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YVt}&Xgut~fgut|QJtm}Y|t歟1^0=WY=uJNB;\|M J fzfz.ss"!/"|<uV~>fJ&>VY>vfJX5#y<2.|5=]bYZ_a\":>Z_) %s="%s" %s RNAplothelpversionlayout-typeoutput-formatprepostpsw2.0.0%s %s %s %s --%s: option `%s' is ambiguous hVt:o:%s: invalid option -- %c 1%s: option unknown: %c%s Draw RNA Secondary StructuresUsage: RNAplot [OPTIONS]...%s: cannot dump options to stream %s: `--%s' (`-%c') option given more than once%s %s: `--%s' option given more than once%s %s: invalid numeric value: %s %s: cannot open file for writing: %s %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: option requires an argument -- %c The program reads RNA sequences and structures from stdin in the format as produced by RNAfold and produces drawings of the secondary structure graph. The coordinates are produced using either E. Bruccoleri's naview routines, or a simple radial layout method. If the sequence was preceded by a line of the form >name the output file will be named "name_ss.ps" otherwise "rna.ps" is used. Existing files of the same name will be overwritten. -h, --help Print help and exit -V, --version Print version and exit -t, --layout-type=INT Choose the layout algorithm. Simple radial layout if 0, or naview if 1 (default=`1') -o, --output-format=ps|gml|xrna|svg Specify output format. Available formats are: PostScript (ps), Graph Meta Language (gml), Scalable Vector Graphics (svg), and XRNA save file (xrna). Output filenames will end in ".ps" ".gml" ".svg" ".ss", respectively. (default=`ps') --pre=string Add annotation macros to postscript file, and add the postscript code in "string" just before the code to draw the structure. This is an easy way to add annotation. --post=string Same as --pre but in contrast to adding the annotation macros. E.g to mark position 15 with circle use --post "15 cmark" Written by: Ivo L Hofacker Report bugs: If in doubt our program is right, nature is at fault. Comments should be sent to rna@tbi.univie.ac.at. x 1)$ EHYM&$ADG ALAASN $>JML@A$wJL A<4 BBB B(A0A8JOAG0%AzRx 14)L$d EHYM&ADG ALA A$SN <>JML@\AtwJL A44 BBB B(A0A8JOAG04%AU3]3BUB].\B\%V%BPBVSBSQ cQQNYYY YUUTQTQQRQRRwwww UV;V<VUVUVTS:S<STSP3P99PPwwUSwLwUGSGLUPRU`awa{wqvUww UVUVSSww!U!]]T\\QQQ-UQU]QfQQRRR-URU]RfRR'X'VVYYY-UYU]YfYY44{T{TT--UTUqqT T 4 4^ ^484{X{8X8&X&-8-UXUq8qX8X844{U{UU&Y&--FUFqqUUX`SS-qSS !w!w )U)Sw7w UV0V05RT\7\PS7S V07V`awawwwww w(w0w8$wBUB$~BTB$}Q$}BRB[SR#SBXB$}d V V V#VV8VV>VNVVVV$VM\| \ W \: \ \\\y\8\dS( S # S S: S S/USSSyS8Sb~#$~S]| ] W ]: ] ]]]y]8]dd~dA ^| ^ ^#/~/U^|^>N^^<^Lo^^  U  Udf ^f w \w ^ ^ ^#]^]\^^h^+\+>^Nn\n~^~\^\^<L\L^$^dF X|  X 2 XW X  T  X X X X/UX|XX!X0=XhX>NX1X8XXL[X[jRXXd ~ V#~V8VVV>NVV8UVVVLoVVd~#$~01w18w8w00`U0`T0`Q`jSkS0CR0FX0`YciPkuPUTQwwUTQSSRPP#RNAplot_cmdline_parser_params_init(RNAplot_cmdline_parser_requiredRNAplot_cmdline_parser_dumpBRNAplot_cmdline_parser_freesRNAplot_cmdline_parser_params_create RNAplot_cmdline_parser_init 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