---------- Folding Modes: (1) default mode: start structure is open chain stop structure is minimum free enegy structure example: hairpin.log, traj ../Kinfold --log hpin --num 10 <./hpin.in>& traj (2) multi-stop mode: start structure is open chain stop structure(s) are 2nd and following lines in hpin.in example: hairpin.e.log, traj.e ../Kinfold --stop --log hpin.e --num 10 <./hpin.in>& traj.e (3) refolding mode: start structure is 2nd line in hpin.in stop structure(s) are 3rd and following lines in hpin.in example: hairpin.ae.log, traj.ae ../Kinfold --start --stop --log hpin.ae --num 10 <./hpin.in>& traj.ae if you don't want to log the trajectories use option --silent (trajectory files can get petty huge) ---------- Output: (A) log files (on each line you find): randon seed stop-structure-label or O ( for didn't reach stop-structure(s) ) first passage time stop-structure if stop-structure-label equals O (B) trajectory files (on each line you find): structure energy time number of neighbours of structure (only with --verbose) code for the move (only with --verbose) (i=base pair insert move, d=base pair delete move, s,S=base pair shift move, I=base pair double insert move (only with --noLP) D=base pair double delete move (only with --noLP) ) code for type of structure (only with --verbose) (1=strict local minimum, 2=degenerate local minimum, 0=anything else ) stop-structure-label or O ( for didn't reach stop-structure(s) ) ---------- canonical example: hpin.nolp, traj.nolp ../Kinfold --verbose --noLP --num 10 --log hpin.nolp < ./hpin.in > traj.nolp