/* Header file for utils.c */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC /* use dmalloc library to check for memory management bugs */ #include "dmalloc.h" #define space(S) calloc(1,(S)) #else extern /*@only@*/ /*@notnull@*/ void *space(unsigned size) /*@ensures MaxSet(result) == (size-1);@*/; /* allocate space safely */ extern /*@only@*/ /*@notnull@*/ void *xrealloc(/*@null@*/ /*@only@*/ /*@out@*/ /*@returned@*/ void *p, unsigned size) /*@modifies *p @*/ /*@ensures MaxSet(result) == (size-1) @*/; #endif extern /*@exits@*/ void nrerror(const char message[]); /* die with error message */ extern void init_rand(void); /* make random number seeds */ extern unsigned short xsubi[3]; /* current 48bit random number */ extern double urn(void); /* random number from [0..1] */ extern int int_urn(int from, int to); /* random integer */ extern void filecopy(FILE *from, FILE *to); /* inefficient `cp' */ extern /*@observer@*/ char *time_stamp(void); /* current date in a string */ extern /*@only@*/ /*@notnull@*/ char *random_string(int l, const char symbols[]); /* random string of length l using characters from symbols[] */ extern int hamming(const char *s1, const char *s2); /* calculate hamming distance */ extern /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ char *get_line(const FILE *fp); /* read one (arbitrary length) line from fp */ extern char *pack_structure(const char *struc); /* pack secondary secondary structure, 5:1 compression using base 3 encoding */ extern char *unpack_structure(const char *packed); /* unpack sec structure packed with pack_structure() */ extern short *make_pair_table(const char *structure); /* returns a newly allocated table, such that: table[i]=j if (i.j) pair or 0 if i is unpaired, table[0] contains the length of the structure. */ extern int bp_distance(const char *str1, const char *str2); /* dist = {number of base pairs in one structure but not in the other} same as edit distance with open-pair close-pair as move-set */