main module

mavis.annotate.main.main(inputs, output, reference_genome, annotations, template_metadata, min_domain_mapping_match, min_orf_size, max_orf_cap, **kwargs)[source]
  • inputs (List of str) – list of input files to read
  • output (str) – path to the output directory
  • reference_genome (object) – see load_reference_genome()
  • annotations (object) – see load_reference_genes()
  • template_metadata (object) – see load_templates()
  • min_domain_mapping_match (float) – min mapping match percent (0-1) to count a domain as mapped
  • min_orf_size (int) – minimum size of an open reading frame to keep as a putative translation
  • max_orf_cap (int) – the maximum number of open reading frame s to collect for any given event