package ca.bcgsc.abyssexplorer.parsers; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import ca.bcgsc.abyssexplorer.graph.AbyssGraph; import ca.bcgsc.abyssexplorer.graph.DistanceEstimate; import ca.bcgsc.abyssexplorer.graph.Edge; import ca.bcgsc.abyssexplorer.graph.Vertex; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.util.ChangeEventSupport; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.util.DefaultChangeEventSupport; /** * This class contains all of the methods for loading parsed * data values into the graph structure. * * Loads relations between a source edge (sE) and a target * edge (tE). Vertices for the sE are assigned ids v1 and v2, * and vertices for the tE are v2 and v3, so the connection * is captured by: * * v1 -[sE]-> v2 -[tE]-> v3 * * @author Cydney Nielsen * */ public class GraphLoader implements ChangeEventSupport { protected ChangeEventSupport changeSupport = new DefaultChangeEventSupport(this); // private static final Runtime s_runtime = Runtime.getRuntime (); // input protected File fPath; // user selected path/file protected GraphParser parser; // internal protected File adjFile; protected String adjFileType; // one of "abyss", "dot" protected List aFiles; // additional files to parse // data structure to populate protected AbyssGraph g; protected String graphName; // should be contained in g // to generate new vertex ids private List nextVid; private int vCounter; // to keep track of total num of distance estimates private int numDE = 0; // to keep track of total num of paired-end contigs private int numPE = 0; // to monitor parse status private String status; public String getStatus() { return status; } public AbyssGraph getParsedGraph() { return g; } /** * Specify input as one of: * 1. A directory containing ABySS output files * 2. An ABySS adjacency file * 3. A DOT file (must contain an 'adj' graph) * * @param f * @param p * @throws IOException */ public void load(File f) throws IOException { // long m = s_runtime.totalMemory () - s_runtime.freeMemory (); // System.out.println("initializing: memory usage = " + m); fPath = f; vCounter = 0; nextVid = new LinkedList(); parserSetup(); status = "estimating graph size..."; fireStateChanged(); g = parser.initializeGraph(); // m = s_runtime.totalMemory () - s_runtime.freeMemory (); // System.out.println("initialized graph: memory usage = " + m); status = "parsing adjacency graph..."; fireStateChanged();; handleAdjData(); // m = s_runtime.totalMemory () - s_runtime.freeMemory (); // System.out.println("parsed adj file: memory usage = " + m); status = "parsing additional data graphs..."; handleAdditionalData(); // m = s_runtime.totalMemory () - s_runtime.freeMemory (); // System.out.println("num unique dist estimates: " + numDE); // System.out.println("num paired-end contigs: " + numPE); // System.out.println("handled additional files: memory usage = " + m); status = "complete"; fireStateChanged(); // m = s_runtime.totalMemory () - s_runtime.freeMemory (); // System.out.println("done: memory usage = " + m); } /** * Uses input file names to determine what parser to use. * Opens the adjaceny file and stores the names of any * extra graph files to parse. * * @throws IOException */ protected void parserSetup() throws IOException { aFiles = new ArrayList(); String fPathName = fPath.getAbsolutePath(); boolean foundAdj = false; if (fPath.isFile()) { if (fPathName.endsWith("-4.adj")) { parser = new AbyssParser(); adjFile = fPath; adjFileType = "abyss"; foundAdj = true; } else if (fPathName.endsWith(".dot")) { parser = new DotParser(); adjFile = fPath; adjFileType = "dot"; foundAdj = true; // not guaranteed to be 'adj' at this point } } else if (fPath.isDirectory()) { String fName; // first look for an ABySS file for (File fn: fPath.listFiles()) { fName = fn.getName(); if (fName.endsWith("-4.adj")) { parser = new AbyssParser(); adjFile = fn; adjFileType = "abyss"; foundAdj = true; break; } } // alternatively look for a Dot file if (!foundAdj) { for (File fn: fPath.listFiles()) { fName = fn.getName(); if (fName.endsWith(".dot")) { parser = new DotParser(); adjFile = fn; adjFileType = "dot"; foundAdj = true; break; } } } // look for additional files if appropriate if (foundAdj && adjFileType.equals("abyss")) { for (File fn: fPath.listFiles()) { fName = fn.getName(); if (fName.endsWith("-3.dist")) { // a valid ABySS graph file to parse aFiles.add(fn); } else if (fName.endsWith("-contigs.fa")) { // a valid ABySS graph file to parse aFiles.add(fn); } } } } if (!foundAdj) { throw new IOException("Cannot find an adjacency graph in " + fPathName); }; } public void handleAdjData() throws IOException {; boolean parsed = parseAdjGraph(); parser.close(); if (!parsed) { status = "Unrecognized file format"; fireStateChanged(); throw new IOException("Unable to parse file " + adjFile.getName()); } } public void handleAdditionalData() throws IOException { if (aFiles.size() != 0) { for (File f: aFiles) { String fName = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (fName.endsWith("-3.dist")) { if (adjFileType.equals("abyss")) { // only parse if adj file was in ABySS format; parseDistGraph(); parser.close(); } } else if (fName.endsWith("-contigs.fa")) { if (adjFileType.equals("abyss")) { // only parse if adj file was in ABySS format; parsePairedEndGraph(); parser.close(); } } } } else { // check for merged dot file if (adjFileType.equals("dot")) {; parseDistGraph(); parser.close(); } } } public boolean parseAdjGraph() throws IOException { boolean parsed = false; AdjacentContigs aContigs; while (true) { Object o = parser.parseNextLine(); if (o == null) { break; } // end of file if (o instanceof AdjacentContigs) { aContigs = (AdjacentContigs) o; // get/create the source edge String sContigLabel = aContigs.getLabel(); Edge sEdge = g.getEdge(sContigLabel); // ensures correct orientation if (sEdge == null) { sEdge = new Edge(sContigLabel); } sEdge.setCoverage(aContigs.getCov()); sEdge.setLen(aContigs.getLen()); // add all in/out bound edges if (aContigs.hasInbound()) { // correct orientation sEdge.reverseComplement(); for (String iLabel: aContigs.getInbound()) { setConnections(sEdge, flipStrand(iLabel)); } // switch orientation back sEdge.reverseComplement(); } if (aContigs.hasOutbound()) { for (String oLabel: aContigs.getOutbound()) { setConnections(sEdge, oLabel); } } if (!aContigs.hasInbound() && !aContigs.hasOutbound()) { storeSingleton(sEdge); } parsed = true; } } return parsed; } public boolean parseDistGraph() throws IOException { System.out.println("parsing dist file..."); boolean parsed = false; while (true) { Object o = parser.parseNextLine(); if (o == null) { break; } // end of file if (o instanceof List) { for (PairedEndPartners d: ((List) o)) { setDisEstimate(d); //TODO: catch exception when these edges do not yet exist in the graph } } parsed = true; } return parsed; } public boolean parsePairedEndGraph() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { System.out.println("parsing contigs file..."); boolean parsed = false; PairedEndContig pe; while (true) { Object o = parser.parseNextLine(); if (o == null) { break; } // end of file if (o instanceof PairedEndContig) { pe = (PairedEndContig) o; // handle only the paired end cases if (pe.getNumMembers() > 0) { g.setPairedEndContig(pe.getId(), pe.getMembers()); numPE += 1; } } parsed = true; } return parsed; } public void countGraphComponents() { System.out.println("total vertices: " + g.getVertexCount()); System.out.println("total edges: " + g.getEdgeCount()); int vCount = 0; int lastIndex = 0; for (int i=0; i < g.getVertexCount(); i++) { if (g.getVertex(i) != null) { vCount++; lastIndex = i; } } System.out.println("total non-null vertices: " + vCount + "; last non-null index: " + lastIndex); int eCount = 0; lastIndex = 0; for (int i=0; i < g.getEdgeCount(); i++) { if (g.getEdge(i) != null) { eCount++; lastIndex = i; } } System.out.println("total non-null edges: " + eCount + "; last non-null edge: " + lastIndex); } protected void printVertices() { for (int i=0; i < g.getVertexCount(); i++) { Vertex v = g.getVertex(i); if (v != null) { System.out.println("vertex: " + v.getId()); System.out.println("Incoming"); for (Edge e: v.getIncoming()) { System.out.println(e.getLabel() + " " + v.getPole(e, "in")); } System.out.println("Outgoing"); for (Edge e: v.getOutgoing()) { System.out.println(e.getLabel() + " " + v.getPole(e, "out")); } } } } protected String flipStrand(String l) { if (l.endsWith("+")) { return l.replace("+","") + "-"; } else { return l.replace("-","") + "+"; } } private void setDisEstimate(PairedEndPartners d) { Edge sEdge = g.getEdge(d.getSourceLabel()); // ensures correct orientation if (sEdge == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("source edge cannot be null"); } Edge dEdge = g.getEdge(d.getDestLabel()); // ensures correct orientation if (dEdge == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("destination edge cannot be null"); } Integer dis = d.getDis(); Float error = d.getError(); Integer numPairs = d.getNumPairs(); List out = sEdge.getOutboundPartners(); // only keep if has not occurred already if (out == null || !checkForDuplicate(dEdge, out)) { sEdge.addOutboundPartner(dEdge, dis, error, numPairs); numDE += 1; } List in = dEdge.getInboundPartners(); if (in == null || !checkForDuplicate(sEdge, in)) { // currently only keep first occurrence dEdge.addInboundPartner(sEdge, dis, error, numPairs); numDE += 1; } } private boolean checkForDuplicate(Edge e, List dists) { boolean duplicate = false; for (DistanceEstimate d: dists) { if (e.getLabelObject().equals(d.getLabelObject())) { duplicate = true; break; } } return duplicate; } private void setConnections(Edge sEdge, String tContigLabel) { String sContigNoStrand = getStrandless(sEdge.getLabel()); String tContigNoStrand = getStrandless(tContigLabel); if (sContigNoStrand.equals(tContigNoStrand)) { storeSelfLoop(sEdge.getLabel(), tContigLabel, sEdge); } else { Edge tEdge = g.getEdge(tContigLabel); if (tEdge == null) { tEdge = new Edge(tContigLabel); } storeEdgeRelation(sEdge, tEdge); } } private String getStrandless(String s) { return s.replace("+", "").replace("-",""); } /** * Stores self loop cases, such as those resulting from: * 1. directed repeats (e.g. "1+" -> "1+") * 2. palindromes (e.g. "1+" -> "1-") * Assumes base contig ids are the same (i.e. without strand) * * @param sLabel source label for edge e * @param tLabel target label for edge e * @param e edge object to add */ private void storeSelfLoop(String sLabel, String tLabel, Edge e) { Vertex[] vertices = e.getVertices(); if (vertices[0] == null) { storeSelfLoop_case0(sLabel, tLabel, e); } else { storeSelfLoop_case1(sLabel, tLabel, e, vertices); } } /** * Handles the case where a self-loop edge does not yet exist in the graph * * @param sLabel source label for edge e * @param tLabel target label for edge e * @param e edge object to add */ private void storeSelfLoop_case0(String sLabel, String tLabel, Edge e) { if (sLabel.equals(tLabel)) { // directed repeats (e.g. "1+" -> "1+") Vertex v = new Vertex(getNextVid()); v.addOutgoing(e, (byte) 0); v.addIncoming(e, (byte) 0); e.setVertices(v,v); g.setVertex(v); g.setEdge(e); } else { // palindrome case (e.g. "1+" -> "1-") Vertex v1 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); Vertex v2 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); v1.addOutgoing(e, (byte) 0); v2.addIncoming(e, (byte) 0); v2.setIsPalindrome(true); e.setVertices(v1,v2); g.setVertex(v1); g.setVertex(v2); g.setEdge(e); } // printVertices(); } /** * Handles the case where a self-loop edge already exists in the graph * * @param sLabel source label for edge e * @param tLabel target label for edge e * @param e edge object * @param vertices vertices for edge e */ private void storeSelfLoop_case1(String sLabel, String tLabel, Edge e, Vertex[] vertices) { // check if self-loop status captured in graph yet if (vertices[0].getId() != vertices[1].getId()) { if (sLabel.equals(tLabel)) { // directed repeats (e.g. "1+" -> "1+") // merge the vertices Vertex v = vertices[0]; boolean flip = needFlip(e, vertices[1], e, vertices[0]); // capture all previous connections replaceVertex(vertices[1], v, flip); // flip pole of target if needed nextVid.add(vertices[1].getId()); g.clearVertex(vertices[1]); e.setVertices(v, v); } else { // palindrome case (e.g. "1+" -> "1-") vertices[1].setIsPalindrome(true); } } // printVertices(); } private void storeEdgeRelation(Edge