#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "fold_vars.h" #include "pair_mat.h" #include "svm.h" #include "svm_utils.h" #include "model_avg.inc" /* defines avg_model_string */ #include "model_sd.inc" /* defines sd_model_string */ PRIVATE svm_model *avg_model; PRIVATE svm_model *sd_model; PRIVATE void freeFields(char** fields); PRIVATE char** splitFields(char* string); PRIVATE char** splitLines(char* string); PUBLIC float get_z(char *sequence, double energy) { double average_free_energy; double sd_free_energy; float my_z; int info_avg; make_pair_matrix(); short *S = encode_sequence(sequence, 0); int length = S[0]; int *AUGC = get_seq_composition(S, 1, length); avg_model = svm_load_model_string(avg_model_string); sd_model = svm_load_model_string(sd_model_string); average_free_energy = avg_regression(AUGC[0],AUGC[1],AUGC[2],AUGC[3],AUGC[4], avg_model, &info_avg); if(info_avg == 0){ double difference = (energy/* /100*/) - average_free_energy; sd_free_energy = sd_regression(AUGC[0], AUGC[1], AUGC[2], AUGC[3], AUGC[4], sd_model); my_z = difference / sd_free_energy; } else{ fprintf(stderr,"warning: sequence out of bounds\n"); #if 0 my_z = shuffle_score(sequence, energy); #endif } free(AUGC); free(S); svm_destroy_model(avg_model); svm_destroy_model(sd_model); return my_z; } PUBLIC int *get_seq_composition(short *S, unsigned int start, unsigned int stop){ unsigned int i; int *ret = (int *)space(sizeof(int) * 6); for (i=MAX2(start, 1); i <= MIN2(stop, S[0]); i++){ if(S[i] > 4) ret[0]++; else ret[S[i]]++; } ret[5] = -1; /* indicate last entry */ return ret; } PUBLIC double sd_regression(int N, int A, int C, int G, int T, svm_model *sd_model){ double sd_free_energy = 0.0; int length = A + C + G + T + N; double GC_content = (double) (G + C)/length; double AT_ratio = (double) A/(A+T); double CG_ratio = (double) C/(C+G); double norm_length = (double) (length-50)/350.0; struct svm_node node_mono[5]; node_mono[0].index = 1; node_mono[0].value = GC_content; node_mono[1].index = 2; node_mono[1].value = AT_ratio; node_mono[2].index = 3; node_mono[2].value = CG_ratio; node_mono[3].index = 4; node_mono[3].value = norm_length; node_mono[4].index =-1; sd_free_energy = svm_predict(sd_model,node_mono); sd_free_energy = (double) sd_free_energy * sqrt(length); return sd_free_energy; } PUBLIC double avg_regression(int N, int A, int C, int G, int T, struct svm_model *avg_model, int *info ){ double average_free_energy = 0.0; int length = A + C + G + T + N; double N_fraction = (double) N/length; double GC_content = (double) (G + C)/length; double AT_ratio = (double) A/(A+T); double CG_ratio = (double) C/(C+G); double norm_length = (double) (length-50)/350.0; struct svm_node node_mono[5]; *info = 0; if ( length < 50 || length > 400 ) { *info = 1; return 0.0; } if ( N_fraction > 0.05 ) { *info = 2; return 0.0; } if ( GC_content < 0.20 || GC_content > 0.80 ) { *info = 3; return 0.0; } if ( AT_ratio < 0.20 || AT_ratio > 0.80 ) { *info = 4; return 0.0; } if ( CG_ratio < 0.20 || CG_ratio > 0.80 ) { *info = 5; return 0.0; } node_mono[0].index = 1; node_mono[0].value = GC_content; node_mono[1].index = 2; node_mono[1].value = AT_ratio; node_mono[2].index = 3; node_mono[2].value = CG_ratio; node_mono[3].index = 4; node_mono[3].value = norm_length; node_mono[4].index =-1; average_free_energy = svm_predict(avg_model,node_mono); average_free_energy = (double) average_free_energy * length; return average_free_energy; } PUBLIC double minimal_sd(int N, int A, int C, int G, int T ){ int length = A + C + G + T + N; if ( length < 60 ) return 0.450324; if ( length < 70 ) return 0.749771; if ( length < 80 ) return 1.029421; if ( length < 90 ) return 1.027517; if ( length < 100 ) return 1.347283; if ( length < 120 ) return 1.112086; if ( length < 150 ) return 1.574339; if ( length < 170 ) return 1.779043; if ( length < 200 ) return 1.922908; if ( length < 250 ) return 2.226856; if ( length < 300 ) return 2.349300; if ( length < 350 ) return 2.589703; if ( length < 400 ) return 2.791215; return 0.450324; } PUBLIC svm_model *svm_load_model_string(char *modelString){ /* redefinition from svm.cpp */ char *svm_type_table[]={"c_svc","nu_svc","one_class","epsilon_svr","nu_svr",NULL}; char *kernel_type_table[]={"linear","polynomial","rbf","sigmoid",NULL}; struct svm_model *model; char **lines, **fields; int i,j,k,l,m; char *key, *value, *field; char c; int dataStart, elements; int isColon; struct svm_node *x_space=NULL; model = (struct svm_model*)space(sizeof(struct svm_model)); model->rho = NULL; model->probA = NULL; model->probB = NULL; model->label = NULL; model->nSV = NULL; /* Read header until support vectors start */ lines=splitLines(modelString); i=0; while (strcmp(lines[i],"SV")!