/* routines from PS_dot.c */ extern int PS_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *file); /* write PostScript drawing of structure to file */ extern int PS_rna_plot_a(char *string, char *structure, char *file, char *pre, char *post); /* write PostScript drawing of structure to file with annotation */ extern int gmlRNA(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile, char option); /* structure drawing in gml */ extern int ssv_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile); /*write coord file for SStructView */ extern int svg_rna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile); /*write RNAplot in SVG */ extern int xrna_plot(char *string, char *structure, char *ssfile); /*write .ss file for further editing in XRNA */ extern int PS_dot_plot(char *string, char *file); /* produce a PostScript dot plot of the pair probability matix */ extern int rna_plot_type; /* 0= simple coordinates, 1= naview */ typedef struct cpair { int i,j,mfe; float p, hue, sat; } cpair; extern int PS_color_dot_plot(char *string, cpair *pi, char *filename); extern int PS_color_dot_plot_turn(char *seq, cpair *pi, char *filename, int winSize); typedef struct plist { int i; int j; float p; }plist; extern int PS_dot_plot_list(char *seq, char *filename, struct plist *pl, struct plist *mf, char *comment); extern int PS_dot_plot_turn(char *seq, struct plist *pl, char *filename, int winSize); extern int PS_color_aln(const char *structure, const char *filename, const char *seqs[], const char *names[]);