Genome annotation The genome annotation was limited to contigs containing at least 1 Kbp of non repeat sequences and at least one putative complete gene based on alignment with spruce transcriptomics sequences. The genomes were annotated with MAKER2 pipeline (Holt and Yandel, 2011) which incorporates AUGUSTUS (Stanke et al., 2006), SNAP (Korf, 2004) and GeneMark (Lomsadze et al., 2005) gene predictors together with transcriptomics and proteomics evidence. AUGUSTUS metaparameters were optimized with semi-automatic training protocol, the evaluation was made by splitting into training and test sets. SNAP and AUGUSTUS were trained with high quality gene models generated by a preliminary run of MAKER, and selected by eAED score and QI tag. GeneMark was self trained to produce predictions. Each species used a common input evidence from full-length cDNA (Rigault et al., 2011) (Ralph et al., 2008) and SwissProt plant proteins. RNAseq transcriptomics assemblies were used for Interior and Sitka spruce: short reads RNAseq libraries were assembled with pooled assembly approach in RNA-Bloom v0.9.8 (Nip et al., XX). The transcripts were screened for contaminants and only transcripts with complete CDS were used for annotation. MAKER was run iteratively in two steps. The first run of MAKER included species-specific evidence and the second run used a common data set evidence from the four genotypes.