=0){ fields=splitFields(lines[i]); key=fields[0]; if(strcmp(key,"svm_type")==0){ value=fields[1]; for(j=0;svm_type_table[j];j++){ if(strcmp(svm_type_table[j],value)==0){ model->param.svm_type=j; break; } } if(svm_type_table[i] == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"unknown svm type.\n"); free(model->rho); free(model->label); free(model->nSV); free(model); return NULL; } } else if(strcmp(key,"kernel_type")==0){ value=fields[1]; for(j=0;kernel_type_table[j];j++){ if(strcmp(kernel_type_table[j],value)==0){ model->param.kernel_type=j; break; } } if(kernel_type_table[i] == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"unknown kernel type.\n"); free(model->rho); free(model->label); free(model->nSV); free(model); return NULL; } } else if (strcmp(key,"gamma")==0){ value=fields[1]; sscanf(value,"%lf",&model->param.gamma); } if (strcmp(key,"degree")==0){ value=fields[1]; sscanf(value,"%d",&model->param.degree); } else if (strcmp(key,"coef0")==0){ value=fields[1]; sscanf(value,"%lf",&model->param.coef0); } else if (strcmp(key,"nr_class")==0){ value=fields[1]; sscanf(value,"%d",&model->nr_class); } else if (strcmp(key,"total_sv")==0){ value=fields[1]; sscanf(value,"%d",&model->l); } else if (strcmp(key,"rho")==0){ int n = model->nr_class * (model->nr_class-1)/2; model->rho = (double*)space(sizeof(double)*n); for(j=0;jrho[j]); } } else if (strcmp(key,"nr_sv")==0){ int n = model->nr_class; model->nSV = (int*)space(sizeof(int)*n); for(j=0;jnSV[j]); } } else if (strcmp(key,"label")==0){ int n = model->nr_class; model->label = (int*)space(sizeof(int)*n); for(j=0;jlabel[j]); } } else if (strcmp(key,"probA")==0){ int n = model->nr_class * (model->nr_class-1)/2; model->probA = (double*)space(sizeof(double)*n); for(j=0;jprobA[j]); } } else if (strcmp(key,"probB")==0){ int n = model->nr_class * (model->nr_class-1)/2; model->probB = (double*)space(sizeof(double)*n); for(j=0;jprobB[j]); } } i++; freeFields(fields); } dataStart=i+1; elements=0; /* Count number of nodes (by counting colons) in advance to allocate memory in one block */ while (lines[i]!=NULL){ j=0; while ((c=lines[i][j])!='\0'){ if (c==':'){ elements++; } j++; } elements++; i++; } /* allocate memory for SVs and coefficients */ m = model->nr_class - 1; l = model->l; model->sv_coef = (double**)space(sizeof(double*)*m); for(i=0;isv_coef[i] = (double*)space(sizeof(double)*l); } model->SV = (struct svm_node**)space(sizeof(struct svm_node*)*l); if(l>0){ x_space = (struct svm_node*)space(sizeof(struct svm_node)*(elements)); } /* parse support vector data */ j=0; for(i=0;iSV[i] = &x_space[j]; k=0; while ((field=fields[k])!=NULL){ if (ksv_coef[k][i]); } else { sscanf(fields[k],"%d:%lf",&(x_space[j].index),&(x_space[j].value)); j++; } k++; } x_space[j++].index = -1; freeFields(fields); } freeFields(lines); model->free_sv = 1; return(model); } PRIVATE char **splitFields(char* string){ char c; char* currField; char** output=NULL; int* seps; int nSep; int nField=0; int i=0; if (strlen(string)==0 || string==NULL){ return NULL; } /* First find all characters which are whitespaces and store the positions in the array seps */ seps=(int *)space(sizeof(int)); seps[0]=-1; nSep=1; while ((c=string[i])!='\0' && (c!='\n')){ if (isspace(c)){ seps=(int*)xrealloc(seps,sizeof(int)*(nSep+1)); seps[nSep++]=i; } i++; } seps=(int*)xrealloc(seps,sizeof(int)*(nSep+1)); seps[nSep]=strlen(string); /* Then go through all intervals in between of two whitespaces (or end or start of string) and store the fields in the array "output"; if there are two adjacent whitespaces this is ignored resulting in a behaviour like "split /\s+/" in perl */ for (i=0;i