./GATK_polish.sh Usage: GATK_polish.sh <# threads> ./racon_polish.sh Usage: racon_polish.sh <# threads> ./pilon_polish.sh Usage: pilon_polish.sh <# threads> ==== This is the ntEdit PAPER version 1) NTHITS nthits --help Usage: nthits [OPTION]... FILES... Reports the most frequent k-mers in FILES(>=1). Accepatble file formats: fastq, fasta, gz, bz, zip. Options: -t, --threads=N use N parallel threads [16] -k, --kmer=N the length of kmer [64] -c, --cutoff=N the maximum coverage of kmer in output -p, --pref=STRING the prefix for output file name [repeat] --outbloom output the most frequent k-mers in a Bloom filter --solid output the solid k-mers (non-errornous k-mers) --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit Report bugs to hmohamadi@bcgsc.ca. NOTE: In the latest release of nthits, you must run it like this: nthits -c 1 -k 50 -t 48 -p solidBF --outbloom @reads.in where @reads.in lists all reads to kmerize note the options --outbloom and -p that must be set If not specifying a hard threshold (-c), and relying instead on ntCard* to identify the error kmer coverage, please run with the --solid: nthits -k 50 -t 48 --outbloom --solid @reads.in NOTE: THIS WILL WORK WELL WITH ntEdit ONLY IF YOU HAVE SUFFICIENT READ COVERAGE (>40X), OTHERWISE SET KMER COVERAGE TO -c1 *Bioinformatics. 2017 May 1; 33(9): 1324–1330. Published online 2017 Jan 5. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw832 PMCID: PMC5408799 PMID: 28453674 ntCard: a streaming algorithm for cardinality estimation in genomics data Hamid Mohamadi,1,2 Hamza Khan,1,2 and Inanc Birol1,2 2) NTEDIT ntedit --help Usage: ntEdit genome assembly polisher Options: -t, number of threads [default=1] -f, Draft genome assembly (FASTA, Multi-FASTA, and/or gzipped compatible), REQUIRED -r, Bloom filter file (generated from ntHits), REQUIRED -b, output file prefix, OPTIONAL -k, kmer size, REQUIRED -z, minimum contig length [default=100] -i, maximum number of insertion bases to try, range 0-5, [default=4] -d, maximum number of deletions bases to try, range 0-5, [default=5] -x, k/x ratio for the number of kmers that should be missing, [default=5.000] -y, k/y ratio for the number of editted kmers that should be present, [default=9.000] -v, verbose mode (-v 1 = yes, default = 0, no) --help, display this message and exit --version, output version information and exit Report bugs to rwarren@bcgsc.ca ./ntEdit.pl -f pacbio.fasta -k 50 -r solidBF_k50.bf -x 5 -y 9 -b pac_nteditk50i0d0x5y9z