Subject: H1 Date: Tuesday, 13April, 2010 2:00 PM From: Cydney Nielsen To: Gordon Robertson Conversation: H1 Hi Gordon, Here are the libraries that I've been using for H1 analyses. All wigs can be found in: /projects/tab/data/Peaks/SLX-ChIP/yourLibName/FP4.0.11/ A full set of histone mods are available for batch 1: H3K27me3 HS0997 H3K36me3 HS1032 H3K4me1 HS1413 H3K4me3 HS0996 H3K9Ac HS0995 H3K9me3 HS0998 MRE HS1052 MeDIP HS1376 The WTSS (HS1272) and miRNA (HS01295) libraries are only available for batch 2. Erin Pleasance just generated a wig file for me for the WTSS library, which can be found here: /projects/epleasance/REMC/data/wtss/libraries/HS1272/maq_results/ repositioned_merged.wig I was planning to convert that to a bigwig shortly. Wigs for the miRNA library were generated by Andy Chu and I believe are found here: /projects/mirna/REMC/archive/wig/HS1295/ but let me double check that these are the same as a local combined file I've been using. Perhaps I will also convert this to bigwig and put it in a common place. Enjoy! Cydney