-- source include/have_latin2_ch.inc # # Tests with latin2_czech_cs # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings # # Bug#17374: select ... like 'A%' operator fails # to find value on columuns with key # set names latin2; select 'A' = 'a' collate latin2_czech_cs; create table t1 ( id int(5) not null, tt char(255) not null ) character set latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs; insert into t1 values (1,'Aa'); insert into t1 values (2,'Aas'); alter table t1 add primary key aaa(tt); select * from t1 where tt like 'Aa%'; select * from t1 ignore index (primary) where tt like 'Aa%'; select * from t1 where tt like '%Aa%'; select * from t1 where tt like 'AA%'; select * from t1 ignore index (primary) where tt like 'AA%'; select * from t1 where tt like '%AA%'; # End of 4.1 tests drop table t1;