/* aln_util.c Helper functions frelated to alignments */ /* Last changed Time-stamp: <2006-01-16 11:42:38 ivo> */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "fold_vars.h" #include "pair_mat.h" /*@unused@*/ static char rcsid[] = "$Id: aln_util.c,v 1.4 2007/02/02 15:18:13 ivo Exp $"; #define MAX_NUM_NAMES 500 int read_clustal(FILE *clust, char *AlignedSeqs[], char *names[]) { char *line, name[100]="", *seq; int n, nn=0, num_seq = 0; if ((line=get_line(clust)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Empty CLUSTAL file\n"); return 0; } if (strncmp(line,"CLUSTAL", 7) !=0) { fprintf(stderr, "This doesn't look like a CLUSTAL file, sorry\n"); free(line); return 0; } free(line); line = get_line(clust); while (line!=NULL) { if (((n=strlen(line))<4) || isspace((int)line[0])) { /* skip non-sequence line */ free(line); line = get_line(clust); nn=0; /* reset seqence number */ continue; } seq = (char *) space( (n+1)*sizeof(char) ); sscanf(line,"%99s %s", name, seq); if (nn == num_seq) { /* first time */ names[nn] = strdup(name); AlignedSeqs[nn] = strdup(seq); } else { if (strcmp(name, names[nn])!=0) { /* name doesn't match */ fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, your file is fucked up (inconsitent seq-names)\n"); free(line); free(seq); return 0; } AlignedSeqs[nn] = (char *) xrealloc(AlignedSeqs[nn], strlen(seq)+strlen(AlignedSeqs[nn])+1); strcat(AlignedSeqs[nn], seq); } nn++; if (nn>num_seq) num_seq = nn; free(seq); free(line); if (num_seq>=MAX_NUM_NAMES) { fprintf(stderr, "Too many sequences in CLUSTAL file"); return 0; } line = get_line(clust); } AlignedSeqs[num_seq] = NULL; names[num_seq] = NULL; if (num_seq == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No sequences found in CLSUATL file\n"); return 0; } n = strlen(AlignedSeqs[0]); for (nn=1; nnfm) {c=s, fm=freq[c];} if (s>4) s++; /* skip T */ string[i]=Law_and_Order[c]; } return string; } /* IUP nucleotide classes indexed by a bit string of the present bases */ /* A C AC G AG CG ACG U AU CU ACU GU AGU CGU ACGU */ static char IUP[17] = "-ACMGRSVUWYHKDBN"; char *consens_mis(const char*AS[]) { /* MIS displays the 'most informative sequence' (Freyhult et al 2004), elements in columns with frequency greater than the background frequency are projected into iupac notation. Columns where gaps are over-represented are in lower case. */ char *cons; int i, s, n, N, c; int bgfreq[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; n = strlen(AS[0]); for (N=0; AS[N]!=NULL; N++); cons = (char *) space((n+1)*sizeof(char)); for (i=0; i4) c=5; bgfreq[c]++; } for (i=0; i4) c=5; freq[c]++; } for (c=4; c>0; c--) { code <<=1; if (freq[c]*n>=bgfreq[c]) code++; } cons[i] = IUP[code]; if (freq[0]*n>bgfreq[0]) cons[i] = tolower(IUP[code]); } return cons; }