sEdge, Edge tEdge) { Vertex[] sVertices = sEdge.getVertices(); Vertex[] tVertices = tEdge.getVertices(); if (sVertices[1] == null && tVertices[0] == null) { storeEdgeRelation_case0(sEdge, tEdge); } else if (sVertices[1] == null) { storeEdgeRelation_case1(sEdge, tEdge, tVertices); } else if (tVertices[0] == null) { storeEdgeRelation_case2(sEdge, sVertices, tEdge); } else { storeEdgeRelation_case3(sEdge, sVertices, tEdge, tVertices); } } /** * Handles the case where both edges do not yet exist in the graph * * @param sE source edge * @param tE target edge */ private void storeEdgeRelation_case0(Edge sE, Edge tE) { // connection = (v1 -[sE]-> v2 -[tE]-> v3) // create three new vertices Vertex v1 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); v1.addOutgoing(sE, (byte) 0); Vertex v2 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); v2.addIncoming(sE, (byte) 0); v2.addOutgoing(tE, (byte) 0); Vertex v3 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); v3.addIncoming(tE, (byte) 0); sE.setVertices(v1, v2); tE.setVertices(v2, v3); g.setVertex(v1); g.setVertex(v2); g.setVertex(v3); g.setEdge(sE); g.setEdge(tE); } /** * Handles the case where the target edge, but not the source edge, exist in the graph * * @param sE source edge * @param tE target edge * @param tV target vertices (already added) */ private void storeEdgeRelation_case1(Edge sE, Edge tE, Vertex[] tV) { // create one new vertex Vertex v1 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); Vertex v2 = tV[0]; byte p2 = v2.getPole(tE, "out"); // tE is in the correct orientation v1.addOutgoing(sE, p2); v2.addIncoming(sE, p2); sE.setVertices(v1, v2); tE.setFirstVertex(v2); g.setVertex(v1); g.setEdge(sE); // printVertices(); } /** * Handles the case where the source edge, but not the target edge, exist in the graph * * @param sE source edge * @param sV source vertices (already added) * @param tE target edge */ private void storeEdgeRelation_case2(Edge sE, Vertex[] sV, Edge tE) { // create one new vertex Vertex v2 = sV[1]; Vertex v3 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); byte p2 = v2.getPole(sE, "in"); // sE is in the correct orientation v2.addOutgoing(tE, p2); v3.addIncoming(tE, p2); tE.setVertices(v2, v3); sE.setSecondVertex(v2); g.setVertex(v3); g.setEdge(tE); } /** * Handles the case where both target and source edge exist in the graph * * @param sE source edge * @param sV source vertices (already added) * @param tE target edge * @param tV target vertices (already added) */ private void storeEdgeRelation_case3(Edge sE, Vertex[] sV, Edge tE, Vertex[] tV) { // check whether common node already exists if (sV[1].getId() == tV[0].getId()) { if (sV[1].getPole(sE, "in") != tV[0].getPole(tE, "out")) { System.err.println("this shouldn't happened"); System.out.println("src " + sE.getLabel() + " " + sV[0].getId() + " " + sV[1].getId() + " " + sV[1].getPole(sE, "in") + " " + sV[1].isPalindrome()); System.out.println("tar " + tE.getLabel() + " " + tV[0].getId() + " " + tV[0].getPole(tE, "out") + " " + tV[0].isPalindrome() + " " + tV[1].getId()); System.exit(0); } return; } // check for evidence of and handle more complex cases if (handleRepeats(sE, sV, tE, tV)) { return; } // previously unrecognized connection - create one new vertex Vertex v2_1 = sV[1]; Vertex v2_2 = tV[0]; Vertex v2 = v2_1; boolean flip = needFlip(sE, v2_1, tE, v2_2); // capture all previous connections to v2_2 replaceVertex(v2_2, v2, flip); // flip pole of target if needed nextVid.add(v2_2.getId()); g.clearVertex(v2_2); sE.setSecondVertex(v2); tE.setFirstVertex(v2); // printVertices(); } private boolean needFlip(Edge sE, Vertex v2_1, Edge tE, Vertex v2_2) { boolean flip = false; // use the source edge pole as reference int pole = v2_1.getPole(sE, "in"); // determine whether target edge pole is compatible if (v2_2.getPole(tE, "out") != pole) { flip = true; } return flip; } private void replaceVertex(Vertex o, Vertex n, boolean flip) { for (Edge e: o.getIncoming()) { e.setSecondVertex(n); byte pole = o.getPole(e, "in"); if (flip) { n.addIncoming(e, o.getFlippedPole(pole)); } else { n.addIncoming(e, pole); } } for (Edge e: