# # Test latin_de character set # set names latin1; set @@collation_connection=latin1_german2_ci; select @@collation_connection; --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings create table t1 (a char (20) not null, b int not null auto_increment, index (a,b)); insert into t1 (a) values ('ä'),('ac'),('ae'),('ad'),('Äc'),('aeb'); insert into t1 (a) values ('üc'),('uc'),('ue'),('ud'),('Ü'),('ueb'),('uf'); insert into t1 (a) values ('ö'),('oc'),('Öa'),('oe'),('od'),('Öc'),('oeb'); insert into t1 (a) values ('s'),('ss'),('ß'),('ßb'),('ssa'),('ssc'),('ßa'); insert into t1 (a) values ('eä'),('uü'),('öo'),('ää'),('ääa'),('aeae'); insert into t1 (a) values ('q'),('a'),('u'),('o'),('é'),('É'),('a'); select a,b from t1 order by a,b; select a,b from t1 order by upper(a),b; select a from t1 order by a desc; check table t1; select * from t1 where a like "ö%"; select * from t1 where a like binary "%É%"; select * from t1 where a like "%Á%"; select * from t1 where a like "%U%"; select * from t1 where a like "%ss%"; drop table t1; # The following should all be true select strcmp('ä','ae'),strcmp('ae','ä'),strcmp('aeq','äq'),strcmp('äq','aeq'); select strcmp('ss','ß'),strcmp('ß','ss'),strcmp('ßs','sss'),strcmp('ßq','ssq'); # The following should all return -1 select strcmp('ä','af'),strcmp('a','ä'),strcmp('ää','aeq'),strcmp('ää','aeaeq'); select strcmp('ss','ßa'),strcmp('ß','ssa'),strcmp('sßa','sssb'),strcmp('s','ß'); select strcmp('ö','oö'),strcmp('Ü','uü'),strcmp('ö','oeb'); # The following should all return 1 select strcmp('af','ä'),strcmp('ä','a'),strcmp('aeq','ää'),strcmp('aeaeq','ää'); select strcmp('ßa','ss'),strcmp('ssa','ß'),strcmp('sssb','sßa'),strcmp('ß','s'); select strcmp('u','öa'),strcmp('u','ö'); # # overlapping combo's # select strcmp('sä', 'ßa'), strcmp('aä', 'äx'); # # Some other simple tests with the current character set # create table t1 (a varchar(10), key(a), fulltext (a)); insert into t1 values ("a"),("abc"),("abcd"),("hello"),("test"); select * from t1 where a like "abc%"; select * from t1 where a like "test%"; select * from t1 where a like "te_t"; select * from t1 where match a against ("te*" in boolean mode)+0; drop table t1; # # Test bug report #152 (problem with index on latin1_de) # # # The below checks both binary and character comparisons. # create table t1 (word varchar(255) not null, word2 varchar(255) not null default '', index(word)); show create table t1; insert into t1 (word) values ('ss'),(0xDF),(0xE4),('ae'); update t1 set word2=word; select word, word=binary 0xdf as t from t1 having t > 0; select word, word=cast(0xdf AS CHAR) as t from t1 having t > 0; select * from t1 where word=binary 0xDF; select * from t1 where word=CAST(0xDF as CHAR); select * from t1 where word2=binary 0xDF; select * from t1 where word2=CAST(0xDF as CHAR); select * from t1 where word='ae'; select * from t1 where word= 0xe4 or word=CAST(0xe4 as CHAR); select * from t1 where word between binary 0xDF and binary 0xDF; select * from t1 where word between CAST(0xDF AS CHAR) and CAST(0xDF AS CHAR); select * from t1 where word like 'ae'; select * from t1 where word like 'AE'; select * from t1 where word like binary 0xDF; select * from t1 where word like CAST(0xDF as CHAR); drop table t1; # # Bug #5447 Select does not find records # CREATE TABLE t1 ( autor varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (autor) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('Powell, B.'),('Powell, Bud.'),('Powell, L. H.'),('Power, H.'), ('Poynter, M. A. L. Lane'),('Poynting, J. H. und J. J. Thomson.'),('Pozzi, S(amuel-Jean).'), ('Pozzi, Samuel-Jean.'),('Pozzo, A.'),('Pozzoli, Serge.'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE autor LIKE 'Poz%' ORDER BY autor; DROP TABLE t1; # # Test of special character in german collation # CREATE TABLE t1 ( s1 CHAR(5) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci ); show create table t1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('Ü'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ue'); SELECT DISTINCT s1 FROM t1; SELECT s1,COUNT(*) FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s1) FROM t1; SELECT FIELD('ue',s1), FIELD('Ü',s1), s1='ue', s1='Ü' FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_german.inc # # Bug#7878 with utf8_general_ci, equals (=) has problem with # accent insensitivity. # Although originally this problem was found with UTF8 character set, # '=' behaved wrong for latin1_german2_ci as well. # Let's check it does not work incorrect anymore. # SET NAMES latin1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( col1 varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 collate latin1_german2_ci; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ß'),('ss'),('ss'); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD KEY ifword(col1); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE col1='ß' ORDER BY col1, BINARY col1; DROP TABLE t1; # End of 4.1 tests # # Bug#9509 # create table t1 (s1 char(5) character set latin1 collate latin1_german2_ci); insert into t1 values (0xf6) /* this is o-umlaut */; select * from t1 where length(s1)=1 and s1='oe'; drop table t1;