Instructions to run PACMIT in a command line LINUX platform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This package contains all the files needed to run PACMIT for any set of 3'UTRs and miRNAs. '' and '' are the two main scripts necessary to obtain the final list of predictions. Below are examples of how to use them. NOTE: If you want to obtain the predictions for PACMIT-0.0 you only need to run '', i.e., you can skip step IV below. I. REQUIREMENTS: ---------------- The Vienna RNA package version 1.8.X. It can be downloaded at II. SETTING UP: --------------- Before running any of the two perl scripts ( and you need to edit a couple of lines at the beginning of each file: 1) $BIN_VIENNA should be the path where the Vienna executables are located. For example: $BIN_VIENNA="/usr/local/bin"; 2) $BIN_PACMIT should be the path where all PACMIT executables are contained For example: $BIN_PACMIT= "/home/$USER/Pacmit_public"; III. INPUT FILES: ----------------- 1) Fasta file with target sequences. Maximum sequence length: 20,000 nucleotides. 2) Fasta file with miRNA sequences. Maximum number of miRNAs: 10,000. IV. COMPUTING ACCESSIBILITY: ---------------------------- Before running you will need to fold all the target sequences using Type to display the instructions of use. Example calculations can be run using the sequences provided in Sequences/: >cd $BIN_PACMIT/Sequences/Example_utrs/ >../../ example_utr.fa 80 40 You should obtain the following output files: ENSG00000051596.fa_4 ENSG00000127720.fa_4 ENSG00000161057.fa_4 example_utr.fa example_utr.vienna NOTE: By default creates one file per sequence and they are stored in the same directory as the fasta file. V. PREDICTIONS: --------------- Once accessibilities are computed, you can execute Type to display the instructions of use. Example calculations can be run using the sequences provided in Sequences/: >cd $BIN_PACMIT >./ Sequences/Example_utrs/example_utr.fa Sequences/example_mirna.fa 2 8 1 0.2 === 21 June 2011 === [grobertson@xhost09 Pacmit_public_v2]$ ./ Sequences/Example_utrs/example_utr.fa Sequences/example_mirna.fa 2 8 1 0.2 started at Tue Jun 21 14:57:20 PDT 2011 3'UTR fasta file: Sequences/Example_utrs/example_utr.fa miRNA fasta file: Sequences/example_mirna.fa miRNA seed: 2-8 Accessibility: 1 P_cutoff: 0.2 finished at Tue Jun 21 14:57:21 PDT 2011 Output file written to: ./example_mirna/predictions_2_8_1_0.2 === 21 June 2011 === The output file should look like this: #Sequence ID t_access No. miRNA c_access Expected c_access log(P_SH) miRNA name ENSG00000051596 300 1 2 0.072 -2.625 hsa-miR-186 ENSG00000127720 109 2 1 0.009 -2.080 hsa-miR-212 NOTE: If the 3'UTR fasta file is in the current directory, you have to specify it by using the './' notation, otherwise the program will crash. If you type: >./ utr_file.fa ... the program will crash. You have to type: >./ ./utr_file.fa ... VI. CONTACT US: --------------- If you have questions, comments or suggestions about the program please contact us: