RL Warren 12-APR-2019 This directory contains the k40 ntEdit-polished Axolotl genome draft. ntEdit polishing of the Axolotl (mexican salamander) PacBio draft genome, largest yet@32Gbp. After ntHits on avail. Illumina seqs(<8X), https://github.com/bcgsc/ntedit took <20m, 94GB RAM & made 59M edits+fixed frame shift errors to recover 106 (3%) xtra complete BUSCO genes. nthits resource log : nthitsk40full.time ntedit resource log : nteditAxolotlk40.time ntedit changes file : nteditAxolotlk40full_changes.tsv.gz ntedit edited draft : nteditAxolotlk40full_edited.fa.gz command used to run : runme.sh file of read files : reads.in summarized busco results : Axolotlk40full_edited_BUSCOalluvial.png