Immunotherapy treated advanced cancers ---------------------------------------------------- Data is generated as part of the Personal Oncogenomics (POG) project. For more information, please see All data is described in manuscript Pender, Titmuss, et al., 2020, "Genome and transcriptome biomarkers of response to immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced solid tumours". PMID: 33020056 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-1163 mutation_vcfs.tar.gz: Complete list of genome-wide somatic small mutations (SNVs and indels). ImmunoPOG_coding_mutations.txt.gz: All somatic coding mutations (SNVs and indels). ImmunoPOG_expression.txt.gz: Expression values in RPKM. ImmunoPOG_expression_raw_counts.txt.gz: Raw RNA read counts per gene for 82 pre-treatment samples. ImmunoPOG_expression_raw_counts_all.txt.gz: Raw RNA read counts per gene for all 98 samples. ImmunoPOG_SV_breakpoints.txt.gz: Genomic coordinates of predicted structural variants. -break_position_start and break_position_end provide a coordinate range when the breakpoint could not be determined exactly. Notes: - All coordinates are on hg19. - Annotations are from SNPEff based on Ensembl v69. - Data is for 98 patients: 82 immunotherapy naive and 16 immunotherapy treated at time of biopsy. For sample details, please see manuscript supplementary tables. Please contact Emma Titmuss at or Erin Pleasance at with any questions or requests for additional data.