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The Program reads a valid energy parameter file or valid energy parameters from stdin and prints the converted energy parameters to stdout or a specified output file. Per default, the converted output file contains the whole set of energy parameters used throughout ViennaRNAPackage 1.8.4. The user can specify sets of energy parameters that should not be included in the output. -h, --help Print help and exit --full-help Print help, including hidden options, and exit -V, --version Print version and exit -o, --output=filename Specify an output file name. If argument is missing the converted energy parameters are printed to 'stdout'. -i, --input=filename Specify an input file name. If argument is missing the energy parameter input can be supplied via 'stdin'. --vanilla Print just as much as needed to represent the given energy parameters data set. This option overrides all other output settings! (default=off) --dump Just dump Vienna 1.8.4 energy parameters in format used since 2.0. This option skips any energy parameter input! (default=off) --silent Print just energy parameters and appropriate comment lines but suppress all other output (default=off) --without-HairpinE Do not print converted hairpin energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-StackE Do not print converted stacking energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-IntE Do not print converted interior loop energies, enthalpies and asymetry factors (default=off) --without-BulgeE Do not print converted bulge loop energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-MultiE Do not print converted multi loop energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-MismatchE Do not print converted exterior loop mismatch energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-MismatchH Do not print converted hairpin mismatch energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-MismatchI Do not print converted interior loop mismatch energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-MismatchM Do not print converted multi loop mismatch energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-Dangle5 Do not print converted 5' dangle energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-Dangle3 Do not print converted 3' dangle energies and enthalpies (default=off) --without-Misc Do not print converted Misc energies and enthalpies (TerminalAU, DuplexInit, lxc) (default=off)Written by Ronny Lorenz Report bugs: If in doubt our program is right, nature is at fault. Comments should be sent to rna@tbi.univie.ac.at. x A)$ EHYM&$+ADG AA$}AHD SN $JY0$wJL nD,A,A<BBB B(A0A8JOAG0%AzRx 4AL)d$| EHYM&+ADG AA }AHD ,DSN \JY0|wJL nD,A,A4BBB B(A0A8J4OAG0Tl%AwwUS0lUl]U9]f\9\8VP9VlS9SlQQ29QlY29YlY9Y@WUWfU@RTRWQWaTafQ@MQMWRWZQ@HRWfRpqwquwu|w|w pUVVfVftUtyVyUVpTSSfSfoToSPPPPwwUwwUSwww]w UXVX]UWS`eUp~w~w pUVUVSSw w0 U \ \ T ] ]~ Q~ Q Q l Ql x Q Q~ R~ R R l Rl x R R X V V~ Y~ Y Y l Yl x Y Y  \ T\  T  T   < T< K K l Tl  T    ^  ^ 8 \ X\ 8 X 8 X  8 < X< K 8K l Xl 8 X 8  \ U\  U  U Y   < U< K K b Ub  U X @ S S  S< S w 7 w U V 0 V0 5 R T  \ 7 \ P  S 7 S V0 7 V` d wd w w w  w , w0 2 w2 4 w4 6 w6 8 w 8 9 w(9 : w0: D w8D w0 U {0 T {0 S QS {0 R S)3R38S0 X { ])]8],]b]e]_]c]]3]Y]] SS_)SS8SI'SSTSPSpSSnSS  VV_)VV8VI(VVTVVPVnVV ){8{ * \ \\_)\\8\I*\\T\\\n\\ ^ ~ | )^8D|Dh^m^mP.^1i^P^e^'P'n^^^#P#^#^3Y^P^>P>n^P^P ^ 2P2b^bP^P^=P=m^mP^P^HPHx^xP^8BU"'Ua V ^ V ^^8D^h^ViV^2V2e^ntVt^#3VY^n^bXX.6T_X XIhXX"hXX$XIaX X1DXXXXXR3MXX |]8|]1b]]e]_c]]#]3Y]] 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