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General Options: Algorithms: Model Details:0%s: %s option occurrences must be %d %s: %s option occurrences must be between %d and %d %s: %s option occurrences must be at least %d %s: %s option occurrences must be at most %d %s: '--neighborhood' option depends on option 'stochBT'%s %s: cannot dump options to stream %s: `--%s' (`-%c') option given more than once%s %s: `--%s' option given more than once%s %s: %s argument, "%s", for option `--%s' (`-%c')%s %s: %s argument, "%s", for option `--%s'%s %s: invalid numeric value: %s %s: cannot open file for writing: %s %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: option requires an argument -- %c Compute MFE structure, partition function and representative sample structures of k,l neighborhoodsThe program does something ;) -h, --help Print help and exit -V, --version Print version and exit Below are command line options which alter the general behavior of this program --noconv Do not automatically substitude nucleotide "T" with "U" (default=off) -j, --numThreads=INT Set the number of threads used for calculations (only available when compiled with OpenMP support) -p, --partfunc calculate partition function and Boltzmann probabilities (default=off) --stochBT=INT backtrack a certain number of Boltzmann samples from the appropriate k,l neighborhood(s) --neighborhood=: backtrack structures from certain k,l-neighborhood only, can be specified multiple times (:,:,...) -S, --pfScale=DOUBLE scaling factor for pf to avoid overflows --noBT do not backtrack structures, calculate energy contributions only (default=off) -c, --circ assume RNA sequence to be circular (default=off) -T, --temp=DOUBLE Rescale energy parameters to a temperature of temp C. Default is 37C. -K, --maxDist1=INT maximum distance to first reference structure -L, --maxDist2=INT maximum distance to second reference structure -4, --noTetra Do not include special tabulated stabilizing energies for tri-, tetra- and hexaloop hairpins. Mostly for testing. (default=off) -P, --parameterFile=filename use a certain parameter file -d, --dangles=INT set energy model for treatment of dangling bases (possible values="0", "2" default=`2') --noGU Do not allow GU pairs (default=off) --noClosingGU Do not allow GU pairs at the end of helices (default=off)References: Written by: Ronny Lorenz. Report bugs: If in doubt our program is right, nature is at fault. Comments should be sent to rna@tbi.univie.ac.at. x A)$ EHYM$SU <BBB E(A0D8D@$JQ0<:BEB B(D0A8D@TDA<BBI B(E0A8D@%A$AAI ASN ,JMQp$wJL A<PBBB B(A0A8JOAG0%AzRx 4AL)$d EHYMSU 4BBB E(A0D8D@JQ04:BEB B(D0A8D@<TDTA4lBBI B(E0A8D@%AAAI A SN $$JMQpLwJL lA4PBBB B(A0A8JOAG0 %AwvwUuSUc]crUr]^\r\UVUrPrVLSrS#Q=QQ~YYY=Yww U.S.KUKST8\=\Q3V=VPP*3PPPR*jRjvXxRYRRRXQ*eQxQXQXQT*oTxTT T "w"$w$&w&+w +,w(,0w004w84w >U>]U 9T9dVqVVTM\P_E^ww0U5]5@U@b]bmUm]UT+\+@Q@]\]mQm\QQ&V&@R@SVSmRmzVRS R !S@NSmuSuR 7P@dPwwww w(w0w8 wU_3_4 _ U _ U _T \-\4 \ T \P#P))P P(o^ 1 ^#]1 ]2V1 V w 4 w U S P 3 S@ A wA Z w@ G UG Y S` b wb d wd m wm o w o t w(t u w0u y w8y _ w` k Uk X ^X _ U V ]s T \ Z _ R V` e Up q wq wp { U{ S Sp { T w w w w U S S P Q P Q  P Q  Q P Q U! 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