17 Dec 2010, 13h10 > source(file="/projects/remc_bigdata/Karsan/R/20101217/bammap2counts_DE-H4ac.20101217.R") [1] "some parameter settings" fixed bins: 1000 bp; fragSize: 200 bp [1] "read in .bam files, filter reads" Error in w$rname : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors > source(file="/projects/remc_bigdata/Karsan/R/20101217/bammap2counts_DE-H4ac.20101217.R") [1] "some parameter settings" fixed bins: 1000 bp; fragSize: 200 bp [1] "read in .bam files, filter reads" /projects/remc_bigdata/Karsan/HS1238_kd/maq2sam/HS1238.h.sorted.bam : Read 16316102 mapped non-dup. reads, 88.74 percent with MAPQ>10 /projects/remc_bigdata/Karsan/HS1235_ctl/maq2sam/HS1235.h.sorted.bam : Read 21753664 mapped non-dup. reads, 90.46 percent with MAPQ>10 /projects/analysis/analysis5/HS1238/62P7NAAXX_2/bwa/62P7NAAXX_2.bam : Read 35023769 mapped non-dup. reads, 92.59 percent with MAPQ>10 /projects/analysis/analysis5/HS1235/62P7NAAXX_1/bwa/62P7NAAXX_1.bam : Read 34280727 mapped non-dup. reads, 92.29 percent with MAPQ>10 [1] "create table of windows along the genome" [1] "create count table after extending reads to be length fragSize" Counting in HS1238_kd Counting in HS1235_ctl Counting in HS1238_kd_2 Counting in HS1235_ctl_2 Counting successful. [1] "filter on the total count for a bin (10)" [1] "Get normalizing factors for edgeR." process as replicates d.rep$common.dispersion= 0.06038636 [1] "exactTest()" Comparison of groups: HS1238_kd - HS1235_ctl [1] "write.table, all records, regardless of p-val" process as separate old and new run pairs [1] "estimate common dispersion" 1000 bp bins: d.sep$common.dispersion= 1e-16 [1] "old pair: exactTest()" Comparison of groups: HS1238_kd - HS1235_ctl [1] "write.table, all records, regardless of p-val" [1] "new pair: exactTest()" Comparison of groups: HS1238_kd_2 - HS1235_ctl_2 [1] "write.table, all records, regardless of p-val" [1] "Now compare the old KD/ctl to the new KD/ctl pair" [1] "compare p-values / log-fold changes" [1] "Use Z-scores" [1] "write out PDF" [1] "Alternative for comparing tech replicates: a simple pairs() plot" Warning message: In estimateCommonDisp(d.sep) : There is no replication. Setting common dispersion to 0.