INTRODUCTION ============ The JAVA program TargetSpy predicts microRNA target sites without requiring a perfect seed match nor cross-species information. For prediction two input files are required: 1) a fasta file with the microRNA sequences 2) a fasta file with the sequences of the 3'UTRs Input files can also be provided in a gzipped version. INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ============================== To install TargetSpy, 1) Extract the TargetSpy package and copy the TargetSpy directory to your preferred location 2) Alter the "InstPath" in TargetSpy/bin/TargetSpy with respect to your location 3) Install the Vienna RNA Package, Version 1.6.1. Copy the executable of RNAduplex to the TargetSpy/share directory. Note: Only use exactly version 1.6.1 of the Vienna RNA Package. EXECUTION ========= Type "TargetSpy -h" to get an overview of the commandline parameters. EXAMPLE ======= To run the sample data change to the 'sample' directory and type the following command: ../bin/TargetSpy -microRNAs miRNA_demo.gz -transcripts transcripts_demo.gz If you have added TargetSpy to your PATH variable you can also execute the following command: TargetSpy -microRNAs miRNA_demo.gz -transcripts transcripts_demo.gz A result.gz file will be written to the sample directory. You can find pre-calculated sample data in the result_demo.gz file.