o.getOutgoing()) { e.setFirstVertex(n); byte pole = o.getPole(e, "out"); if (flip) { n.addOutgoing(e, o.getFlippedPole(pole)); } else { n.addOutgoing(e, pole); } } } /** * Checks for and handles special repeat cases. It is assumed that * v2_1 and v2_2 are not the same vertex (check externally). * * @param v1 source start vertex * @param v2_1 source end vertex * @param v2_2 target end vertex * @param sE source edge * @param tE target edge * @return whether repeat case was encountered */ private boolean handleRepeats(Edge sE, Vertex[] sV, Edge tE, Vertex[] tV) { Vertex v1 = sV[0]; Vertex v2_1 = sV[1]; Vertex v2_2 = tV[0]; Vertex v3 = tV[1]; boolean status = false; // check for an existing connection if (v2_1.getId() == v3.getId()) { // target edge loops back to v2_1; replace v2_2 with v2_1 int iPole = v2_1.getPole(tE, "in"); if (iPole != v2_1.getPole(sE, "in")) { // inverted repeat tE.setHasInvertedRepeats(true); } collapseTargetIntoLoop(sE, v2_1, tE, v2_2); status = true; } else if (v1.getId() == v2_2.getId()) { // source edge loops back to v2_2; replace v2_1 with v2_2 int oPole = v2_2.getPole(sE, "out"); if (oPole != v2_2.getPole(tE, "out")) { // inverted repeat sE.setHasInvertedRepeats(true); } collapseSourceIntoLoop(sE, v2_1, tE, v2_2); status = true; } return status; } /** * Handles scenario where target edge should be a self-loop. This can happen * because of palindromic repeats, directed, or inverted repeats. Examples * include when connection x+ -> y+ exists in the graph, and x+ -> y- is * subsequently parsed, or when x+ -> y+, z+ exists in the graph, and * y- -> x-, z- is subsequently parsed. * * @param sE source edge * @param v2_1 source end vertex * @param tE target edge * @param v2_2 target start vertex */ private void collapseTargetIntoLoop(Edge sE, Vertex v2_1, Edge tE, Vertex v2_2) { // collapse start and end of tE Vertex v2 = v2_1; // capture all previous connections to v2_2 boolean flip = needFlip(sE, v2_1, tE, v2_2); replaceVertex(v2_2, v2, flip); nextVid.add(v2_2.getId()); g.clearVertex(v2_2); sE.setSecondVertex(v2); tE.setVertices(v2, v2); } /** * Handles scenario where source edge should be a self-loop. This can happen * because of palindromic repeats, directed, or inverted repeats. Examples * include when connection x+ -> y+ exists in the graph, and x+ -> y- is * subsequently parsed, or when x+ -> y+, z+ exists in the graph, and * y- -> x-, z- is subsequently parsed. * * @param sE source edge * @param v2_1 source end vertex * @param tE target edge * @param v2_2 target start vertex */ private void collapseSourceIntoLoop(Edge sE, Vertex v2_1, Edge tE, Vertex v2_2) { // collapse the start and end of sE Vertex v2 = v2_2; // capture all previous connections to v2_1; boolean flip = needFlip(sE, v2_1, tE, v2_2); replaceVertex(v2_1, v2, flip); nextVid.add(v2_1.getId()); g.clearVertex(v2_1); sE.setVertices(v2, v2); tE.setFirstVertex(v2); } private void storeSingleton(Edge e) { if (e.getVertices()[0] == null) { Vertex v1 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); Vertex v2 = new Vertex(getNextVid()); v1.addOutgoing(e, (byte) 0); v2.addIncoming(e, (byte) 0); e.setVertices(v1, v2); g.setVertex(v1); g.setVertex(v2); g.setEdge(e); } } private int getNextVid() { int vid = vCounter; if (nextVid.size() != 0) { // use a previously cleared vertex id vid = nextVid.get(0); nextVid.remove(0); } else { vCounter++; // sanity check if (vCounter >= g.getVertexCount()) { // ensure that it is the next slot assert vCounter == g.getVertexCount(): "Error generating next vertex count"; } } return vid; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File gFile = new File(args[0]); GraphLoader p = new GraphLoader(); try { p.load(gFile); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(0); } p.countGraphComponents(); } public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { changeSupport.addChangeListener(l); } public void fireStateChanged() { changeSupport.fireStateChanged(); } public ChangeListener[] getChangeListeners() { return changeSupport.getChangeListeners(); } public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { changeSupport.removeChangeListener(l); } }