/* to use floats instead of doubles in pf_fold() comment next line */ #define LARGE_PF #ifdef LARGE_PF #define FLT_OR_DBL double #else #define FLT_OR_DBL float #endif extern int noGU; /* GU not allowed at all */ extern int no_closingGU; /* GU allowed only inside stacks */ extern int tetra_loop; /* Fold with specially stable 4-loops */ extern int energy_set; /* 0 = BP; 1=any mit GC; 2=any mit AU-parameter */ extern int dangles; /* use dangling end energies (not in part_func!) */ /*@null@*/ extern char *nonstandards; /* contains allowed non standard bases */ extern double temperature; /* rescale parameters to this temperature */ extern int james_rule; /* interior loops of size 2 get energy 0.8Kcal and no mismatches, default 1 */ extern int logML; /* use logarithmic multiloop energy function */ extern int cut_point; /* first position of 2nd strand for co-folding */ typedef struct bond { /* base pair */ int i; int j; } bondT; extern bondT *base_pair; /* list of base pairs */ extern FLT_OR_DBL *pr; /* base pairing prob. matrix */ extern int *iindx; /* pr[i,j] -> pr[iindx[i]-j] */ extern double pf_scale; /* scaling factor to avoid float overflows*/ extern int fold_constrained; /* fold with constraints */ extern int do_backtrack; /* calculate pair prob matrix in part_func() */ extern int noLonelyPairs; /* avoid helices of length 1 */ extern char backtrack_type; /* usually 'F'; 'C' require (1,N) to be bonded; 'M' seq is part of a multi loop */ char * option_string(void);