README for archive jhu-usc.edu_LAML.HumanMethylation27.Level_3.1.0.0 This file was automatically generated on 06/11/2010 using the TCGA DCC Archive Processing System. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a project of the National Cancer Institute and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), is the foundation of a large-scale collaborative effort to understand the genomic changes that occur in cancer. For more information, see The files in this archive contain data derived from tissue samples of patients that were diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The data was produced by the Johns Hopkins / University of Southern California ( Cancer Genomic Characterization Center (CGCC) using the Illumina Infinium Human DNA Methylation 27 platform. This archive is the initial version of the 1st archive and contains only Level 3 (segmented/interpreted) data. The MANIFEST.txt lists all the files, and their MD5 signatures, that should be included in this complete archive. A DESCRIPTION.txt file may be included by the submitting center that provides details about the data files included in this archive. The TCGA Data Primer provides an in depth description of TCGA data enterprise including data classification and organization (including data types and data levels), how to access the data, and a description of some possible ways to aggregate TCGA data. For even more information, please visit the TCGA Data Portal at For help, please contact NCICB Support