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The first seq. is stored, every other seq. is compared to the first one.This should never happen (again)Two concatenated sequences given, switching to pairwise interaction mode!After the first sequence (pair): Input a single sequence (no &)! Each input seq. is compared to the very first seq. given. Don't confuse me by mixing concatenated (&) with single sequences! Go, have some sleep and then check your input again...RNAup -C: mixed single/dual sequence or constraint strings or different cut pointsRNAup -C: constraint string and structure have unequal lengthmaximum unpaired region exceeds sequence length# %s # %d %s # %s # %d %s # %s%scut_point = %d cut = %d %s&%s ERRORdiff %.18f -T %f -C -4 -d %d --noLP --noGU --noClosingGU --noconv -e %d -P %s --nsp %s -S %f -w %d --include_both --interaction_pairwise --interaction_first -5 %d -3 %d -c %s -u %d-%d%d%s,%s Enter another sequence.%51s>%s constraints missing%s %s _w%dscaling factor %f %4d,%4d (%.3f) for u=%3d error with prob unpaired# %s # %d %s # %sRNAup output in file: %d.outx "$JML0,NJMV@<yBBB E(D0D8G<f BBB B(D0A8N$zRx 4"LJML0$lNJMV@4yBBB E(D0D8G4f BBB B(D0A8N$ #UPswsw0P|U|VPT^TPQ\QQ w .wUVU.V T ^.^Q_._PS.S-\\02w24w46w6;w ;?w(?Cw0CJw8Jw0UVV0T\0aQaL]0R~0X~0Y~0bb~0bb~N^^SC__!SS@ESTT@JTS@SES$accCrc_cg@+^b^rd\U@\R\wwww w(w0w8'w$USS S ''SOTOW \ ''\ \{\ \\ %\7P\Y\ \ \!$\$&\ '\ .__Q!u!_!!_!$_&&_}Tm!\$&\m!\$&\7!!L!UL!'+VVS  aSaS  Q!SQ!u!u!!S!$$$S$'*!\$&\6!\$&\m!\$&\s  ]$]UQPQPQwQQQQQQQ)Q)AQAvQQQ%]';QQQ]QQ!!]!%"]Y"$]q$$](V-?VVmv\vQ!\$&\m_5PPP _P PQ_E_P& j P$&_A!\$&\oXX%SSSS SS& . 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