if v in [CIGAR.M, CIGAR.EQ] and f >= min_exact_to_stop_softclipping: match_satisfied = True if match_satisfied and (len(new_cigar) == 0 or new_cigar[-1][0] != CIGAR.S): new_cigar.append((v, f)) elif match_satisfied: # first after SC if v in [CIGAR.D, CIGAR.X, CIGAR.N]: ref_start_shift += f new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) elif v == CIGAR.I: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) else: new_cigar.append((v, f)) else: if v in [CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: ref_start_shift += f pass elif v in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.S]: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) else: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) ref_start_shift += f cigar = new_cigar[::-1] new_cigar = [] match_satisfied = False for v, f in cigar: if v in [CIGAR.M, CIGAR.EQ] and f >= min_exact_to_stop_softclipping: match_satisfied = True if match_satisfied and (len(new_cigar) == 0 or new_cigar[-1][0] != CIGAR.S): new_cigar.append((v, f)) elif match_satisfied: # first after SC if v in [CIGAR.D, CIGAR.X, CIGAR.N]: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) elif v == CIGAR.I: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) else: new_cigar.append((v, f)) else: if v in [CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: pass elif v in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.S]: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) else: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.S, f)) new_cigar.reverse() return new_cigar, ref_start_shift
[docs]def compute(ref, alt, force_softclipping=True, min_exact_to_stop_softclipping=6): """ given a ref and alt sequence compute the cigar string representing the alt returns the cigar tuples along with the start position of the alt relative to the ref """ if not force_softclipping: min_exact_to_stop_softclipping = 1 if len(ref) != len(alt): raise AttributeError('ref and alt must be the same length') cigar = [] for r, a in zip(ref, alt): if r == a and r == GAP: pass elif r == GAP: cigar.append((CIGAR.I, 1)) elif a == GAP: cigar.append((CIGAR.D, 1)) elif DNA_ALPHABET.match(r, a): cigar.append((CIGAR.EQ, 1)) else: cigar.append((CIGAR.X, 1)) cigar = join(cigar) try: c, rs = extend_softclipping(cigar, min_exact_to_stop_softclipping) return c, rs except AttributeError: return cigar, 0
[docs]def convert_for_igv(cigar): """ igv does not support the extended CIGAR values for match v mismatch Example: >>> convert_for_igv([(7, 4), (8, 1), (7, 5)]) [(0, 10)] """ result = [] for v, f in cigar: if v in [CIGAR.X, CIGAR.EQ]: v = CIGAR.M result.append((v, f)) return join(result)
[docs]def alignment_matches(cigar): """ counts the number of aligned bases irrespective of match/mismatch this is equivalent to counting all CIGAR.M """ result = 0 for v, f in cigar: if v in [CIGAR.X, CIGAR.EQ, CIGAR.M]: result += f return result
[docs]def smallest_nonoverlapping_repeat(s): """ for a given string returns the smallest substring that is a repeat consuming the entire string Example: >>> smallest_nonoverlapping_repeat('ATATATA') 'ATATATA' >>> smallest_nonoverlapping_repeat('ATATAT') 'AT' >>> smallest_nonoverlapping_repeat('CCCCCCCC') 'C' """ for repsize in range(1, len(s) + 1): if len(s) % repsize == 0: substrings = [s[i:i + repsize] for i in range(0, len(s), repsize)] if len(set(substrings)) == 1: return substrings[0] return s
[docs]def hgvs_standardize_cigar(read, reference_seq): """ extend alignments as long as matches are possible. call insertions before deletions """ ci = 0 cigar = join(read.cigar) new_cigar = [] # ensure that any del ins become ins del for i in range(0, len(cigar)): convert = False if cigar[i][0] == CIGAR.X: if i > 0: if cigar[i - 1][0] in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: convert = True if i < len(cigar) - 1: if cigar[i + 1][0] in [CIGAR.I, CIGAR.D, CIGAR.N]: convert = True if cigar[i][0] == CIGAR.N: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.D, cigar[i][1])) elif convert: new_cigar.append((CIGAR.I, cigar[i][1])) new_cigar.append((CIGAR.D, cigar[i][1])) else: new_cigar.append(cigar[i]) # now sort any consecutive ins/dels so that that insertions come first for i in range(0, len(new_cigar)): t = i - 1 # for bubbling if new_cigar[i][0] == CIGAR.I: while t >= 0: if new_cigar[t][0] != CIGAR.D: break t -= 1 if t < i - 1: t += 1 new_cigar[i], new_cigar[t] = new_cigar[t], new_cigar[i] new_cigar = join(new_cigar) # now we need to extend any insertions rpos = read.reference_start qpos = 0 cigar = [] i = 0 while i < len(new_cigar): if i < len(new_cigar) - 1: c, v = new_cigar[i] next_c, next_v = new_cigar[i + 1] if c == CIGAR.I: qpos += v qseq = read.query_sequence[qpos - v:qpos] qrep = smallest_nonoverlapping_repeat(qseq) if next_c == CIGAR.EQ and next_v >= len(qrep): rseq = reference_seq[rpos:rpos + next_v] t = 0 while t + len(qrep) <= next_v and rseq[t:t + len(qrep)] == qrep: t += len(qrep) if t > 0: cigar.append((CIGAR.EQ, t)) rpos += t if t == next_v: del new_cigar[i + 1] else: new_cigar[i + 1] = next_c, next_v - t continue elif c == CIGAR.D: rpos += v rseq = reference_seq[rpos - v:rpos] rrep = smallest_nonoverlapping_repeat(rseq) if next_c == CIGAR.EQ and next_v >= len(rrep): qseq = read.query_sequence[qpos:qpos + next_v] t = 0 while t + len(rrep) <= next_v and qseq[t:t + len(rrep)] == rrep: t += len(rrep) if t > 0: cigar.append((CIGAR.EQ, t)) qpos += t if t == next_v: del new_cigar[i + 1] else: new_cigar[i + 1] = next_c, next_v - t continue elif c == CIGAR.S: qpos += v elif c != CIGAR.H: qpos += v rpos += v cigar.append(new_cigar[i]) i += 1 return join(cigar)